Beasts of Beyond
MY MOTHER SHE TOLD ME // Ghosts // DON'T GET IN TROUBLE - Printable Version

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//TL;DR - Caesar was relaxing on the beach when two spirits - disguised as his brother and sister - appeared and started following him around and taunting him. He's still on the beach, with his nose bleeding (which is natural for dream demons when stressed) and he seems afraid of something, though the ghosts that briefly haunted him have disappeared.

Caesar knew of the ghost infestation that The Typhoon currently have, although he didn't really pay much attention to the spirits that lurked about. They didn't really bother him too much and he didn't bother them, it was as simple as that. He went about his way and they did their thing. Even if they did occasionally try to startle him, he didn't show much of a reaction other than a flick of an ear and continuing whatever it was he was doing.

Caesar was walking along the beach, something he normally did just to ease his mind. He wasn't really bothered by the ghosts as mentioned before, however he was worried about being greeted with the spirits of his parents. In fact, he didn't want to see them. The look they gave just before their den collapsed still haunted him to this very day and he didn't want to relive that ever again. With a sigh, the Officer sat down and closed his eyes, letting the waves cover his paws for a few seconds before they went back towards the rest of the ocean.

Caesar's eyes snapped open and he visibly tensed up, recognizing the sound of the voice that spoke to him. His pupils dilated, becoming slits as he looked over to his right and was promptly greeted with the sight of Atbash, though she was terribly see-through, with her usual bright-colored orange pelt extremely dulled. There was a pained look to her gaze and a frown on her maw as she stared up at her younger brother.
"Caesar, why?" The words sent shivers through Caesar's spine and he got to his paws, shaking his head. He simply stared at the spirit in front of him with his mouth agape, walking backwards slowly. Atbash walked forward as he did so, blinking away tears. "Caesar, please. Tell me why."

Caesar opened his mouth to respond to her but found himself unable to. His throat was tight and he was faintly aware of the fact that he found it hard to breathe, though he had no time to dwell on the matter as he felt himself bump into something, forcing him to stop moving backwards.
"Caesar." This voice was different, the tone of a male rather than a female, with his voice gruff. Caesar could feel his heart pounding as he heard this voice and he slowly turned his head to look at the spirit that was speaking to him now. It was Vigenere, his older brother, with a look just as cold as Caesar wanted to be. The Officer was vaguely aware of Vigenere's claws that dug into the sand, but only stared up at the spirit in disbelief in awe.

"G-get away from me!" Caesar found himself hissing as he pelted off towards the ship, only to be knocked to the ground by the spirit of Vigenere. Vigenere pinned him down, his paw on his throat, though Caesar noticed that his claws were sheathed. He clearly wasn't wanting to do any harm to his younger brother and honestly, Caesar would have felt relief if he didn't currently feel an insane amount of fear. It practically poured out of him and he was sure that his crewmates could probably hear his heart pounding in of itself.
"You killed them." Vigenere snarled at him, his lips peeled back to show sharp teeth, trained in killing things skillfully. Caesar flinched slightly, pinning his ears back. He couldn't talk with Vigenere's paw on his throat and honestly, the Officer wasn't sure if he wanted to.

"You didn't have to kill them!" This time it was Atbash speaking, coming to stand next to Caesar's pinned body. She frowned down at him and Caesar could see pain clear in her gaze as she spoke. She sniffed, as if trying to make it obvious she was crying. "They didn't deserve to die!" The way she spoke felt like knives going through his heart and Caesar closed his eyes, biting his lip. Go away! He willed at the spirits, trembling underneath Vigenere's grasp.

"I didn't mean to!" Caesar cried out in a pained, choked voice. At his cry, the weight of Vigenere holding him down vanished and the demon found himself able to breathe once more. He got up and laid down where he had formerly been pinned, faintly aware of the blood that dripped from his nose. There wasn't a lot of it, but it definitely left a black streak down his muzzle and a few black dots on the sand. Caesar trembled where he laid, his eyes still closed as he breathed in and out, ignoring the burning pain that was flickering through his body each time he took in a breath.

//Word Count: 809

Re: MY MOTHER SHE TOLD ME // Ghosts // DON'T GET IN TROUBLE - purgatory - 10-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:150%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]Cronas couldn't begin to understand the emotions or thoughts going through Caesar's head. They didn't have siblings to argue with or a mother and father to kill. A home to destroy was out of the question as well and to top it all off, they lacked the emotions to properly process everything. So when the child heard his shout and foreign voices coming from the beach not far from their location in the shade of a tree, they rose to their paws and began to walk over to investigate. Except, they didn't intervene. Cronas instead took a seat and watched in silence as Caesar was first tormented by Atbash. Cronas knew very little of her save for she is Caesar's sister, they don't have a great relationship and she is the leader of Snowbound. They don't remember what she's like personality wise, but if she's related to the Officer then they must share some similarities. Was she opinionated and no-nonsense like him? Or did he have the ability to be gentle and caring? No... While they share genetics, Cronas wasn't sure if their personalities had anything to do with it. Polar opposites, perhaps? Whatever the case may be, their pale luminaries shifted to look at the unfamiliar form of Vigenere who seemed more stern in comparison to the other siblings. Size and mannerisms told the child the unknown feline had some authority, though they weren't sure who he was to Caesar. Father? Brother? Taking his similar fur patterns and colour into accounting, they're probably related. Mentally checking out to further explore this topic, they were soon drawn back to reality when Caesar's voice sliced through his subconscious. Looking back up, the child watched as the spirits disappeared, leaving a shaken up serval all by his lonesome. "Didn't mean to"... what? They thought to themselves, tilting their head to the side as they tried to understand the situation given the data accumulated.

With a flick of their tail, they rose from their position and began to walk towards him only to stop after a couple steps. Was that... Blood? Did they injure him before their arrival? Considering he left that complicated situation with only a bloody nose was fortunate. Turning, the young feline left for a moment only to return with a cloth in their mouth. The sand beneath them absorbed most of the sound their small paws made as they approached the older male. Unnaturally light blue eyes stared at his trembling form on the ground. They were quiet for a moment as they sat down near him, lifting a delicate grey paw and taking the cloth from their mouth to speak. "Caesar," they started, tone soft though lacking any emotion. "Cronas would like to try and stop the bleeding if that is okay with Caesar." Came their offer, deciding not to mention the ordeal about the spirits haunting him. It seemed he had a lot on his mind and Cronas wasn't sure if he would be willing to talk about any of it. Did he have anyone to consult about things like this? Cronas had Vanessa, but she disappeared one day... Not that they care or anything. Things such as 'family' were unnecessary anyways.