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FLOWER GLEAM AND GLOW // INTRODUCING HAR - buckingham barnes - 10-11-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
It's been two days since the raid on the Ascendants. Two days since he returned with an unconscious kitten in his jaws. When Buckingham initially took part in that raid, grabbing his unconscious brother's limp body hadn't been apart of the plan. Bucky didn't even think he'd see Harland during it, and to his surprise, the little bombay was quickly hiding under his legs. The former assassin remembered voices yelling at Harland left and right, and when he felt Harland's body move under his legs, he had the chance to dodge an attack heading towards him. Bucky knew he was far more focused on his brother than his fight- Harland was in danger for heading out into the raid to get to him. When he watched Har pass out on the ground, it was like Bucky forgot about the fights around him and his own. Not that long after, the Warden was sprinting towards the bombay, snatching him and not turning back once, even when Moonmade let out a desperate roar.

Buckingham has spent his last two days in his boathouse- with Harland, if that wasn't expected. He wanted to make sure he was calmed down from what he did, and to make sure little Har was relaxed too. He knows it can be stressful to be in new surroundings and see unfamiliar faces. He didn't want Harland to wake up to a bunch of people he didn't know. It would be overwhelming and scary, and then Buckingham's whole purpose to make Harland feel safe would be diminished. Which is why the maine coon decided to take it slowly, and when he woke up and greeted his brother this morning, he decided that Harland was ready to meet some Sunhaveners.

It was around noon. Members were out and about- some were socializing near the fountain, others were munching on some prey, and some were on patrols. The Warden was padding along the boardwalk, barely a creak being made with each step he made. His tail slowly swished behind him, the maine coon looking over his shoulder to see Harland following after him. He came to a stop, a soft smile on his muzzle, "We're almost at the fountain, Har."

[ feel free to post before [member=2093]HAR M.[/member] !! ]


About temples it rises, gentle throb of pain like a feather running along the seam of the skull, constant pressure building up within. Within it, entangled threads of thought swirling about him, pulling at him as it seeks broken attention, memories given a sharp edge. All is laid bare upon dark features as night had settled upon the first night, shuddering breath escaping as he looked towards Bucky – his brother, one he trusted and yet – seeking guidance. The want was there, words burning within a throat unable to give voice any as they rose in fragmented sounds, whimpers and sobs breaking through until all he could do was seek warmth and comfort in him.

Never alone, following steps as though he were but a shadow tethered to the Warden, creak of each marking his passing. It is better this way, never allowing solitude to sneak up upon him, curved talons ever reaching, only one moment needed. In a way it had been a pleasant experience though never could the words arise of how his heart pounded, felt as though it might crack through ribs skin pressed against. Nor might he permit the other to see the tears, wet tracks drawn across sunken cheeks when Harland knew well he was caught in the depth of sleep, silent though the small body shook. Odd mix was it, this sense of fear and longing, a want for those left behind but tempered by a worry to their response if he dared allowed himself to face them.

When the possibility of venturing beyond the walls, safety he had come to know well and greatly enjoy, some part of him never seeking to leave it, surprise had twisted soft features, golden eyes widening. Seconds passed, mind working through thoughts that tumbled about with no direction, before he was moving. About the other arms had wound, reaching as high as he might, soft noises of agreement his only answer. Tense had the child been during the wait, moving about Bucky's home with a slight skip within each step, allowing himself a brief moment to hope.

Eyes moved up, touched upon features familiar as those he bore and upon his own lips smile took hold. Excitement had waned until it was worry which had touched him, kept close to Bucky as his gaze had darted about. Everything was different, the structures about moving gently and the soft chatter of those around spoken in dialect odd to him, baring tones and accents he found intriguing but to a degree grated. Moving closer he sought to press against his leg, needing the contact of one he knew in this place, offering a gentle sound in answer.
[glow=#000,1,400]I NEED IT TO STOP SO LET ME TELL YOU PLEASE — [/glow]