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HEIR OF FIRE | joining - Printable Version

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HEIR OF FIRE | joining - agathe. - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]Wreathed in a cloak of scarlet, Agathe Ashyver arrived silently upon the Ascendants border. She said nothing as her burnt orange gaze surveyed the land, expression carefully composed and yet, halfway contemplative as she weighed her options. Her grandmother had vowed to hunt her to the ends of the earth, reclaiming the prize of life that she had given her all those moons ago. She had just barely gotten out, the smear and stain of matted blue blood on her rosetted pelt the only indicator of the physical fight they had before she had fled. Would this place provide her temporary sanctuary? Were the rumors true about their benevolence?

She supposed that she would have to risk it. Refuge, no matter where it came from, was still refuge, and Agathe needed time to heal and mend and mourn the life that had been sacrificed for her so she could escape.

"Hello," Called the snow leopard, her voice laced with a weariness that was hard to miss, "My name is Agathe and I..." There was a pause as she bit down her suddenly swelling pride, that innate reluctance to ask for help hard to ignore even in her lost and slightly injured state. Perhaps the her of the past would have continued to move, fending for herself until she died honorably. But Agathe had quickly learned that there was no such thing as honor; she either had to accept her death or try to live anyway she could. "I would like to join this place."

She sat back upon large haunches then, needing a moment to sit lest she grow light headed again. Her grandmother - her matron - had left quite the mark on her, a mark that symbolized her status as a traitor. It would not heal properly much less ever stop giving her trouble, but she was once more reminded that things could be worse. At least she hadn't managed to steal away the bracers made of pure iron that encircled both of her front legs. Agathe wouldn't have survived without that extra protection and... and...

No, she wouldn't think of him, not now. She had things to do and people to see and a clan to seamlessly assimilate into. Her grandmother would never find her here, among others, happy and healing and perhaps someone new and different. This was the end of her old life and the wondrous beginning of her new one. 

Re: HEIR OF FIRE | joining - FUBUKI - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Tales of the Ascendant's hospitality were no doubt sheltered away from the enemies which wished to state otherwise. Countless would disagree, yet it did not stop those who seemed burdened by life's restrictions wishing to make their homes here. With endless unassuming hills and a chance to witness the stars, it was perfect for anyone wishing to get a taste of freedom. They were thoughts that rattled through the feline's brain as he approached the feline, taking a note of the iron which this stranger seemed to wear as well. From collars to almost bracelet looking things, there was certainly a sense of burden that came from the hearts of this new wave of joiners, not that they'd weigh the group down in any way with whatever was on their troubled minds. Truth be told, even if there was some sort of problem with a newcomer that'd put a damper on the clan's progress, with how many children also found sanctuary in the observatory, he'd take an older individual with flaws any day. At least they wouldn't pull at his ears or get him to play games when he really didn't want to.

Mental tirade over and perhaps sounding harsher than intended due to his tampered sleep schedule, Ren gave a quick gloss over the female, grey eyes warming when her fatigue became obvious to him. Even as the cloak contrasted the blood, it was hard to see anything physically wrong without running the risk of getting accused of staring too much, and so for now he kept his focus solely on Agathe's face. "Of course,". Once again unsure of whether he had the authority to say such things, the felidae didn't see how they could turn away someone who was clearly in need of something. Perhaps he should've read the rulebook... it just seemed pointless though. Flicking an ebony ear, Ren would give a little head tilt as he spoke next, as confused as a little puppy despite the difference in species. What would've he been like if he'd been born a dog? Probably not as cool, and I'd smell wet and nasty all of the time. "You look like you need help," he pointed out the obvious, rubbing his forepaw against the ground. "Could I offer some?".

Re: HEIR OF FIRE | joining - ONISION. - 10-13-2018

Tracking! smh so much to reply to..

Re: HEIR OF FIRE | joining - GABRIEL - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabriel would like to say the rumors about their benevolence were based in a bit of reality. They certainly had their fair share of the hot-tempered and smart-mouthed, but regardless of what Sunhaven was so set on believing, they didn't go about murdering people. The only reason the ones with a temper and smart-assery stood out so much in that argument was because they were a bit louder. Ren, for instance, he could remember being very accommodating- but Sunhaven didn't want to remember that, now did they? Everyone was so eager to pounce on the one less-than-pretty face of the overall shape and apply it to the rest. See, despite that awful night-raid, Gabe had to hold out on the hope that not everyone in Sunhaven was batshit insane. It was a better courtesy than Marina writing them all off as murderers.

But he hated thinking about it -as though he could stop, all things considered- so he did his best to roll with it. He wasn't certain how well he was doing that, since he felt like shit, looked like shit, and could use a century of sleep. Maybe two. Limping his ass around the territory wasn't energizing at all, but there were people to see and matters to take care of. Ren was already on the scene of a slightly bloodied snow leopard, and Gabe fixed his route to approach, albeit not as quickly as he wished he could. His body was wearing down on him, as was the rest of- everything. Considering his own trials recently, ones he was stupidly, stubbornly ignoring, he was surprised it wasn't worse.

"I'm Gabe. We've got someone who can help clean you up." Probably. He didn't know the state of their clerics at the moment. "Like your bracers." Gabriel smiled as best he could with his eyes, the same damn things that had been bleeding not a day ago. They looked...fine, surprisingly. Didn't feel that way, but it looked like she had enough to worry about that he could squirrel away his own problems.

Re: HEIR OF FIRE | joining - MOONMADE - 10-15-2018

[size=9pt]"Actually, we don't." Says Moon, appearing silently behind Gabe. Had he secretly been ten paces behind the whole time, trialing after him like an insanely paranoid and debilitatingly overprotective babysitter? Absolutely not.

No one could prove it.

"We're lacking in the Medic department," Explains the lion, and with the words comes a painful reminder of Imperia's absence. He tries not to think about it. "I'm working on it, thought." He was. Azazel had some potential. If he could just spare some time to hang around the Cleric's hide for a while and show him the ropes, they'd be sorted. Or, at least on the way to it. Maybe. "That blood?" Asks Moon, starting few steps closer to peer at the mass of blue liquid that cakes in the snow leopard's fur, one side of his lip lifted slightly in a wince. "Jesus. Dunno' how your kind works, but I'm pretty sure that shit is meant to be on the inside."

Re: HEIR OF FIRE | joining - agathe. - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]Help.

She tried not to look shocked at the unfamiliarity of the offer, swallowing down the quickly reforming pride that rose like bile in her throat. Agathe's clan was not composed of people such as this one. Any injuries sustained were cared for and treated by the individual who carried them, even the most backwards of pleads for help seen as disgraceful. Tedious. Under her thick pelt, her body was laced with scars from wounds that had never healed right, large and awkward paws always incapable of truly applying the bitter-tasting poultice of herbs right. Despite the assumed benevolence of the Ascendants, she had still believed that they followed similar practices and that she would be forced to fend for herself.

Was it bad that discovering the exact opposite brought the faintest of smiles to her face?

"Help... Yes, that would be appreciated," She affirmed, tossing her cloak over her shoulder to reveal the barely clotted gash that ran from her shoulder to her mid flank. "My grandmother never misses and I haven't had much time to sit down and treat it properly," She explained with a mild shrug. At least the next to arrive seemed to be in just as sorry of a state, though she, too, refused to comment on it, merely glancing down at her iron bracers and permitting that smile to expand into a sharp-toothed grin. "My clan valued iron weaponry above all. Our matrons always wear iron claws- they hurt like an absolute bitch."

Golden eyes would land upon Moon next, studying the Seraph with a predator's intent. She had to blink a few times to remind herself that things were different now, that she didn't have to look at somebody with a stare sharp enough to intimidate. These people were going to take her in and care for her- she owed them that rare tenderness that not even her closest clanmates had seen. "Like I said, my wonderful matron never misses. And yes, we're all blue blooded. Our ancestors were witches, which is why we wear iron- to keep us grounded or some dumb shit like that. Personally? I don't buy it." She paused only to take a step forward, wincing involuntary as a wave of pain rose to greet her, "So we have Gabe... But neither of you introduced yourself. It's rude to keep an injured lady waiting, didn't anyone ever teach you that?"

Re: HEIR OF FIRE | joining - ONISION. - 10-15-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

Onision walked up onto the scene rather suddenly, eyes narrowing towards the blue blood and heaving in a large breath, trying to focus on something else. Moon, focus on that ass hat. Yeah. "My name is Onision, call me Oni." The chocolate felidae meowed, moving over to glare up at Gabe. The fucker annoyed him, but he didn't hate the dude. He didn't hate anyone in the Ascendants other than Valkyr, the fuckin' Pittian should have been killed at the borders, but nope. Moon let his ass join just because he was a slave once.

A single blue eye watched the girl with mild impatience, a grouchy look on his face as he waited to be scolded just for being here. It would happen eventually. Moon was a bitch ass.

//ic opinions

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: HEIR OF FIRE | joining - FUBUKI - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]A near-silent hissing sound escaped the male as the other revealed her wounds to the group, though not out of aggression and instead as more of a 'damn that looks like it hurts' sort of deal. Either granny was as tough as nails and took training sessions a bit too seriously, or she wasn't kind to her inferiors, from Agathe's composure and words it was hard to tell which was more accurate. If it did end up being the latter, then her grandmother must've have been very friendly if she was willing to do that to her own flesh and blood. With such thoughts, the feline's eyes almost ended up narrowing a bit as schemes about getting his own back on the wicked elder ran through his mind - it wasn't even his family for crying out loud, though with how distance they'd been Ren wasn't sure he could blame his sudden intrigue in another animal's personal matters. Before he got the time to think about the medical situation and ponder his way into a bad idea, the female's voice got to him again.

Right, he was an Ascendant before a justice-seeker, that meant he shouldn't be focusing too hard on those things when others were around. It was rude and... goodness, why was his face heating up? Fluster building up in a wide-eyed expression as he was called out for such insolence, the male bowed his head, partly out of respect and partly to hide his shame. Normally social cues didn't bother him as much, the feline guessed it was because it was the first time a girl had called him out. "Ren," he muttered shyly, embarrassed at his own fluttering heart. So much for being cool he told himself mentally, swallowing a self-made lump in his throat. "Sorry. I thought I'd be wasting time if you were on death's door,". Not much of a comeback compared to his normal one-liners, the male sunk to the back of the line of peers, wearing a weak smirk as he began to compose himself again.