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BACK TO THE START | open, development - Printable Version

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BACK TO THE START | open, development - REBECCA MACK - 10-12-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
It had already been a couple of days since Bex hadn't stepped outside of her house. Something had... happened. Something personal. On the day of the raid, having planned to join her clanmates in on the attack, the canine's plans ended up changing. She had been sitting in her room, preparing herself. Her mind was for once focused on things that didn't involved her past life, but unfortunately that feeling of being free from care didn't last very long. What happened next had happened so unexpectedly. She never thought that her past would come back to haunt her in such a literal way, but at this point she knew that she should expect nearly anything to happen. The possibilities were limitless.

So, what did happen exactly? Well, one minute the collie was sitting there calmly, and the next she found herself staring down something that she once owned - something so important and crucial to her that it always seemed to make her feel sentimental, only at this very moment, all she was filled with was shock and confusion. What would seem like a typical old box to anyone else was a lifeline to Bex, but when she had opened that box, she felt her stomach drop. It was empty. All the photos and memories of her past life were officially gone... forever. The box wasn't the only thing that had somehow appeared, though, as there was now a camera placed neatly beside it. Bex's polaroid camera that she used to drag around everywhere. Had she somehow summoned these items?

Now several days later, the female still was in her room. She hadn't really felt all that well to step outside, and had enough pizza stashed in her room to live off of. But now she was beginning to feel like a lonely mess, and knew that she needed some company. She couldn't sit in here forever and wish that she had her old life back, so she had to do something to take her mind off of it again. Sighing, Bex shoved the box under her bed, but decided to take the camera with her, and stuck her head through the strap of the camera so that it would dangle from her neck for easy carrying.

Now leaving her house, Bex began to wonder what had happened in her absence. She had only been gone for a few days, so surely not much could've gone down, but then she remembered that she had missed the raid, and that began to worry her. Hopefully everyone was okay. Certainly she'd soon find out all that she needed to know, but for now, Bex was looking forward to taking some new photos. She didn't know what she wanted to snap shots of exactly, but the thought of making new memories to distract her from the old was relieving, and actually sounded exciting.

Re: BACK TO THE START | open, development - calliope - 10-21-2018

♥♡ The past had practically shaped Mira. She was who she was because of her family and her home. As much as they stressed her out, she learned a great deal about work from them. Really, she owed everyone a lot. Working as hard as she could, despite not being with them, was her way of paying them back for everything they've done for her. If she could pave her own path and still do everything she could to make her family proud, maybe they'd appreciate that. Really, she could only hope and dream that they were happy since, after all, there was no way she could go back home.

Despite spending her time on her own and working on small things, Mira had noticed Bex was gone. She didn't know the other girl all that well, but it was peculiar that she had disappeared. Still, the serval hadn't said or done anything, only keeping a close eye out for if Bex were to show up again. Really, she just wanted to check in and make sure that everything was alright. The clan was going through some rough times, and she wouldn't be surprised if it was taking a toll on her, but then again, her disappearance could be completely unrelated.

As per usual, Mira had been straightening a few things up on her own. It was a bit tedious and unnecessary, but the girl found it to be a relaxing activity. After looking up from her work for a split second, she noticed Bex stepping out of her house, new camera dangling around her neck. Ah, so she was still around. That was certainly some good news. Deciding to abandon her work in favor of speaking to someone else, Mira bounded over to the girl.

"H-hey, Bex!" she greeted her, offering a tiny, uncertain smile. "I haven't seen you in a few days. Are you doing alright?" she asked, silently praying that she wasn't being pushy or anything. She went silent after a second, staring at her own paws for a couple of seconds to avoid eye contact. Her eyes went back to the camera, curious about the origin of the device. "Is that a new camera?"

Re: BACK TO THE START | open, development - REBECCA MACK - 10-31-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
One thing that Bex seemed to have in common was Mira was her connection with her family, that is, until she was forced to leave them. More than anything she wished that she could see them again, but she feared that she never would be able to. And now that all the photos from her box had vanished, the memories were gone too. They still lived on in Bex's mind of course, but it just didn't feel the same. Nothing would ever feel the same as things had when she was with them, though. And now, all she had was Sunhaven. That was something at least. It wasn't her blood family, but it was something.

Bex looked up as she heard a voice call her name, surprised to see someone approach her so quickly to question her about where she had been. Had Mira been... worried about her? Had all of Sunhaven been worried about her? That was the last thing the collie had wanted, as she didn't want to need to explain herself, but it was understandable. After all, she had locked herself in her house for several days. That wasn't exactly an indicator of everything being perfectly fine.

Still, Bex would play it cool as if nothing so emotionally damaging had happened at all. "Oh, hey Mira!" She greeted in response, managing to grin at the other female. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Just got a little distracted by something," she explained, trying her best to keep her explanation rather ambiguous so that she wouldn't be able to tell that something had actually happened that had left Bex rather upset. She was feeling better now anyways, so she didn't want anyone worrying about her, and certainly did not want to spill every single detail of her past couple days.

At her next question, Bex tilted her head. "Oh, this?" She tapped the camera with a single paw, happy that the subject seemed to be changing rather quickly. "It's technically not new. I've had it for a while, and I thought that I lost it, but it just suddenly appeared." She of course left out the part about the box appearing out, since that was more of a secretive thing. She was glad that her camera had turned up though, as she really missed being able to snap pictures on a daily basis. She had used her camera so much that she was surprised it even still worked.

Or did it still work? Was there even film left in it? "I should probably test it out though, just to make sure that it still works," the canine admitted with a nod. At the same time though, she didn't want to take some random useless picture and waste any film. She knew that she'd have to wander around until she found something worth taking a picture of. That's when she got an idea.

"Do you want to help me find something to test it out on?" She asked Mira, deciding that it might be fun for both of them. That is, if Mira was up to it. Maybe they could take pictures of clanmates without them knowing about it and laugh about it later? That sounded like fun and worthwhile to Bex, but she wasn't sure if Mira would consider it a good time. They seemed to have many contrasting personality traits, and most likely different senses of humor.