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plot with pierce parker !! - Printable Version

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plot with pierce parker !! - cobblepot - 10-12-2018

so i play pierce  in the ascendants, he's new  & my muse hasn’t been the best lately, so i’m hoping to get some more plots lined up for him before i start posting again. he's very friendly and warm outwardly, though he is actually a bit of a recluse emotionally- he HATES to seem vulnerable and share how he's feeling with anyone he doesn't 100% trust, and even then, he hates to feel like a burden. pierce struggles when it comes to trust, due to his traumatic past, so he may like someone and consider them a "friend" but it takes a lot for him to really let them in, for fear of either getting them hurt or getting himself hurt again. he can be pretty impulsive at times which can lead to bad situations. he has mostly good intentions but if someone fucks with someone he cares about he has . pretty much No Limits anywhere and will at least Try to fuck them up in one way or another. he's also an artist (mostly draws and paints) and he LOVES flowers (and basically all nature) & music. he’s also been a bit more bitchy lately?? So he could be kinda snarky @ y/c at any point u want sgdjs

he also loves kiddos and will try to adopt any kid under the age of like a year lmAO

you can find his tags here for some more info on him !!

aNYWAY he's open to

-friends !
-crushes on him
-doing art w/ your character!!
-literally ??? anything music-related???? i want him to get back into it
-mentoring y/c ?? or maybe just acting kind of like a trustworthy mentor/fatherlike figure to them?
-someone to tease/bully him
-singing with y/c
-teaching y/c art or how to fight ?? maybe
-geeking out about music and/or art w y/c
-finding and picking flowers with y/c
-HUMAN AUs !! literally ANYTHING pleaTHEEE

possibly open to

-capture??? maybe ?
-someone to fuck him up emotionally >Smile
-one night stands ??? he's pretty unstable right now and is kind of trying to "prove" (to who i have NO fucking clue sgdhsjk) that he's Independent™ and Doesn't Need a Man™ but the fact of the matter is he’s gonna have trouble really grasping the concept of “no strings attached” lmfao
-crushes on y/c (MUST develop ic so this would kind of just be a suggestion/idea)
-mutual crushes (same as above)
-romantic relationships IF it develops & works ic but there'd be a lot of conflict on his part because he's poly and doesn't know & he's still in love w someone else even tho he denies it sksfhgs. it'd be a pretty rocky relationship to start off because he's VERY bad at letting go but i would love to at least introduce a new love interest to his story, especially if it’s messy and not too fast tbh
-fighting y/c (physically or verbally, but it'd have to be something pretty big & important for them to physically fight)
-uhhh any juicy long-term plots bc mmm

closed to

-physical torture/maiming

Re: plot with an assistant deputy of sunhaven !! - Aelios S. - 10-13-2018

perhaps garden pals with Fin?  They are going to establish a garden some near their home? 

A human au too..? I am weak for human aus or any au really.

Re: plot with an assistant deputy of sunhaven !! - Character Graveyard. - 10-14-2018

He could adopt & become a mentor to Eri? >:0

Re: plot with an assistant deputy of sunhaven !! - cobblepot - 10-15-2018

[member=2118]Infirmaryward[/member] [member=2360]Eri[/member] i'm actually not sure abt his clan allegiance rn but if ur characters dont care where he lives i'd def be down for both !!

he would love 2 garden w fin tbhh i don't think they've technically met but he would probably really like them
also a human au yES PLEASE
do u have any specific ideas or ??

& he could definitely be a some sort of mentor/father-like guide to eri !! i wasn't talking about him literally adopting people in my above post sdgshj but he p much acts like it so i'd be down for a close relationship between them if the possible gap in clans (i'm prolly moving him but im not Sure) doesn't prevent that

Re: plot with pierce parker !! - cobblepot - 10-30-2018
