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the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - Printable Version

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the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - Stryker - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Esklav's undertaker known as Hierophant had taken control of their precious leader, leaving their ruthless wanderer to portray an enthusiastic pussy. Not only this, but the three leaders left in charge did not address the situation. Their ways were messy, unorganized, and confusing. Stryker found this to be the reason of why Yes Man had never found an Ardent by their side. Still, this left a clear path for his succession. All he had to do was play his cards right and hope to slide right into place correctly... and the lion did.

Had he expected the promotion? No, not at all. Did he desire it? While he did see the benefit of being a leader with the will to have anything at your feet on command, he did not enjoy the idea of being put under a microscope. After all, he liked taking risks. Without risk, there was no thrill to life. With risk, came consequences. Not only would they only effect him solely, but now they would effect a whole group. His absence would provoke their weakness. Stryker, though enthralled, felt as if there were chains holding him back at first. Soon enough, he did realize that there were benefits. Once again, their newest demiurge just had to manipulation the situation in his favor. If he started with the expectation of him just announcing things, his leadership would be promptly dull, but if he blew things out of the water... then there would be a notable reign before him. They would allow him to do whatever he pleased. Even if he went out, he went out with a bang and he'd go down in history as someone. All his life he strived to be someone, not a nobody. This was his time.

Arriving in the midst of the Plaza of the Dead, the lion stared out at the blank hall for a moment as he stood on stage. It was empty... but not for long. With a daunting roar, Stryker's voice carried throughout the jungle and into the desert. "PITTIANS, GATHER FOR A MEETING." They would arrive soon enough. Truly, they would be in surprise. A young lady sat before them, mother of many and former hookup of the Typhoon's leader. Some new her as Guru, but most importantly, she was Goldenluxury's mother. With the Typhoon taking back their precious princess, Stryker had to compensate to make up for their sins. After Goldenluxury murdered one of their members, the lion had set out on a quest to treat the Typhoon to some fresh knowledge on how justice and revenge worked. If the female didn't better herself, join the Pitt, and then disregard her former clan... well, then an eye for an eye. A life for a life. Goldenluxury, despite not voiding the terms herself after her memories were wiped, was returned back to the Typhoon during their rescue raid. Stryker seeked payment in return. If Goldenluxury wasn't willing to offer herself up or any other Typhoon member, his hand would be forced to proceed further. It just happened to be that his first pick was her mother.

Slitted eyes narrowed towards his left wrist, his other paw tapping at it impatiently. "We start in five minutes, Pitiful Pittians," he cockily remarked with a smirk. "Hurry up." His split tongue flickered out from his mouth momentarily and threateningly. "This meeting is mandatory-" Truly, he thought that was obvious. By not showing up to a meeting during a reign change would definitely be concerning. "Anyone who doesn't show up will have their spine ripped out of their body through their asshole." In the background, the gagged serval struggled against her chains and tried to scream in retaliation. There was little acknowledgement towards it. To him, this seemed like the right thing to do.

His discontent was very prominent as the crowds flooded in, but yet he made conversation off to the side with his pompous and flamboyant attitude to keep them entertained. The lion was their main event. He had to keep them interested, otherwise their gazes would fade off into the distance with disinterest. As the time neared, those in the back began to stray, as per expectation. Truly, he blamed Esklav for that lack of involvement. No one liked a blunt prick with a stick up their ass and a voice that practically represented nails on a chalkboard. Lord, if only he knew. Stryker would take advantage of this by calling out one last time, letting the audience settle into silence before he began their very mandatory meeting. Their eyes etched into his eyes as he stared out. The new leader had their attention on fully, awaiting his next move, unknowing of what to expect.

The lion straightened out, coming to his feet. He began pacing the stage, encircling their prey as he spoke, but he hasn't addressed her just yet. They had other things to discuss. "If you haven't noticed, Esklav is gone-" He gave a disinterested shrug. "Valkyr, Benny, and Quill were all placed as his temporary leader during his absence, but none claimed their spot on top." Not that he wasn't surprised. Two out of the three were originally slaves that their former leader somehow trusted, but when Stryker had taken a liking to Levi at the border, there was some disapproval. Benefits of a power-hungry whore, he supposed. "So I tookover." He smirked mischievously. They missed their chance. "While I do thank them for their help-" To him, it seemed to be very little. Egotistical and narcissistic, he truly believed it too. "They are no longer needed. They can return to a regular rank." With that said, he paused in his steps. "And yes, I could give less of a shit about promotions and demotions right now. Consider everyone in a neutral spot right now." To put it lightly, everyone was 'demoted' but in nicer words. Those that were in a rank during Esklav's leadership though would be placed into something during their next announcement, but only if their activity continued. For now, this was all about him... as per usual.

"Obviously-" He gestured towards Guru who was still continuing to struggle with her muted screams and muttered swears. "The Typhoon is not in a neutral spot though." That was nice transition, wasn't it? Internally, he was patting himself on the back. "With their recent rescue raid, they have managed to take what is rightfully ours to begin with after they killed one of our members." A dramatic sigh left him. Goldenluxury was truly a brute to work with and an interesting addition to his collection. The Pitt deserved justice for what she did to their member, but yet the Typhoon seemed to disagree and had taken her back. Stryker thought it was only even to continue the cycle. "With one of our members dead and we no longer have Pincher's prized daughter, I have been left empty handed." The lion dramatically mimicked him dropping something out of his paws by connecting them together and then unfolding them, ultimately leaving a facade of disappointment across his face. "To level out the playing field, I have grabbed a lovely member of their own to sacrifice." He considered that even. After this, there had to be no quarrel or else more measures would have to be taken. The Pitt was a clan focused on justice and brutal revenge back in Yes Man's reign and he would hold that true, unlike Esklav's. He focused on brutality and ignorant isolation. While his ways were the opposite to Snowbound, his former despised clan, he still found that their common denominator was ignorance. Once again, he would not let them turn a blind eye on those who wronged the Pitt and their leader. They were the best out of the best. Not only did they survive together as the fittest, they dominated the competition who tried to be as great as them, even if they encouraged for everyone to be so glorious.

"Introduce yourself, sweetie." With a unsheathed claw, he picked at the gag over her mouth. Stryker was obviously not careful when doing so, leaving cuts all over her face as he did so. The serval's eyes narrowed. "Fuuck yo-" A paw violently smacked into her maw, causing her to negate her words and fall silent under his grip with a lowered growl. "Children are watching, you ignorant bastard," he mocked back at the female before turning back to his audience. "Since this one is sooo rebellious, I guess I'll have to do all the work." Pursing his lips, Stryker sighed again, but continued on with a laugh anyways. There was some enjoyment in the situation at least. It felt so good to be doing what was right. "This fishy fuck is a precious pirate from the Typhoon known as Guru, the mother of Goldenluxury herself." Releasing a paw off of the female's mouth, ignoring her bumbling and screaming in the background as his voice rose over her own, the leader began to turn towards her. Slitted neon eyes stared into her widened gaze. Full of fear, Guru attempted to back up against the stage's back wall and shield herself, but there was nowhere to run. Stryker sauntered closer, pupils dilating. "Since her daughter took something from us-" "N-No, please-" "We're going to take something from her." Just as he did with her daughter, Stryker breached her mind with mental manipulation and proceeded to take control of her motor cortex. Guru's paw would begin to move slowly up towards her throat, the rest of her body attempting to fight Stryker's mind control, but there was no use. The serval's claws grasped at her own throat, clawing at it anxiously till she reached at the juglar vein and pierced it successfully in one quick swipe. There was no mercy, no big speech, only silence as the leader watched her gargle on her own blood and attempt to speak out her last words. Not long after, the mother bled out. Her body fell limp and a pool of crimson remained, only there to serve as a message. No one fucks with The Pitt.

As if nothing happened inbetween, the lion continued to speak and rotate himself towards the audience once again. His mind was racing. There was no time to think... only to do what was needed. If this wasn't providing him the attention he's always craved and the thrill he's aspired to have, then Stryker didn't know what to believe. "For now, we consider this even when it comes to that band of dainty pirates," he continued snarkily. "In the future, if someone does take action us again, we will retaliate." With a crane of his head, he questioned his newly reformed group. If they weren't willing to serve his purpose, they were free to leave. The Pitt had always been a clan of the strongest and most willing. Hopefully, they wouldn't disappoint. Their work was very much needed. To provoke revenge against their enemies, they needed to band together to create that brutal justice. In no way were they the best of people, perhaps maybe the worst, but their intentions were definitely focused on being on top of the world for the thrill of it. "Is that clear?"

But that was not the end of this meeting. There was plenty more to come.

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - ninazu - 10-12-2018

© lexasperated
Azu heard the call, and came forward -- she remembered Stryker's meeting when he took over Snowbound, and she anticipated something grisly. She took a seat in the meeting, her cold expression hardly cutting to the bound serval by the lion's side. If it bothered her to see a member of her species mistreated in such a way, she didn't show it; though that wouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone, anyway. Azu never showed much emotion; enough that one person called her a psychopath.

She listened to him prattle on; as the meeting wore on, she wondered if Stryker planned on all his meetings involving this self-stroking masterbation for his ego. She breathed as she watched him manipulate the captive and force her to take her own life -- in and out, pupils dilated as twin monsters fluttered through her mind. But, for now, neither one claimed a victory; she sat there, two-thousand-yard stare. The picture of cold nonchalance.

However, at the tail-end of his little speech, the right corner of her maw curled up in a smirk. A flash of sadism sparked in her bronze eyes, hot bloodlust burning against the icy backdrop of her mind. "Clear," she said, voice hard before the storm of her mind snuffed out the sparks. She became cold again, the only difference the slight clench to her jaw.

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - emil - 10-12-2018

[Image: oie_el7ogwkx1mej_by_shibapawes-dcolx4f.jpg]
During his time spent in the Pitt, Eugene had not once seen a real leader; mere temporary replacements while the real one was out on vacation or something. It was strange to hear a voice aside from theirs absolutely screeching into the day for them to gather, but hey, at least he sounded serious about it. The former yakuza hated having a weak leader, someone who couldn't do anything right for themselves or their juniors. Too many times he had seen it, too many times he had been the one to deal with it.

The wolfdog was dragging his feet from his humble abode when he heard the threat, and if that wasn't good motivation to get his ass moving, he didn't know what was. Of course, who didn't love a good ol' spine-ripped-out-the-ass action? Oh, but this man's voice was intoxicating, he found it hard to decide whether he should go back to bed and wait for the inevitable assblasting or give in and see the face of this new demiurge. It was incredibly tempting to just turn around and get back to getting drunk off his ass, but in the end, Eugene decided he ought to see what all the fuss was about.

He settled himself toward the edge of the group, slumping down so his body met the hot sand, and raised his lantern eyes up to Stryker where he perched above the group with an incredibly smug and powerful air to him. The yakuza found himself smirking ever so slightly, peering at the lion with a quirked brow; he didn't know this guy had existed until now but, fuck, maybe love at first sight was real this whole time. He let a quiet hum and stretched his legs out in front of him, listening only to hear the male's voice, until he brought up a poor, struggling woman. Gene's brow furrowed ever so slightly as he watched her fight; paw trembling as it met her throat once, then again and again until she fell lifeless by her own claws. Pretty fucked. He wrinkled his nose. You've done worse.

He shifted slightly and sat up at Stryker's last words for the moment. "Crystal." The wolfdog murmured plainly, barely loud enough for the lion to hear among the crowd.

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - darci - 10-12-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]Sleep was something he needed to catch up on. Pulling near all-nighters was not exactly healthy. Finally, Levi had the opportunity to sleep in, that was, until Stryker started yelling. He cracked an eye open, seeing everyone outside making their way towards their new leader for a meeting. Expelling a sigh of frustration, the doberman collected himself, rose to his paws, and made his way over all well. Levi was still a bit groggy from just waking up, but he was awake enough to comprehend what the new leader was getting across. The dog grimaced at the mental picture of someone's pine being ripped out. It was a bit... Much. Even though he use to be a war lord, he never restored to such awful tactics. His brother, on the other hand, was a different story.

The trio of former leaders were demoted? He cast a look over the small crowd, but failed to find any of them at the moment. He began to wonder what they had done to deserve that, but in the long run, he could not care any less. He watched as Stryker's little display was shown to the group, he his expression did not falter. The lion reminded him of Reyes, always showing unnecessary strength. Then again, this was just how things went around here and no one would hear an objection from him. "Noted."

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - SÉAMUS - 10-12-2018

How interesting.  Well, Séamus could not possibly care less over the change in leadership.  The endfield shifted his paws absently, one sea-green eye on [member=265]Keona.[/member], whom he had grabbed on his way over.  Séamus was uncertain if everyone meant everyone, including those of prisoner and slave rank, but he figured he might as well make sure she knew what was going on too.  Until he realized just what he'd brought her over to witness.  Born blind could be an advantage, he supposed, to prevent such bloody images scarring her mind.  Unfortunately, her nose and ears had been born fully adept.

Nonetheless, the faerie bit back a sigh and forced himself back from pulling the child close to him.  He could not afford to blow his cover, nor revealing they were family.  So instead, he tried to send some feelings of reassurance through their connection.  A work-in-progress with room to improve, but it was there at least.  Séamus knew Guru was Goldenluxury's mother and by that matter, someone he was supposedly inclined to be loyal to... Well, he did not feel that way at all.  One of the crew or not, he only cared about his own; it made leaving and slipping into other places all the easier.

He hoped, grimly, he would not have to be the bearer of news regarding the mother's death.  Absent-mindedly, he flexed his talons, head tilted upwards towards the new leader.  How unnecessarily brutal.  He'd known others like that.  He could be like that sometimes, he supposed.  If it suited him for a particular situation. "Clear."
"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - ; albion - 10-12-2018

benny, for one, was not aiming so much for leadership at the moment. he was still a bit hesitant to take up responsibility as a warlord, but was gradually welcoming it more and more. since the fall of the boot riders, the marbled fox was uneasy with power and authority. outwardly he enjoyed flashing it like a brand new prada bag to those underneath him.

co-leading with quill and Valkyr had been treated more as a fun little game than a responsibility, simply because that's what it felt like at the time. esklav was sick, he was expected to be back and ready into action in no time. benny assumed the leopon would be out for a week tops before he and the other two were given leave and his reign would continue. they seemed to have hit a little hiccup with the last part, though the fox was slightly relieved leadership was not passed onto him. he wasn't ready yet. he wasn't sure when he would ever be. stryker was someone he could see eye to eye with on most cases, and given the chance benny would probably go to stryker more often than not for his duties than he had with esklav. the lion was much more... approachable with the ideas he had in mind. at least he wouldn't get shocked for misconduct.

benny did come as he was called a least. for once early to one of these things. it seemed stryker had some news to share and different idea's to deflect esklav's. the fox sat in the front line, looking up at the beastly leader with a smug grin. oh... he could feel that narcissism from a mile away. he knew the feeling himself. part of him missed it; the confidence in his decisions. doing things with no guilt or second thought. power was an addiction that benny stick couldn't quite kick yet. it was in his blood at this point.

still, news of his demotion had not phased him. there was no harm in reconstructing the process of who was worthy of which positions. benny pondered though what stryker had in mind for their little ragtag group of killers.

guru's execution had been an necessary evil to prove a point. goldenluxury was taken back. they were left with nothing other than this, and benny would only assume word would get to pincher quickly. however the leader felt about the mother to his daughter was unclear, but benny knew he himself would be pissed. at least for the fact that someone in his rule was even capable of being victim to this.

at stryker's rhetorical, benny nodded his head with  his smile spread to a toothy smirk. "you got it, chief."

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - COSMIIX - 10-12-2018

Quill wasn't much of a leader type or at least, he hadn't been preparing for that kind of thing anyways, he took a deep breath moving over to sit next to Benny with both of his ears perked forward. The striped direhound couldn't help but snort and wear a cocky grin on his maw watching as Stryker's usual narcissism seemed to take hold of the lion. His ears flicked for a brief moment listening as he and the rest of his trio was demoted to their regular ranks, he would let out a soft huff not being moved by this. He wouldn't lie. He actually much preferred to see someone like the lion up there rather than the leopon, the leopon had been dull to watch and appearance-wise but Stryker was a full-course meal for his eyes. Very much entertaining. Luckily any drool that would come from him would be thought of as something else especially in the heat like this with such a thick and dark coat like his. He would lift up a metallic claw scratching his chest being careful not to go over that ugly scar of his only to nod slowly "Understood, bucko." The murder of Guru made something in Quill realize something yet the rest of his thoughts weren't spoken aloud.

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - Keona. - 10-12-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
A less than ideal situation.  Of course, the endfield keeping an eye on her just wanted her to be informed.  Keona had caught the threat of torn spines, curious herself to whom it applied. Everyone-everyone?  She did not want to still be here.  Horrible desert.

The petite fae breathed in slowly, ears flattened against her skull.  This new leader... She did not like.  Loud.  Aggressive.  Brutal.  Her tiny teeth sank into her cheek, holding her tongue at the sound of Guru's pleas.  Smelled like blood.  Like death. Her own blood felt like ice.  Her stomach twisting into knots.  She wanted to go home.  It took everything in her to stay still, though fear no doubt played a major part in keeping her there.  Her uncle right beside her but she could not hide beneath him, or seek his fur for comfort.  They were not family here.  Not friends.  Without Valkyr about - Keona almost wanted the sha around - the endfield took her metaphorical leash.  Hopefully no one took it from him.  Saw no reason for them to.  What use was a blind child to them?

The child made not a single sound, her spotted tail curling tightly around herself. Pale sea-green hues flickered in the direction of Stryker's voice, attentive.  It felt redundant to answer.  The question rhetorical.  Her rank lowest than the low here.  She hoped he did not know or did not care about her.  Besides, as a whole, the crew probably cares more about Goldie.  Aside from her own family, she supposed.

Ba mhaith liom abhaile.
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - CHERRYWINE - 10-13-2018

Now wasn't this exciting? Cherry had found this place beginning to bore her- there was nothing to do, and she'd been growing more and more tempted to cause some trouble. She still wasn't really sure what the Pitt's rules were, though, so seeing something like this was certainly a bit of a relief. This place didn't play around, at least, and they - or, at least their new leader, Stryker (wasn't that that one guy from her game the other day?) - weren't afraid to make a bit of a mess. Cherrywine's vibrant gaze widened at the sight of Stryker and the femme beside him, the ghost of a smile beginning to pull at her lips.

The tabby watched with much interest as the new leader seemingly controlled the other's movements, forcing her to rip open her own throat. It was a bit more distant than she would usually care to be with her victims - she liked it to be more personal -, but to each their own, she supposed. "Very," purred Cherrywine, not moving yet, for she was far too interested in the possibility that Stryker may continue on his little tangent. It was entertaining, if nothing else, though she wasn't the biggest fan on his commanding tone- she probably should've expected that when joining a group with a, you know, leader.


Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - miss ririchiyo - 10-13-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]The blood was glorious, beautiful, as it spouted from her throat and trickled onto the ground. Dabi had admired the way Stryker had handled the woman, sharp blue eyes calculating as a tongue brushed over his bottom lip idly. Hot. Exceedingly attractive. Strong. Huh. His type of man.

Too bad Dabi was taking care of Tsuyu, otherwise he would have tried to flirt his way through the ranks. Or kill people. Either seemed like a good option.

The wolf had lifted his head, nodding it slowly as he finished his speech. "Understood, boss." He rumbled calmly, a bored grin on his stitched up features.
