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PRIMADONNA GIRL | o - joiner/child - Printable Version

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PRIMADONNA GIRL | o - joiner/child - Dragon- - 04-14-2018

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[size=7pt]made by cafuné
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Shades of apricot, mandarin and apple streaked the sky in a near iridescent display that appeared to tint the very snow under it. The land reflected the sky and the very core of the earth seemed to burst with colour as the sun began its ascent over the horizon. The sky was unmarred by clouds. This almost etheral display appeared to stretched on for infinity above all living beings and seemed to lull you into a feeling of insignificance, a knowledge that you were but a fleck in this would fill you.
The spectacle would be over as suddenly as it had appeared, leaving you with a vaguely hollow feeling that seemed to weave itself into the very fibers of your being.

The thick powder upon the earth was the only thing that seemed to try and cling to the remnants of what had previously been but its efforts were fruitless and the colour slowly drained from it too, leaving it as but a pristine blanket of white that seemed to lack something you couldn't quite place.

A dark mark upon the horizon struck a contrast to what had just occurred. An animalistic shape seemed to form as it carried itself across the grounds, spoiling the immaculate white sheet upon the ground with shallow impressions of what transported them and supported their form.
The unknown one would come to a standstill for a seemingly unknown reason, although their muzzle was pointed upwards as if to detect a scent carried upon the wind. The being appeared to be of a variety of domesticated canines and a young one at that. Their particular species was developed to provide service to their masters in cold conditions but remain able to hold their own ground and a closer connection to their undomesticated counterpart, the wolf.

they would settle upon the snow once the scent marker was made for fear of intrusion into hostile territory. it was apparent that the youth was in some form of distress for their teeth clinked together and their fur appeared to not have a fullness to it that one would see in an adult of its breed. The young female was, however, only a child and seemed to be suffering from the biting cold, fear of intrusion and the harm that may come of it preventing her from seeking shelter from the elements.

She would have to suffer the exposure for as long as she could for she needed a place to live and she quite hoped this would be where she would be able to settle down, temporarily at the least. She waited.

Re: PRIMADONNA GIRL | o - joiner/child - london r. - 04-14-2018

It was always such a tragedy to see those individuals abandoned in this snowy domain, especially the younger ones. Sure, London had found herself in a similar situation not too long ago, but it still hurt her heart to see others succumb to the same fate. At least, by greeting them, she had the opportunity to give these people a chance at a better life, or at least what she would hope would be  better than their current situation. After all, she could not see anybody doing worse within the Snowbound, where they could make friends and have a pleasant time, than lost or abandoned at their border, all on their own, or occasionally in small groups.

The clouded leopard would do her best to hurry over, the soft snow crunching underneath her paws. Her albino fur blended in with the terrain slightly, though her large dark spots made it appear as if a boulder or something was rolling through the snow perhaps. Though she was obviously no boulder, as no rock could move with as much grace as she did, though perhaps if she were to trip and roll she would look more like one. Which would not seem too strange, as London was rather clumsy. Actually it was quite surprising that she had not fallen yet, though perhaps it was best not to jinx it.

"Hello." the girl would greet with a bright smile, having made it to her destination. "Welcome to the Snowbound. How can I help you?" she then continued, her British accent lacing her words. As always, London held this gentle quality about her, perhaps it was just her soft spoken nature. Concern laced her brilliant blue hues, realizing how young this kid seemed to be. Where were her parents? Who would just leave this sweet little girl all on her own? Perhaps it was good that she had come here, at least there were people within the Snowbound who would take care of her, as her family certainly didn't seem to be doing a satisfactory job of that currently.

Re: PRIMADONNA GIRL | o - joiner/child - Leigh - 04-14-2018

Seeing children wandering along in the snow like this wasn't something Leigh liked to see. Though usually his main concern was why someone would just dump their child out in the middle of nowhere. What sort of reason would anyone have to warrant such a thing? In his opinion, there was no good reason for it. The unicorn had been wandering around as he often did when he spotted London and a small child. He hurried himelf over, catching Lon greeting the little female and taking care of the regular questions. He merely offered a tired smile towards the two as he waited for Juniper's introduction.


Re: PRIMADONNA GIRL | o - joiner/child - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-15-2018

When it came to children and clans, Killua was often confused. He had lost track how many times children were just left on the border to fend for themselves either because their parents didn't care or they had no idea how to take care of them. They were all practically anbandoned. How many children dind't have a clan to go to when they were just dropped off no matter if there was another group around to keep track of them? Killua knew that his family was bad, but at least they didn't try to abandon him. Although at some times Killua wished that they did because he probably would be better off by now. No. He knows that he'll be better off no matter what happens. The assassin doesn't care about his family like one would think he would, after all the terrible things that they had done to him he couldn't care really what could happen to their life in the end. They could die and he would be slightly disappointed, but at least they would take a break from trying to track him down all the time. He needed a break from his family and there was only way to really get that to happen. He needed to defeat them so that they would either disown him from the family immediately making him a killable target, or they would simply allow his wishes to become true. Not a probably solution in Killua's mind and he was desperately trying to figure out a way around his family. Killua didn't often care abobut those that were younger in the clans, but when it came to those animals that were a lot younger than he was, he immediately felt protective over them. He was around the middle child of his family, having two younger siblings. Was it instincts to protect those that were younger than him? Maybe so, but at least he didn't try to horde them for himself. He had considered someone that was very close to him to be an adopted sister and would have done everything in his power to make sure that she was going to live. The young male would have laid down his life for her when the time came, and he had almost lost his life trying to keep his brother distracted from going into the camp of the clan that he was in at the time and to try and kill her. Did his older brother even care about what kind of life he was living right now? Probably, since the other was constantly butting into conversations with the voice that rang out in his head here and there. There were very few creatures that would be willing to try and trust someone like him.

A creature that looked like he could kill anyone with a simple swipe of his paw. Most got that vibe just from looking at him, and right now he was really used to it. There was nothing really about him that he was willing to change to be able to change for the likes of the clan. His goal has been for him to try and belong, not to try and make everyone in the group love him. He could do that already if he wanted to consider that he was great when it came to putting on a facade. The albino serval usually kept tabs on the border despite his current injuries that didn't seem to effect him all that much. He wasn't leaping from tree to tree like had done before. His sapphire blue optics scanning the border for any sign of life as he walked horizontally along it. During this time he caught an unfamiliar scent on the wind and decided to track it down, as it was obviously coming from the border. His paws made no sound as he moved, no scent emitting from his body either as he heard voices soon in the distance. He wasn't the first one to appear on the scene this time. Maybe he was slacking. Not like he really cared. He just kept track of joiners for his own data collection to make sure he knew who was coming in and out of the clan. As he arrived on the scene, he noticed an incredibly young husky in front of London and Leigh. The other looked to be around similar in age to Ivylee now that he looked at it. Not like the other was probably willing to get close to him after what had happened recently. Killua made his way over toward the group, approaching from the left toward the pup. Noticing the breed of the dog caused a lump to form in his throat. It was a husky. Sure, it had looked nothing like the pup that he had killed when he was younger, but this didn't make it any easier. He flicked one of his large white ears as he sat down next to a tree as he examined the situation. There was only one set of prints in the snow, which meant that the pup was probably alone all things considered. His gaze turned to look toward London who had been the one to ask the questions before he added his own. "Heya. Where are your parents?" Killua questioned in a calm manner to the pup, his slightly pink paws shuffling in the snow.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
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