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can't stop, won't stop - joining - Printable Version

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can't stop, won't stop - joining - darci - 10-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]She was a rather striking individual. The lioness looked far different from any of her... Natural kind. Rather than being a typical tan, she was a mash between black and white. Zemira's face was split jaggedly down the middle, the left side of her face solid black with a bright orange eye, the right pure white with a stone blue-colored eyed. Her body, on the other hand, was not as symmetrical. The torso of her body was a jagged mix of white against her black. Even though she was a sight to see, Zemira always felt a bit self conscious about what she deemed to be a mutation. Around her neck hung a plaid scarf of black, grey, white, and orange. While it did not cover much of her body, she believed it drew away from her speckled fur. Even so, she was beginning to learn to not really care what others thought of her coloring.

Having been sold to a circus, Zemira found every chance she got to escape. After nearly mauling a trainer half to death, she found her chance and never looked back. She hated that place with every fiber of her being, even if she had only been their a month or two. After escaping had the girl wandered aimlessly around until, well, she found herself here. Noting the strong scene, she was well aware of the borders and such. Taking a seat, the female waited patiently for someone to arive.

Re: can't stop, won't stop - joining - Grimm - 10-11-2018

Jagged lines, dark encroaching upon the bright, given no clear definition as they mix together. Faint hum pushed through lips pressed into a hard line, curiosity expressed within curl of angular features, hidden away. Dark leather about sharp curve of smile, dark eyes roving over the body of this creature hidden behind panes tinted to such a point none might see. They cared not to hide themself away, perched upon a rock some distance up the slop of the mountain that stretched down to graze along the beach, clear in their interest. Slight tilt to head as they look upon her, no purpose behind steps that drag and move the body forward without care as to destination she might arrive at.

“What brings you to Sunhaven this fine day,” careful movements, mask about their face shifted until it dangs about the neck, expression shared soft, smile barely present. Moment to pause before their trek begins, sliding from the surface of the rock and slow pace set, drawn closer to where the lioness has set herself. Over her dark eyes move, nothing of interest in her as a person but more the tone of her fur, the uneven split of extremes.

“Where are my manners,” head tilts up and the voice which rises is given an edge, laughter spilling from open jaws. “I am Esma, and might I ask your name.”
[glow=#000,1,400]YOU THOUGHT YOU CAUGHT MY SLIGHT OF HAND — [/glow]

Re: can't stop, won't stop - joining - buckingham barnes - 10-11-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Zemira certainly didn't look like your everyday lioness, that's for sure. When Buckingham arrived shortly after Esma, he didn't feel uncomfortable by her fur pattern. Bucky had to look up towards the lioness, considering he's quite small compared to her, his gaze landing on her orange and blue eyes. Bucky knew that there are quite some awful people in the world. Bucky had his fair share with Ximen, that monster only managed to manipulate him into the Asset for a few weeks, and that was just enough to continue effecting him today. While being brainwashed and tortured were horrendous for him to go through, he could never imagine what it'd be like to be in a circus. He would rather be the Winter Soldier than have to be forced to perform embarrassing acts in front of people, especially if they were poking fun at his appearance and abusing him in the sidelines.

His light blue eyes blinked, the former assassin glancing at the multi colored plaid scarf Zemira wore. It pulled his attention away from her speckled fur, fulfilling it's purpose. It took a few seconds for Bucky to snap out of the glance, his optics quickly looking up at the lioness again. His gaze locked on hers, with a flick of his ear. "I'm Buckingham Barnes, feel free to call me Bucky." He meowed, with a nod of his head.

Re: can't stop, won't stop - joining - rhosmari - 10-12-2018

A strong figure moved forward, tails shifting against her form as she made her way toward the area in which scents were ebbing from. There was a bit of interest these past couple of days and she was concerned that there might be a bit influx at the border and she was rather right in some ways. Her gaze lingered on the strangely colored lioness, black and white popping out in sharp relief against the backdrop of brown and vivid greens of the territory. The leaves were starting to fall now and the crunching of her paws could be heard from a bit away as she finally appeared and settled down upon the ground. Clearing her throat a bit the woman would dip her head a little toward the stranger but the question had already been asked and she didn't think she needed to add much to the conversation. It was quite one sided already and she wanted to know the intention of the female before she branched forward into any other conversations.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: can't stop, won't stop - joining - PIERCE - 10-13-2018

What was this? Pierce's slender form emerged after Marina, eyes alight as he watched Zemira with unmasked curiosity. She was a joiner, he figured, as she didn't smell of any other clans - not that he knew of, at least -, and she seemed to know to stop before crossing any borders, which was somewhat uncommon among newcomers nowadays. Pierce didn't really mind- he hadn't been the most observant of creatures when he was young and had marched past the border and right up the staircase that led to the main stretch of land that was his first home, so he was in no place to judge. He didn't really feel threatened by strangers on Sunhaven territory, anyway. Could they potentially be dangerous? Sure. But he was well-trained and anyone that was there with the intents of causing harm wouldn't be wandering out in the open. That was just his two cents, though. "Hi," the speckled tom would greet softly, a smile finding its way to freckled features. "I'm Pierce- I love your eyes!" She really was quite pretty, and he couldn't help but notice the unique coloration of her heterochromatic visionaries.
