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Have a character's dark desires messed with? - Printable Version

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Have a character's dark desires messed with? - FUBUKI - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]So basically, after witnessing several injustices against his clan, Ren's unlocked the power of mental manipulation and seeks to use it to provide a non-harmful way of getting evildoers to atone for their actions. He does this by basically messing with their emotions in order to steal the desires that make them want to do such things. This in turn instills a feeling of immense guilt within them, which Ren hopes to use to get them to try and apologise to their victims and admit their wrongdoings. Before anyone signs up for the idea, here's just a few notes of intrigue:

- the feelings of guilt/remorse can totally be temporary. ren mainly just hopes to steal twisted desires but they can always come back.
- though he'll be visiting characters in a different body and under an alias and he'll try as he might to remove any evidence of him meddling with them, his powers aren't perfect so it's cool to figure out he's from the ascendants.
- anyone who's proved they've done wrong with their desires can be targeted, regardless of what clan they're from.
- though this mainly stretches to murderers and those who harm others, things such as high positions throwing about their power too much or verbal bullies can also be targeted by him because they're habits that might escalate in the future.

If anyone's interested then let me know C:
We can either have a thread to play it out or just skip and assume he's visited them to change them ^^

Re: Have a character's evil desires messed with? - BABY — - 10-12-2018

Aghhh track
Is this going to be a Thing for a while? Because I’d offer Titan but I feel like I should wait a bit bc he’s so new and I’m not that far into his plot yet cx

Re: Have a character's evil desires messed with? - FUBUKI - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]yep, this'll be going on for quite a while so feel free to take as much time as you need prior to develop Titan cx

Re: Have a character's evil desires messed with? - MirrorEdge - 10-12-2018

tracking for now

Re: Have a character's evil desires messed with? - FUBUKI - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]bump c:

Re: Have a character's dark desires messed with? - tricky - 10-26-2018

eyes emoji
i'm not entirely sure how this would work with becky, considering he doesn't have the capacity to feel remorse whatsoever and he hasn't done anything truly evil (yet?) but i am interested :0 perhaps he's targeted for being an old leader of a warbound clan but things backfire on ren?? beck does have ""dark desires"", except they stem from a split personality lmao, mostly just thinking about ways to murder people and the like

Re: Have a character's dark desires messed with? - FUBUKI - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]ooh ok then! ren's still sorta new to his powers and whatnot so things could easily backfire on him lmao, he'll probably just end up knocking himself out lmao
he can be captured/hurt when things go wrong if you'd like c:

Re: Have a character's dark desires messed with? - tricky - 10-26-2018

okie dokie! so becky will just be a guinea pig for his powers lol
altho i don't think he's in a mood to injury anybody as of now, he could probably drag ren back to ascendants and strand him some place in his territory as a cruel joke or something
oh and i did remember that in the past way back at the beginning of bob that beck captured lunafreya from ascendants and lowkey killed bastille in revenge if those count as a crimes to "expose"

Re: Have a character's dark desires messed with? - FUBUKI - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]pretty much lmao
&& that'd be cool haha
he'd definitely try and expose them because he's currently trying to investigate recent murders/injuries against the ascendants so if he researched and figured out about that he'd definitely go after beck.
would you like a thread for this??

Re: Have a character's dark desires messed with? - tricky - 10-26-2018

sure! could you make, considering ren is the instigator?
i can also post a returning ren thread when its all wrapped up too