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EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - Printable Version

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EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - EROS - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]He hadn't thought about how long the walk would be back here again. The thought just hadn't crossed his mind and he guessed he should have eaten before he left. But he just wanted to get away from them, from that home that twisted and warped him. The former slave kept his head down low as he entered the forest, the smell of the Ascendants wrapping around him and he felt himself relax but just marginally. He was not in unfamiliar territory but he was also in a place that would consider him an enemy. But he could and would prove he was no threat, he wasn't the fighter that they probably thought he was and he had left his home far far behind. His paws were already bruised from the amount of walking he had done to get here but he didn't stop at the forest. He just wanted to go ahead and try to find a comfortable place to be. They could question him if they wanted to and he would tell them what they wanted to know. At the moment the male didn't care about anything or breaking any logical rules that he should be careful about. Instead he paused for a short moment at the fringes of the forest, pink marble eyes searching across the plain of tall grass that spread out before him.

He'd had once felt the coolness of air against his shaggy blackened coat, caressing across his skin and soothing old wounds. It was a first in a long time and he closed his eyes for a moment to indulge in the weather that wasn't the razing sun scorching his body and attempting to dry him out. But then he moved, one paw shifting over the first as he began to make his trek across open waters so to speak. There was a lot going on in his mind and he allowed himself try and not think too much. It would send him into a panic and he just wanted to start a life of his own, not conformed to the ideals of the Pitt. Not becoming some mindless being who only sought to murder and hurt. That path was not one that would suite him well and he knew that already. The Observatory came within sight and he paused before he got too close to the structure. Just appear non threatening. That was easy enough as he had never been one for looking intimidating. The collar around his neck, grey, tattered and old, seemed to press against his throat as he swallowed. Hunched shoulders shifting as he tucked his tail underneath himself. His long ears slightly lifted up from their normal and natural downed position before he lifted a paw to press it against the bag he had with him. There were herbs in there, a couple of prickly pears of deep purple and two jars that meant a lot to him. Reminders. "Um, hello? Anyone still awake?" His soft voice filled the air, gentle and timid as he shifted his paw back to the ground. After all it was in the middle of the night when he decided to come here. "I'm sorry...I know it's late. But I'd like housing if that's alright. I'm...I'm Valkyr."

Softly a breath escaped him as soft as the wind as he lifted his head up to try and get a visual of anyone that was coming in his general direction. Nose twitching to pick up any scents that might come his way despite the fact that he had called attention to himself. He was worried that they would know who he was and what he had done but he hadn't allowed for that to be a plausible circumstance? He was careful...or so he hoped. There was regret surfacing in his gaze and he struggled to reign it in, shifting to try and make himself comfortable, the stinging of old whip wounds stretching against his back making him wince ever so slightly. Ah, he should have perhaps brought a gift...there weren't enough prickly pears in his bag to go around and the thought made a gentle frown settle on liquor stained lips.

Re: EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - FUBUKI - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Innocence was a double-edged sword. It may've stopped one from delving too deep into mature and uneasy topics, yet in situations like this one, it prevented one from forming a truly knowledgeable opinion. Ren'd started seeing how unjust creatures made groups like this feel inhabitable, since his home had been tampered with on that fateful night he'd struggled to get back to sleep easily. One of Moonmade's original meetings hadn't helped his schedule much either, what with the megaphone's cry for that being boomed across the lands when the sun had barely started to wake. As such, whether it was to avoid feeling like a trapped rabbit in his house or two delve deeper into his thoughts and a weird feeling that had emerged in his heart, Ren was out and about at unsocial hours. His family would've killed him for not hibernating through the dangerous nights, but he ignored their rules and instead looked to his aforementioned leader for inspiration to stay awake longer. If the lion could do it, if the owl-faced hybrid could do it, then the feline was sure he could roam freely in the night without risk of danger either. What he hadn't been expecting as he traveled across the rather plain territory was a voice crying out to him during the night, the velvety texture of it causing Ren to stop dead in his tracks.

Another ghost?! He neglected his slouched form to stand up straight, hoping to seem tough in the face of the ethereal. The feline twisted his head around, tilting the rounded cranium just slightly as an odd looking creature became obvious through the night's haze. I'm too far away from camp to hide from the ghost this time. That just meant he had to face his fears and stand up for himself, nerves be damned. Swallowing a lump in his throat, the tuxedo tom began to slink over, keeping as quiet as his body would allow him to be. The creature's voice rang clear again, this time with a conviction that suggested that it wasn't just a whispering ghost seeking mischief. Ashen eyes widening with the realistion, Ren took a breath through his nose to discover a scent through the wind's random movements. It was a group which he did not yet know, but it was confirmation that this 'Valkyr' wasn't so spooky after all - most ghosts didn't smell, from what he'd heard. Valk's appearance certainly seemed wraith-like though, regardless of what he wanted to claim. A creature shackled to this level of existence, a lost soul seeking something that it lacked in it's prior life, a rather rugged appearance, Ren almost wanted to call it symbolism of the undead. Not to the other's face though, at least not yet.

"Should be ok," he rumbled to the other when he was close enough, fatigue glazing his eyes. Ren clearly wasn't adjusted to this time no matter how determined he was to assimilate, yet he remained as friendly as he could. It may've been difficult to see, for their were no smiles or gifts to be offered down on their luck, but that was just how it was with him. "We have spare rooms in the Observatory,". Perhaps it wasn't ok to be so hospitable, perhaps there was something wrong with them that the feliade should've known, but one night of accommodation wouldn't hurt if they were here on friendly terms. What was the worse they could do, open the doors to the Observatory and let all their clan friends in the night? Sunhaven hadn't needed a spy to do that for them. White socked forepaw dragging across the grass as he realised he was delving into stressed thought again, the male snapped his attention back to the stranger. "Star sign?". Neutral frown lightening up a little with the out of the blue question, ashen eyes would search for some sort of confusion as he waited for an answer. One night or not, Valkyr would surely want to stay in a floor associated with Cancer or Leo or... Sagittarius (he looked like one of them), it was every stranger's joy to be assigned to a room based on their birth month. Sarcasm aside, Ren would fidget with his ear with as much patience as he could muster.

Re: EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - ONISION. - 10-13-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
8 months old

physically varies
emotionally hard
mentally easy


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

Onision knew the looks of his capturees. He knew those who watched idly as he was beaten nearly half to death, bystanders who were too weak to help a suffering child. He was intelligent, his memory incredible despite the trauma he still faced from his kidnapping. Death, something the immortal child would never truly know for a long while. He will only truly know rebirth, immortality. He was cursed with such. He hated it.

Oni had been walking along the borders of the territory when he heard a child's voice. No, hell no. The chocolate feline walked faster, scarred body carrying himself with an ease and delicacy that only a scarred soldier could handle. Even in moments like these, with the life he's led so far, Oni was mature enough to move on. Carry on, he had a duty to his clan.

"You aren't welcome here, Pittian." Onision growled, a single blue eye landing on the sha creature. His fur rose, a warning from Aloysius ringing in his head. To calm down, just calm down. Snapping his head back to his fellow Ascendants member, Oni let his gaze darken. "You are going to wait for Moonmade to get here, so he can deal with this himself. Am I understood?" Oni snapped, his fangs showing as he worked around to face Valkyr.


all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - EROS - 10-13-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]There was something, a brushing of soft pawsteps that approached his location. He tired to sit up straighter but he was rather tired in the sense of his body, not his mind. His gaze wandered the darkness till the figure presented himself and the sha came to realize that it was a feline. Curiosity over took his expression for a small moment and he had to reel himself in as he curled his forked tail against his body, shifting from one paw to another. Though he did take note that the other seemed tired. Very tired. There was no pity then but only understanding because he knew how it felt to be tired and worn down, but never having the time or the ability to rest. Yet the answer to his question made him all the more pleased as it sounded good. He was okay to do so and he felt a relief spread through him that he had not thought would come. Rooms in the Observatory? He would be sleeping there? His pink marble hues lifted up and peered at the place before he dipped his head in thanks for the beginning acceptance and then he got a question aimed at himself. Star sign? Perplexed he blinked once as he looked back to the feline. "I don't... um, what's a star sign?" He knew nothing of time and birth dates that would suggest aging so this was a idea and concept not known to him.

But it seemed his hopefulness would come to a rather frightening and dangerous end when another creature came forward. One he had no knowledge of nor had he ever met and his long ears pulled back against his cranium as he stared at Onision. Shoulders pulling up just slightly he watched with confusion before the word Pittian was thrown at him with a violent ease he had not yet encountered before. "I'm not them." His tone was pulled from his throat, a ragged bite that sounded pained before he just looked away. But was he though? Was he already stained with their wants and their needs that he no longer could find himself. He would just be another Pittian so used to blood and destruction that he wouldn't ever find his way back. The idea frightened him more than having someone sink teeth and fang into his already scarred body. But the former slave didn't want to leave, he wanted to prove himself and he swallowed thickly forcing himself out of that submissive posture because he couldn't afford to regress. "I'll wait for this Moonmade then... I'm sorry..."

Re: EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - MOONMADE - 10-13-2018

[size=9pt]Moon's been hanging around the border recently. If he's not busy with something else, he's weaving through the undergrowth at the boundaries, running lone border patrols, sitting in his own cloud of steady paranoia. There's something on the horizon, he can feel it. Hovering over them like a bird of prey.

He wouldn't be surprised if the rest of them were feeling it, too. Sunhaven storming the Observatory and the multiple dead bodies being uncovered throughout the territory was enough to put them all on edge. Extra caution was a given. Even to the point Onision was taking it to.

I'm not one of them. "Why not?" He says, words coming so soon after the stranger's finished speaking that they almost cut over him, almost clip the end of his sentence. The lion slips from the tall grasses, silent in his movements, tense and controlled so much that it exudes from him, fills the air as a heavy stagnancy. He looks the canine over, noticing his bizarre features but focusing instead on the turn in of his shoulders, how he hangs his head low. This isn't a Pittian. At least not by choice. "They got you in chains over there, or what?" He asks, and whilst his voice isn't soft or welcoming, it's not exactly disdainful, either. Rather detached, mostly empty, contemplating. "I know those scum get off on shackles and shit. You got a master you left behind?"

Re: EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - tori - 10-13-2018

The Pitt? That was what all this was about? Seemed like a good enough reason for the tense atmosphere, and Alex had heard the commotion before he'd seen it, but once he'd actually made his way over he found his attitude changing, if only slightly. By nature he was not one to jump to anger or distrust, not immediately anyway. The only contributing factor for his obvious worry was the situation they'd put Oni under.

But there was just, about this one.

"Oni, easy. Moon, don't." Alexander said quietly, brushing his tail against Onision's shoulder gently, brown eyes focused on the newcomer. What sort of self respecting Pittian would actively put themselves at the mercy of the enemy? Unless this was all a trap, there was that possibility. His head tilted at the sight of the battered collar around the neck of the stranger, mixed with the submissive nature that made him look like a figure of authority and strength, and Alex was a massive baby. The wolf's voice was steady, far more gentle than his fellow Ascendants, perhaps that was problematic. "Valkyr, was it? Why are you here?"


Re: EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - EROS - 10-13-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]His gaze lifted up to the question of why not, the idea itself making him tremble a bit. Why not? Was he expected to be like them? Was this common of the world to shape him in the image of the place he was taken to and enslaved at? The idea made his breath hitch in his throat but he wanted to remain firm. Already he was struggling with so many things and some would even call it an identity crisis but he didn't want to feel like he was drowning anymore. Had he left any masters behind when he had left in the dead of night, attempting to free himself from their influences. "I...I had two masters. They were my betters, Ninazu was first." The first master he had ever had and he had been there a long time, since he was just a little pup. Bound in iron chains he was made to behave, to listen and understand that he had no choice. Either he would be beat or his head shoved into the ground and made to snort the sand till he apologized for his actions. Ninazu had been kinder than most but the day he matured she saw quick to take away his ability of reproduction. His trust broke in her from the utter pain that that had caused.

But when she disappeared he was passed on to someone much worse. "D-Dante was my second master." His muzzle was dry thinking on him, of the things he had done to him and he swallowed hard before closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath. Stryker becoming leader scared him, Ninazu coming back frightened him and he realized he just couldn't stay there. Not till he understood who he was and made his own decisions. The first and hardest step was to leave the place that forced mannerisms into him. But another voice rang out and the blight turned his gaze toward the other before shaking his head a bit. "No..they can ask. It's okay." As painful as it was he wouldn't stop them from questioning him because this was his choice and he shifted his small bag against his shoulder before breathing out softly, a slow breath that didn't help him to relax. "I just came looking for a place to stay. I..I understand if I can't and I'll move on if I have to."

Re: EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - ONISION. - 10-13-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
8 months old

physically varies
emotionally hard
mentally easy


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"Have his memory checked to see if he's a spy." Oni muttered lowly, a warning. He didn't care about the fucking slaves being without their masters, he cared about an actual Pittian being on their borders. Fuck that.

Normally, if someone else had touched him, trying to calm him down, Oni would have snapped on them, but the moment his boyfriend's scent washed over him, calming as it was, the chocolate feline's pupils returned to normal, signaling the cooling down of his temper. Oni didn't want to just let this fucker join, but the way Moon was speaking it sounded just like that.

Then, his head was filled for a mere second with an image. A lion atop a throne, what the Hell? Was that a forked tongue? Before he could think or say anything else, he had been yanked back into reality, face to face with the source of where this vision came from. This wasn't a memory, he knew those were only ever in black and white for him, as dramatic as that sounds.

Oni's single, cold blue eye focused on Alexander for a moment before the felidae pushed himself to sit between the Wolf's paws, staring at Valkyr with a frown. He didn't trust this guy. He didn't trust any Pitt member.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: EASY LIFE - open; visiting/possible joining - FUBUKI - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Carefully yet silently, Ren listened to Valkyr's question, perhaps not expecting the confusion to go that far. How much education did this poor being have? Even if the feline himself wasn't so inclined to go out of his way to learn new things, not knowing little tidbits like that just felt off putting. The less fortunate most likely lacked the time to worry about such things but still... empathy was a little hard in this situation. "Star signs are—". A voice cut him off, far louder than his own, with a conviction that caused his ears to flicker with uncertainty. Pittian? Ren took another breath, hoping to catch that same scent he'd picked up before, hoping that he could memorise it for future reference. Pittian bad, but why? He could jump to conclusions judging by the 'I lived in captivity' vibe that the stranger had been giving off, yet concerns remained unvoiced for now. Sudden scorn driven his way mid-thought caused eyes to widen with surprise, tail twitching with the irritation that came from such thing. Swallowing down some less than stellar words, Ren walked forwards past the younger clan member, offering a defiant glare before focusing his gaze on anyone that wasn't gonna tell him what to do.

Moonmade's appearance caused more of the untold tales to be revealed. Valkyr's former group were slavers (or into weird things), and it seemed that the strange looking creature had come seeking some sort of temporary refuge. Understandable, sleeping alone when monsters like that lurked in the darkness must've been completely out of the question, and part of the felidae couldn't help but think that part of the Ascendant's reluctance to treat Valk well was out of worry of being raided again. If the Pitt wanted their 'property' back, they weren't gonna get it until he was dead on the ground - at least that was how Ren saw it. Selflessness wasn't always so easy for others though, it was something he needed to learn. Even now after the story was spoken, distrust still ran among his clanmates, Ren had to graze his teeth along his tongue to stop himself from saying anything too rude. Sympathise and compromise. Sympathise and compromise. Maybe if the cat wasn't so frustrated with the ideas of not having freedom, he would've been just as cautious. "One night won't hurt. I'd rather take the chance of 'spying' than have this guy get recaptured or something," he tried to reason with Moon.