Beasts of Beyond
DO YOU FEEL THE HUNGER // OPEN - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/please wait for Vani!

It wasn't ebbing away like he thought it would- the appetite, the intrinsic need for his claws to find flesh and his teeth bone. He shook with it, a mere shadow in the unoccupied hall. Most of the creatures were outside, or in the more populated areas, and he was always careful to shrink away when someone came too close. Reaper could feel when they did, their steps hammer to nail in his head and the steady drum of their hearts circulating blood had saliva pooling in his mouth. It wouldn't take much. Just a few feet forward and he could close his jaws around a frail neck and tear until he filled his belly with red, but he knew it wouldn't be enough. Nothing would. His desire to devour and possess brayed constantly, scraping his skin raw and oversensitive. Where was the efficiency in creating him with this hunger? What purpose did it serve, to spend every moment throwing himself at a wall and biting his lips bloody for just a taste? His master gave no answers. Reaper expected none.

He had a goal to observe, but he was failing, and for that, overlooked the slight tread of small paws and the white-furred face at the opposite end of the hall. Reaper had not retreated quickly enough- it had undoubtedly seen him. Fangs bared, he propelled an image into its young mind, preying on its fear response and projecting runrunrun. He made himself merely an inky shadow in its head with two burning alizarin eyes and the steady drip of blood from his maw. The picture would surely terrify it, and he slipped away, panicking himself because avoiding detection was a tenet he had just broken. The hunger would worsen. A punishment.

Re: DO YOU FEEL THE HUNGER // OPEN - tikki - 10-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; color: black;"]Vani had simply wanted to go out and find more things to gather, more things that she could paint or could potentially paint with. She was tired of the books in her room that told her stories, that made it so that she wanted to be able to see them in real time, to paint them. She wanted to go out and get something or someone else to paint, maybe even try making her own paint, but she had been sidetracked when she heard someone slinking down the hallway.

Turning to the right so as to see who it was - if it was an intruder she could try to scare them off, but she knew nothing of fighting - and hoping that it was someone friendly. What she saw instead was a monster. That was the only thing that she could think of. She had heard that monsters weren't real, had been told so when she had started having nightmares from some of the stories in her books. "Monsters aren't real young one, there is nothing hiding under your bed, nothing is coming to gobble you up."

She had been lied to.

A sob left the kitten's maw as she quickly turned and sprinted off, tears leaving her eyes. With blurred vision, Vani stumbled quickly to her room, only to trip over her feet and knock into a door. Opening it up, she would bolt inside, quickly shutting the door behind her before she noticed that her tail was still outside, and with a sharp slam came a high pitched scream from the female, before she started crying, her tail now broken and bleeding, a crimson staining her white fur.

Re: DO YOU FEEL THE HUNGER // OPEN - BABY — - 10-14-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
It wasn't every day that [sup]high-pitched[/sup] squeals rang out in the halls--with the exception of frolicking children--but this noise didn't sound even remotely close to joyful or giddy. It sounded scared, frightened, and even pained. Titan figured that he'd see what had happened, and if it was indeed a child playing outside, then he'd pay no further mind to them.

The lion poked his head out of his own quarters, casting a glance down the hall to a few doors down the row. Crimson dribbled onto the floor, sourcing from a white tail-tip that was jammed into the door. Was that what he thought it was? Dear gods, that looked e x c r u t i a t i n g .

As the observer made his way towards Vanillafrost's doorway, he called over his shoulder, "We need a medic over here!" There was no doubt about that. Frowning, he quickly roamed his eyes over the scene, wondering what course of action he should take next to prevent further hurting the child. "It'll be alright." Commented the lion rather monotonously, even if he was truly concerned.

Titan lifted a paw and proceeded to open the door to free the kitten's tail from its clutches. He nearly winced, looking at the damaged tail, and he questioned her, "Can you move your tail at all?" Could it have been broken? Possibly, if the door had slammed it hard enough.