Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° ┊ oh fantasy, free me ﹙ o, ghost ﹚ - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° ┊ oh fantasy, free me ﹙ o, ghost ﹚ - JERSEYBOY - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]The evening was already shaping up to be quite the spectacle. Wispy, cirrus clouds lingered near the horizon where the golden sun had pulled the ocean's blanket over its head, now concealing its warmth and rays from the world. The sea had swallowed it whole, and it was now as dark and inky as a void. What lingered beneath its depths were unknown, but hell, it was pretty neat to look at. Night after night, the waves had been an endless marvel for the tom. All he would do was stand on his porch and gaze out onto the waters... maybe light up a smoke as well.

The tuxedo tom sat still, peaceful and tranquil ( for once ) as the chilly breeze weaved through his short, black fur. He wasn't sure how much longer he'd stay outside, though he figured that he should head inside soon to get himself somethin to munch on. Suddenly, an airy and soft feminine voice broke the natural ambience, "It is beautiful, isn't it?" Jerseyboy had turned his head, only a little. "Yeah, I guess."

The fem paused for a moment, rolling her shoulders and looking back out onto the horizon once more. "Do you like to look at the sea?" This girl liked to ask a lot of questions, didn't she? "Sometimes." And just who was she, anyways? The tuxedo cat craned his head, this time farther than the last time, just to get a good look at her. "Are you—whoa."

He was cut off, stunned as he gazed upon her misty flank. She looked pale and almost transparent; it certainly didn't look normal. One would perhaps think that she was... a ghost ( but then again, ghosts weren't real ).

The she-cat looked down at herself for a moment before looking back up at Jerseyboy. She explained in her airy voice, "Oh, it is just a condition I have had for quite some time now. Do not worry about it." He... wasn't sure if he should've believed her or not, but he couldn't think of another possible explanation. So, he accepted it with hesitance. "Okay..." Jersey furrowed his figurative brows.

He cleared his throat. "So... you're new around here?" She gave a small nod and responded, "Yes. I am afraid I don't know many people yet." A new girl, huh? Well, Jerseyboy was just a sucker for new girls, especially if they didn't know anybody else. That only meant that nobody could tarnish their opinions on him. "Well, if you need someone to keep ya' company..." The tuxedo cat sported a small, toothy grin.

The girl had seemed to ( literally ) light up at his offer, her doe eyes shining like silver moons. "Oh, would you?" At her enthusiasm, the Hearthkeeper managed a chuckle and reached his tail out to rest on her backside. "I'd be more than ha—"

His tail had gone right through her, coating it in a shimmery residue.

Eyes? Widened. Smile? Gone. Fur? Standing. Heart? P o u n d i n g . "Che cazz[sup]1[/sup]—what the fuck's wrong wit' you?!" Jerseyboy had leaped back, his triangular ears pinned against the back of his cranium. While his jaws parted in shock, the girl giggled, "Heehee! You fleshies are so gullible~" She then proceeded to [sup]levitate[/sup] off the ground and circle around him, mocking him and teasing him with every little twirl.

The Hearthkeeper jolted back once more, nearly tripping over himself this time in a graceless fashion. "Get away from me!" Jerseyboy [i]shouted at the ghost. He was not having a fun time right now, especially now that he learned that ghosts were real.

1. What the fu—
// the ghost is going to disappear from sight by the time anyone shows up!

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ oh fantasy, free me ﹙ o, ghost ﹚ - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-11-2018

Gordon had her own run-ins with the ghosts that haunted camp and unsurprisingly, they spooked her quite often. The munchkin herself had a fit over the spirits appearing before her, although she was getting used to them somewhat. The auras the ghosts had with them still gave her a headache but she eventually learned just to keep her gaze down at all times, unless there was something or someone she could focus on to try and block out as much as the colors as she could.

Gordon's head snapped toward Jerseyboy as she heard the male shout, her fur puffing out in alarm as she tried to search for something that had happened to him. There wasn't anything around - at least, none that she could see. The ghosts that usually gave her headaches weren't around right now but she definitely wasn't going to complain. Carefully, Gordon came up to Jerseyboy, head tilting to the side as she gazed up at him. "Jerseyboy?" She called out to him softly with a concerned frown. "Are-are you okay?"
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ oh fantasy, free me ﹙ o, ghost ﹚ - JERSEYBOY - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]Finally, someone had come over just in time. Even if it was Gordon, someone he could barely stomach, it was better her than nobody. Fur standing on edge, the Hearthkeeper folded his ears and glanced around warily. "You seein' this shit?" Jerseyboy questioned, his gaze darting over to the other. He scrambled to his paws, taking a step forward and still rotating his neck to check behind him and above him. Huh, nothing was there anymore. "It was... right there! I saw it, I fuckin' swear." Jerseyboy exclaimed, now wondering where that thing went. He wouldn't want anybody going around thinking he was some sort of deranged loon.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ oh fantasy, free me ﹙ o, ghost ﹚ - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-15-2018

"Saw what?" Gordon responded, glancing around as Jerseyboy did so, but unfortunately found nothing. As stated before, she did have her own visions of the spirits that appeared at camp occasionally but still, Jerseyboy was somebody who seemed like he wouldn't be so scared by a simple ghost - unlike yours truly. "I-I don't see anything." Not now, at least.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ oh fantasy, free me ﹙ o, ghost ﹚ - rhosmari - 10-16-2018

The woman knew that there were ghost encounters happening. That things were getting a little spooktacular around here but she had yet to have her own ghostly encounters. So she was confused when she came upon the scene for she couldn't' actually see or interact with ghosts herself. It wasn't something she was commonly gifted with our rather maybe they just didn't want to communicate with her after all. Still, there was a worried look upon her muzzle as she looked at Jerseyboy and then toward Gordon who was asking the same question she was but out loud. Indeed saw what? Her brow furrowed for a moment as she looked over and around the area before looking back to the tuxedo male, tapping her paw against the ground before she sat down with a huff and a light look of confusion entering her vivid green snake like eyes. "Ay, Jersey what are ya talkin' about? I ain't seeing anything either." Really the hellhound hoped that asking was going to be okay because she really didn't know what to do about the situation at hand or how to combat the spirits that were starting to get progressively worse.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡