Beasts of Beyond
ANOTHER DAY - open; gone - Printable Version

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ANOTHER DAY - open; gone - EROS - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Jars laid broken, smashed with preserving fluid spread across the ground. Many of which held hearts that no longer beat a perfect tune of life anymore. Though there were two that would never be smashed and would never be broken. They did not appear to be anywhere on the floor and the room had gone quiet after the horrendous noises of shattering and breaking glass. The stale smell of blood and rotting flesh hung in the air but everything was silent. He’d left with no intention of looking back as he was afraid. The sha understood that he didn’t belong here and that much was supported by how he kept trying to conform himself to the wants of others, never being satisfied by just being himself. Who was he anyway? He felt like he was still that slave always being pulled and manipulated by the strings of others and it hurt. It drained him emotionally and he finally felt himself break. And so he left in the middle of the night after that snap surged through him. His two jars in tow in his bag and his tail tucked between his legs. A note would be too hard and he would miss them. All of them to a certain degree but he just couldn’t anymore and so he’d vanished.

Re: ANOTHER DAY - open; gone - WANDERER - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Val didn't know shit about the person who shared the first three letters of his name. Not enough to care about his disappearance or even understand what others would be missing — in truth, he would never have stumbled across this scene were it not for the heavy scent that clung to the air in his lungs. It wasn't something that had been present in the vault, both because of his dad's skill with medicine and their habit of cremating the dead, but he got more and more familiar with it as the days passed out here. It's familiar enough now that he doesn't vomit at the scent, or the sight once he gets close enough. The German Shepherd treads carefully through shattered jars and blood, miraculously not injuring himself on the carnage. "Who the hell left this kinda mess?" he shouted back the way he came, disgust clear. "They'd better come clean up."

Re: ANOTHER DAY - open; gone - ; albion - 10-12-2018

a grimace formed on the fox's maw as he came in beside val. a short snort of distaste left his maw before turning his head from the scene. kid gets a taste of what he's capable of and ditches, yeah? at least that's how benny saw it. maybe the responsibility frightened him, as he had no idea what valkyr's true intentions for leaving were.

"maybe he got spooked stryker would make him a slave again." he suggested with a roll of his eyes. it wasn't aimed at anyone there, just more of a general statement. benny figured quill wouldn't be all too happy about the disappearance either.

Re: ANOTHER DAY - open; gone - darci - 10-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]Drawn in by the word that Valkyr had left, Levi stood off to the side from the two that had come to investigate. His eyes stared at the shattered glass, his jaws clenched ever so slightly. The doberman could recall the other male having mentioned something about leaving before, but he had been skeptical as to if it was true or a simple bluff. He was unaware of what demons tormented Valkyr, but he felt it was not his place to pry. Even so, Levi did not do well with sympathizing with others. Without a word or a gesture, the dog sauntered off back to his own home. There was no point in sticking around here any further.

Re: ANOTHER DAY - open; gone - ninazu - 10-13-2018

© lexasperated
Valkyr disappeared; the serval held an uneasy suspicion that her reappearance caused this. Her nose curled distastefully at the stink of rot as she stepped closer. She glanced at Benny as he voiced his opinion -- the impulse to strangle his throat with a choke chain flashed over her eyes for an instant, her right ear flicking. Esk tapped Stryker for leadership right before her arrival; the fox might be right. Or she might be right. Or the both of them could be off the mark or hold part of the truth. Too many possibilities to blame herself, right?

Wrong. "Perhaps we ought to follow him," she mumbled, unusually inarticulate as her words ran together.

Re: ANOTHER DAY - open; gone - Stryker - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker had happened to wander over, finding them contemplating over their missing member. Their former (despite being temporary) leader had disappeared after a reign change. To him, this was a deception against his leadership. The lion was taking things personally as thoughts ran through his head, standing in an uncharacteristic silence. Annoyed and frustrated, the ardent considered his options. He could leave him be... or take the chance to knock another pawn off the chess board. To even think Stryker considered making Valkyr a high position and their healer was disgraceful to him, especially considering that their dastardly foe went to the Ascendants. Clan of pussies, just like Snowbound.

Finally speaking up, the leader's voice grew cold. "He had no reason to be afraid of that," he growled towards Benny. His tongue flicked out from his jaws, signaling his threatening discontent. "Now Valkyr does though." The lion's claws shot out from their sheaths, heading in the direction of the scent. "Obviously they weren't whipped into shape well enough." Stryker was gone from their sights within seconds.

Re: ANOTHER DAY - open; gone - COSMIIX - 10-16-2018

Valkyr wasn't welcomed anymore.

The other leaving suddenly left the tiger feeling empty, his eyes glazed for a moment before he snapped out of it looking over towards both Stryker and the rest of them. He bit the inside of his left cheek soon feeling a sigh escape him the moment that the Ardent stormed off, he didn't know why but the sudden departure of the sha creature left Quill confused yet he didn't seem to say anything else. He didn't have any words. He just felt like he had lost a part of him, not a huge part but it still made him ache and make him feel empty. "Ya heard the man," The tiger would slowly walk away with his ears pinned against his ears, the sha creature hadn't even said goodbye.