Beasts of Beyond
( SHOUT : OPEN ) - Printable Version

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( SHOUT : OPEN ) - WANDERER - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Staying here had been a mistake, Butch or no. Or maybe he should just take out the or no — it was a shitty idea. Everything about this place makes the dog's skin crawl, from the heat and the chains to the people themselves. He couldn't say that every decision he made was out of the goodness of his heart; sometimes he could be selfish, sometimes he could be cruel. But he'd never been this sort of cruel, he'd never thought about keeping someone locked up for his own benefit. Nothing about this place is morally right and — and yeah, maybe he should have headed out when Butch told him to, especially when the exact way he'd said it sent pinpricks through Val's chest. He knows that he wouldn't really be all that willing to leave the collie behind, even if an argument had started this, even if he'd been an asshole their entire lives. It's whatever it is. He'll adjust to this place, which is awful on its own, but better than the alternative.

The air feels suffocating at the entrance to the building he'd decided to duck into for a moment of rest, and even though it's still dry inside, it's a little less hot. (It's far enough away from people that he feels less crowded, too. Less likely to start a fight.) He shrugs off the dumb jacket and it falls to the ground with a muted thump. His bag of supplies goes with it, which had been the plan in the first place, aside from the fact things start to spill out. "Shit," he breathes, jumping to scramble after carefully rolled bandages and dried herbs. Everything's gonna be so damn dirty. Not that anything here is clean. That's probably not something that should apply to the stuff he puts on others' bodies. Half an hour later and the golden-toned canine is still sitting there, but now he has lines of his supplies laid out in front of him on the jacket he'd left there, too busy chasing bandages to pick it up. It's gonna stink like herbs for a few weeks. At least that's better than sand, right? It stopped smelling like its original owner a while ago.

(Not sure if that's a pro or a con. Neither. It's not the important part of this, anyway.)

The important part is the way his expression furrows in concentration and distaste, or the rustling and soft curses that echo out from the room. That sounds about right.

Re: ( SHOUT : OPEN ) - ; albion - 10-12-2018

the smell of herbs was rare in the desert. benny only knew valk and nazu for being trained for carrying herbs around on them; other than that most of their supplies was hoarded at the fortress. injured brought in and patched up crudely, hoping they would survive it and not get infection. good thing no one has been unlucky enough to find themselves in that situation yet. levi didn't quite count... he was an outsider when he was first taken in. he turned out fine, mostly.

benny was unaware of the relationship val held with butch; even if he had he most likely wouldn't have cared anyhow. the laws of this place was what kept them kicking for this long and if the occasional hiccup between weird loyalty outside of the pitt just so happened to take place, it was normally dealt with rather quickly. just looking from his own perspective. his loyalty was still remained within himself, but even after his time spent here he gained a purpose to stay. to fight their shared enemies.

the enemy of my enemy is my friend. he thought to himself upon strolling passed an abandoned shack. he scented something strange inside and poked is head through the doorway, eyes narrowing as they zero in on the canine across. "how th' hell you get this place all t' yourself?" his tone was rough but not aggressive. his expression relaxed and a humorous smirk spread across his maw as he approached val. "would'a figured the finks to pile in by now, yeah?"

Re: ( SHOUT : OPEN ) - guts - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]At one point, she hadn't been too fond of this place, either. The people were crude and ruthless, their practices unnerving her, and the place they lived in was difficult to get used to. But for some reason she stuck around, even after the reason she had to left. Now she was numbed to it, simply blocking all of it out and trying to focus on the good things about the group. There were some nice people here, even though they had 'different views' than she did. But she wasn't sure if she could ever call this place home--or any place, for that matter.

Cosette found her way over after noticing the fox entering, curious as to what was inside. Then she noticed the scent hanging in the air, drifting out from inside, the serval padding inside to find Val and his things laid out on the ground. She didn't know him very well, nor did he seem very interested in getting to know anyone, either. So she just decided to leave him be most of the time, not wanting to stick her nose where it wasn't wanted.

Finding herself with nothing to say, she stands beside Benny awkwardly, eyes scanning the herbs before focusing on the canine himself.