Beasts of Beyond
.:*☆ NO CLASS NO TASTE — HALLOWEEN PARTY - Printable Version

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.:*☆ NO CLASS NO TASTE — HALLOWEEN PARTY - guts - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She was far from being a party person. She wasn't a social butterfly in any way of the word, but she still found herself being dragged to such things by her friends, who always promised her a good time. It was never the case, though, as she usually found herself in a stuffed room with music blaring too loudly and people pushing her about, some of them coming over with the stench of alcohol on their tongues and trying to sweet-talk her to one of the bedrooms. This was never her definition of fun, but she always came along because of her inability to reject her friends' wishes. She always told herself that maybe she would have fun, and so far she had yet to go to a party she really enjoyed.

But tonight was different. This time she wouldn't be going out with anyone she hung out with, at least not often. As cliche as it was, the person she had been crushing on lately was throwing a party, so it was near impossible to not go. The chance of seeing him there was what led her, seeking out advice from one of her friends. Of course she gave her a disapproving look when she explained, but nevertheless she helped her with getting ready, all the while trying to recommend other men. Cosette wanted to say something, to point out her own bad taste in men, but bit her tongue and simply thanked her for her help. They both had a taste for trouble.

Whatever she was hoping for, however, wasn't exactly what she got. She realized this shortly after she arrived, tripping over herself in her pinched shoes she had been given. Her toes were already sore, and maneuvering through the mess of people wasn't helping, unable to see who she was looking for through the sea of faces. Defeated and feeling somewhat lost, she hung out next to table of food and drinks, watching as those around her danced and got tipsy off the alcohol. The blonde looked down at herself, pulling at her uncomfortable outfit of fake mummy wraps, pieces dangling off to add to the look, the make-up her face had been caked in causing a bit of discomfort.

Just when she thought things were going at least decent, some girl bumped into her as she walked past and ended up spilling her drink over her front. It seeped into her costume, sticking to her skin as she turned and grabbed at the napkins, ignoring the slurred apologies the other girl offered. Cosette dabbed at the stain but it didn't help--if anything it probably just made it worse.

So she'd huff, considering leaving as she stared towards the door, dejected and more uncomfortable than ever. [member=1555]benny g.[/member]

Re: .:*☆ NO CLASS NO TASTE — HALLOWEEN PARTY - ; albion - 10-13-2018

benny was typically that neighborhood jerk that held block parties or held his house as a commonplace for rowdy young adults who wanted to let off steam from their stressful week of work or whatever drama they had going on in their lives. he figured, he had the money. the space. the friends. why not?

why not? the question seemed to get him into trouble too much. probably why he had such an extensive record of doing dumb shit as a kid before his dad would come 'rescue' him with a wad of cash. now he had made his own riches. his own tier and his own living. that of course included these wild parties whenever the slow season for the tops rolled around. just in time for him to put forward word of his yearly halloween party. it was one of the very few seasons benny would go all out for. not christmas. not thanksgiving. it was a holiday that his family didn't celebrate growing up, and he figured these could make up for the lost time. he could get lost in a bit of red-dyed booze and fall into bed with a couple of cute girls by the end of the night as he usually did. he had swank to watch them while he entertained himself with his guests, anyhow.

this year he had been busy with the popularity the tops had gained over the summer and barely had time to come up with a costume by the time he day rolled along. a quick rush to some shoddy 24/7 grocer left him with a pair of glittery plastic devil horns, a small little pitchfork, and a pin-on tail. he hadn't realized it was from the women's section until he got home, but so far those who noticed found the humor in it. at least he was able to pair it with a nice checkered button-up and black slacks.

there was one in particular he had been looking for, though. every now and then his eyes would scan the room in the midst of a conversation. it cost him a few investing opportunities, taking his looks as disinterest, but the solo cup in his hands had already taken away any form of business thinking for the night. he excused himself from a sticky conversation getting a bit too professional for his liking and slipped into the foyer, jam packed with bodies and loud chatter and music. blue eyes strayed from a couple against the wall toward the kitchen, taking the chance to slip passed a heated conversation between two rather tipsy college kids and went for the first drink he saw on the counter, almost not recognizing the woman in front of it.

benny took a step back, blue eyes looking cosette up and down before seemingly click in who she was.

"cozy!" his expression lifted in a grin and he not-so-gracefully leaned into her for a clumsy hug. "you made it! oh sh- oh shit that's one ring-a-ding costume you got. that uh, that's fake blood, yeah?" when he pulled away he noticed the red stains had pressed into his own shirt, but didn't phase him much. he was supposed to be some odd sort of sexy devil anyway, what harm was a little more red?

Re: .:*☆ NO CLASS NO TASTE — HALLOWEEN PARTY - guts - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Cosette had never bothered herself much with the Tops. It wasn't her kind of place, but she did come around every now and again, if only to see the big man himself. Plus they had some pretty good food. Either way, she was indifferent towards the casino, but she was happy as long as Benny was. He was a good businessman, at least in her opinion. But she wasn't too knowledgeable in that kind of thing, so who was she to say?

She recognizes him before he does her, looking up from the spill on her clothes to see the ever familiar checkered print, her disappointed frown breaking out into a smile. As he goes in for a hug, she feels a flutter in her chest, but does her best to ignore it and return the hug. She enjoys the feeling as it lasts, his arms awkwardly around her and his smell invading her senses, still lingering when he pulls away.

Warmth rushes to her face at his compliment, but more-so at the acknowledgement of the stain all along her front. At least he thought it was a part of the costume. "Oh, yes, no worries. Thank you, though." she says, trying to keep herself contained. It was always a struggle around him. "Your's is quite something, too. It looks good on you." she gives him a once-over, covering her mouth to contain her snickers when she realizes that it wasn't exactly made for men.

The blonde glances over and takes one of the drinks, not wanting to be caught standing around with nothing. She wasn't the best at holding her alcohol, but she promised herself only one, just to make herself not look like the buzz-kill she truly was. "This is a pretty nice party, as usual. But how are you? It's been a while." the only reason she hadn't been coming to see him was because of how busy things had been in the Tops, but this had been a good opportunity. It was always nice to see him.