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oleander — character storage - Printable Version

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oleander — character storage - guts - 04-14-2018

dnp!!! tracks are fine

— aizawa shota of snowbound [icestriker]
— church of the ascendants [starstruck guardian]

— charlie of morgan heights [regular citizen]
— cosette of no group

Re: oleander — character storage - guts - 04-15-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ AIZAWA SHOTA ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 6/18

name. aizawa shota
name meaning aizawa; na / shota (variant of shouta); from Japanese 翔 (shou) meaning "soar, glide" and 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big"
nicknames. none
biological gender. male
pronouns he/him/his
birth date. november 8, 2015
age. 4 years
clan. snowbound
rank lionheart

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. aizawa shota from my hero academia
voiceclaim. same as faceclaim
☆ other facts

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
lion / feline — birth body 70% health
he's a large lion, though he's slightly smaller and scrawnier than most of his species. he looks to be quite thin, his stomach dipping in close to his body and his ribs just barely visible under his fur. his pelt is a black, matted mess, with a thick and messy mane. there are spots where he lacks fur, which is instead where old scars reside. his eyes, which are usually bored-looking and red, are a deep brown.
injures. currently sick due to being bitten by infected prey

entj && ravenclaw && erudite && chaotic good
personality here
main personality traits. intelligent, practical, loyal, calm - reserved, stern, unceremonious, cerebral - cold, impatient, lazy, blunt
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. homosexual
relationship status. single
friends. izuku, jacob
enemies. none

physically && mentally. medium && hard
will fight && won't kill
self defense. text
will often use his scarf in battle; otherwise no weapon preference
mention @ aizawa or @ guts when attacking
attacks in attack color here
powers. air elementals

Re: oleander — character storage - guts - 06-10-2018

FULL NAME charles richter
NICKNAMES goes by charlie
CLAN/GROUP[b] morgan heights
—ranking tbd
30 years old
—aging ratio ages on the 12th of every month
—pronouns he/his/him
he's part german thanks to his father's side of the family
he's the Dad Friend of every group
is pretty much a huge, somewhat intimidating teddy bear
health status -[90%]
SPECIES[b] human [ref]
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] he stands tall at about 6'0", most of his weight being muscle. he has hard features, with a hard jaw and flat nose, his face somewhat round but still with pronounced cheeks. his icy blue eyes are hooded and sit deeper in his skull though his right eye is glassy and lacks sight. his black hair is usually slightly messy, cut short and reaching down to the upper part of his neck.
—accessories none
—smells like what’s the general scent for your character?
—scars a large one around his right eye, one on the left corner of his mouth, and two on his eyebrow
—injuries none
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] his movements are slower and more reserved, though they aren't at all formal
—posture in the middle--most of the time he's prone to slouching and such but in more serious events he keeps pretty good tabs of his posture
istj - lawful neutral - gryffindor
trait - trait - trait - trait
trait - trait - trait - trait
trait - trait - trait - trait
DESCRIPTION[b] textext
—interests what does your character like - what are their hobbies?
—addictions smokes very frequently, will drink at times
ORIENTATION[b] biromantic bisexual
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush none
—friends none
—family all npcs
—enemies  none
may start fights - will fight back - will end fights - may kill
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] put whether they’re easier/hard to get along with here!
—platonic relationships is it easy to befriend them? are there issues people may run into?
—romantic relationships do they have a hard time getting romantically involved with others, or is it easy for them? or maybe somewhere in-between
—rivalries is it easy to become their enemy, or are they harder to anger?
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] put their overall difficulty here! this is when it comes to how strong they are physically and mentally, as opposed to how easy they are to get along with.
—physical difficulty hard
—mental difficulty  easy
mention either this account or main if needed in a thread/if attacked; bump any threads after 2 days of no response

Re: oleander — character storage - guts - 08-05-2018

FULL NAME aineias lavernius
NICKNAMES anne [given by freyr]
—ranking tbd
12 months
—aging ratio ages on the 5th
GENDER female
—pronouns she/her
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] cat-shark
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] [ref] she's bigger than the usual feline, her height about 10.5 inches, and is built for battle, most of her weight being muscle. her fur is coarse and very short, colored a light blueish grey from her head to her tail, which has no fur on it and turns to a rough texture, identical to that of a shark's. her front paws and back left paw are white, where her fur is thickest. fins sprout out from her back and all four legs, gills and a few scales on her neck. her eyes, with thin pupils, are an odd hot pink color.
—accessories none
—smells like saltwater
—scars has a large chunk of her back fin missing
—injuries none
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] mostly depends on her mood. usually she's pretty neutral, but when she's happy she moves a little quicker or with more bounce, and when she's sad she's slower and more reserved, ect
—posture good
enfp - neutral good - hufflepuff
friendly - courageous - independent - humorous
competitive - outspoken - stubborn - unpredictable
excitable - impulsive - resentful - irresponsible
DESCRIPTION[b] textext
—extra notes extra stuff - delete if you don’t want to do anything with this!
—interests what does your character like - what are their hobbies?
ORIENTATION[b] bisexual
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush none
—friends none
—family aesneas [twin sister]
—enemies  none
will start fights - will fight back - will end fights - may kill
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] she's easy to get along with for most, while people who are more on the grumpy side may find her irritating. however, when she wants to be your friend, she's very persistent
—platonic relationships she is very easy to befriend, but it's hard to get her to open up emotionally. whenever someone pries, she clams up and will refuse to say anything, usually getting angry or defensive
—romantic relationships she would be open to the idea of a relationship if she liked the person, but she's pretty oblivious to the whole concept of love and crushes
—rivalries considering how unforgiving she is, it's not that hard to become someone she dislikes. it's just hard to figure out what will set her off
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] she's very strategic and tactical in a fight, and is overall very strong when it comes to brute force. but it can be easy to catch her or overpower her if the opponent is quicker or larger
—physical difficulty medium
—mental difficulty  hard
mention sub or main if needed/if attacked; bump threads after 2 days of no response