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WALLFLOWER — TYPHOON - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher felt weird being out in an area he wasn't all too familiar with. He only knew the volcanic island he grew up in like the back of his paw and a decent amount of The Rosebloods due to visiting it for envoy missions. He knew a decent amount about everyone else's territory but he never dwelled deep in them except when he craved to cause some trouble and ruffle up some feathers. However, he was not here for that, not this time. The towering lean figure of the wildcat trekked silently at the edge of the mountain range with his cool electric blue gaze narrowed towards the town that he remembered belonged to Sunhaven. Pincher was a mixture of a showoff and a modest man so he decided to just bring a regular basket of normal "peaceful" shit that most ambassadors gave to their allies. His jaws were clamped around the basket's hold as he stalked through the territory and arrived at the entrance of the place with his long storm gray tail twitching behind him.

Maybe he arrived too early? He was very punctual and had wanted to arrive at the very rise of dawn and he noticed that the sun had only just poked out from the horizon, its rays outlining his muscular tattooed form as the male set the basket down and simply conjured a cigarette to calmly gnaw on while he waited. When Marina had come to him with Buckingham and others about holding a possible alliance, the demigod had to admit he was interested but had not been too sure if he should be excited or dreading the alliance. He liked Marina, she seemed hardworking and he enjoyed her company even if they had previous tensions but the hybrid knew that his point of view didn't matter in the Typhoon despite his high rank. As thing worked differently in the Typhoon, the crew decided on alliance matters and voted and he would have to go with whatever the majority chose. With the Sunhaven alliance, it had been a split between no's and yes's and they had come to an agreement that they would hold a trial alliance to test out the waters of an alliance. Pincher was glad to see things work out and get shit settled in because he wasn't very fond of doing neutrals except with Snowbound due to their peace treaty though he wanted to break it sometimes. However, he kept his promises as always. So he waited patiently with his sapphire blue gaze locked calmly onto the entrance of the town.


It was no secret that Gordon was a jumpy person and that fact was even more amplified by the fact that there were ghosts lurking around. In fact, despite her fears, the she-cat occasionally stayed out of camp as much as she could, figuring that the ghosts wouldn't follow her outside. However, the scent of the ocean hit her nose as she walked along and she froze in her tracks, freezing up temporarily. Oh no. Gordon thought to herself, biting her lip. Nononono... Did Caesar finally find her? Was she going to be killed?

Despite her pounding heart, Gordon forced herself to investigate and relaxed slightly - though not by much - as Pincher came into sight. Although she had never really met the leader due to being born and raised on the outskirts of the Captain's territory, the she-cat knew of his name and rank in The Typhoon. "Um... h-hi there." She squeaked out, looking up at Pincher. "What brings you t-to Sunhaven?"
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: WALLFLOWER — TYPHOON - venus - 10-12-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

dawn was.. too early to be getting anything productive done. sleep was still lodged in venus' eyes and their movements were slow and sluggish - betraying just how long the kitsune had slept last night. being next to none. yet the teenager was in fact awake and moving about, even if every cell of their body screamed to crawl back to bed, for the solbinder had been awoken by sick sunhaveners and couldn't find the use to going to bed anymore. best to just ingest all the caffeine possible and pray that they wouldn't faint.

grogginess never paired well with impaired vision, and looking out to the sunhaven borders venus could see two dots conversing and the sounds of gordon's voice piping up frightened. it was no use of just wandering around aimlessly anymore, the time spent waiting for coffee to finally kick it could be time spent doing more interesting and productive things. like assisting the goldenblood. "here to see marina i assume?" chuckling slightly, the form of the hybrid leader would come into view as the silver-toned kitsune sauntered along to rest beside gordon's small frame. maybe venus was wrong, maybe they were just assuming too many things - venus was a very presumptuous person. but venus knew as one of sunhaven's medics that marina had failed to return after the raid held at the start of the week, and venus hadn't been able to tend to her injuries alongside the rest of the group. when she did return something smelt fishy. however, venus had no proof that it was necessarily pinch who had seen marina after the raid, just an educated guess. political things probably - all leaders had too many sticks up their arse to be even the slightest bit romantic in venus' eyes. "i'd go fetch her, but i'd be wasting my time since she'll probably be here any second now."

glazing over the pile of gifts, they seemed generic enough for the obliged gesture of friendliness to be made apparent. "oh and uh, thanks for the gifts or whatever. i hope they're gifts."

[member=1806]MARINA M.[/member]

Re: WALLFLOWER — TYPHOON - buckingham barnes - 10-13-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
The last time Bucky smelled the Typhoon on their borders was when those awful raptors wreaked havoc. But as quickly as that became a problem, it came to an end. Once the barricade was up, there were no attacks from the raptors, or any other Typhooners. While Bucky smelled Pincher's scent in Marina's house the night she died, he didn't find any evidence that Pincher was the culprit. And considering that Marina is thankfully alive and well, and that they requested an alliance from the Typhoon, that confirmed his assumptions. The maine coon was the next one to pad into the scene, making his way over on paws that were light as glass. If they weren't paying attention, surely they wouldn't notice the male slipping in after Venus- it'd appear as if he came out of nowhere.

The maine coon first looked over towards Pincher. Bucky didn't know Pincher that well- he hasn't had any conversations with the guy. If their alliance request is accepted, Bucky should see the male more often. Bucky offered to be their ambassador, if all goes well. "Hello Pincher," He meowed, with a swish of his bushy tail, "until Marina arrives, you may talk with me." He hoped the gifts were a good sign, as he quickly glanced over towards them, before his eyes fell back onto Pincher. "Thank you for the gifts," He mentioned, as he anticipated Pincher's response.

Re: WALLFLOWER — TYPHOON - rhosmari - 10-13-2018

The woman remembered when Jericho had gone over to talk with the Typhoon during his reign. Her brother had been strong and though she disagreed with the relations that had been imposed with the Pitt she saw no reason to say anything about it yet. They had tried to get an alliance with the Typhoon then if she could recall correctly but nothing had ever been said about it and once again they tried during Quantum's reign. There had been silence then as well and when the mantle was passed to herself she wasn't sure of the circumstances and plus she was brutally angry with the Pitt. Now though it seemed she was willing to try and willing to express how much she thought this could work. They had so many resources and so many ways she thought they could help the Typhoon considering that they were on an island contained and could only leave by way of a small strip of land. That worried her the most about their home. What if a Tsunami came or what if the water levels rose and covered that exit point. Still, it wasn't her group and she couldn't, no wouldn't express such worries when their leader obviously knew what was up. Still, someone had come to fetch her and she had moved as quickly as she could to the scene, tails swaying back and forth with a greeting warm on her lips. "Ah, I'm here. Someone said I was needed, ya?" The woman spoke up in a energized fashion as she came forward.

Though she still wore her bandages she had been changing on the regular she seemed to have a full bill of health currently. Healing was going smoothly and she seemed in higher spirits then days ago. Though she finally realized who it was at the border and her body still, eyes widening just slightly as ears pulled back just a little. Ah, only he made her feel like this, that strange warmth bubbling up in her chest and she cleared her throat to try and shake it away. "Good tae see ya again, Pinch." It really was very good and she stopped herself from rolling her eyes at her own thoughts before she sat back on her haunches, lightly bumping against Buckingham with a light chuckle. Eyeing the gifts she tilted her head to the side a bit. Oh, this could mean good news right? "I assume ya have something good tae tell me, right? Cause if not I'mma have tae beat ya noggin in."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡