Beasts of Beyond
HEAD IN THE DUST // JOINING? - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]These lands were lacking in drink. Water they had plenty of, but he wasn't much of a water drinker, which could...honestly explain why he always felt like shit, but that was neither here nor there. He wanted something strong, enough to strip paint if need be, because walking around on his sober lonesome was fucking awful. A clear head in general was a terrible, terrible idea, even though it made the wandering less bruising. Did it matter? He already knew his odds of finding an establishment to get piss-drunk in were abysmally low. Sand partially mimicked the effect, shifting beneath his paws, and towards the water's edge, the pull of the tide enhanced the "drunkard incapable of walking in a straight line" part. Not his favored aspect of intoxication, believe it or not. The mind-numbing and inability to think in coherent trains was the ideal to go for. Trevor wasn't desperate enough to test if complete dehydration worked as well.

The dark wolf gave his fur a shake and stretched, spine arching dramatically, and he straightened with a grunt. His nose twitched, and he sighed the kind of long-suffering sigh of someone who hated people. And he did. Another fine effect of getting utterly plastered was the lack of folks willing to strike up conversation. Like this, he appeared semi-approachable, albeit homeless and in need of a few baths.

"Dear God, why am I not drunk?"


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]// rushed school post ;-;

"You 'n me both, pal." Came the sudden remark, [sub]dripping[/sub] with a sincere sort of sarcasm. There was some truth to it, though — there were only so many opportunities where Jerseyboy could truly indulge in his party-animal tendencies and toss sobriety in the trash for awhile. Although Sunhaven claimed to be the "party central" of the region, all of the events here could be compared to that of kiddie kindergarten classes. Bracelet-making, flower-picking, painting? Jesus Christ, it was all a big arts-and-crafts fest. That was what Jerseyboy missed about the city sometimes; all of the ragers and the wild parties that his buddies threw. It was no-holds-barred — knocking things over, jumping into pools, breaking into the alcohol stores. He couldn't get away with that, nowadays. Not here ( although he could if he wanted to ).

Padding closer, the tuxedo tom fixed his olivine stare onto the stranger, a neutral expression ( a.k.a. his "resting bitch face" ) hanging onto his features. This guy looked like he had just crawled out of the backwoods, or even the deep city sewers. He r e e k e d of booze, even more than he did ( and that was a feat within itself ). "You're not from around here, are ya'?" The Hearthkeeper was pretty sure that this was not a Sunhavener, considering that it was apparently his job now to welcome newcomers and that he would've at least seen him around town if he was a new member.

Whatever, no biggie. Jerseyboy wouldn't lose his shit over someone walking on the beach, not like that one chick had a week ago or so. He was rather calm when it came to trespassers, especially if they didn't pose a threat or weren't doing any harm. He had a loner mentality, after all, so he didn't necessarily feel overprotective of Sunhaven's territory. Casually, the New Jerseyan continued to ask, "So, who are you?"

Re: HEAD IN THE DUST // JOINING? - rhosmari - 10-11-2018

"I hope ya ain't mind readers." The voice of the woman was tired but that could possibly be because she'd stayed up much of the night before. Her inability to sleep was because of her own mind running around in circles and demeaning thoughts of herself running rampant and frankly she would love to kick back and just not have to worry about anything. Drinking definitely helped that aspect but she hadn't had a good drink in a good minute. A sigh left her muzzle as she walked over to the pair, gaze lingering on the one she didn't know for a good moment. Who the hell was he? Her eyes squinted then as she tried to seemingly deduce this by telepathic means but she didn't have any mental abilities that would serve to help her. So she just looked rather dumb staring at him like that. Shaking her head a bit she sat down roughly, lifting a paw to rub at her shoulder as she glanced over to Jerseyboy who seemed on top of greeting the fella. Was she really that behind? Shaking her head a little she tired to focus on the situation and what it could possibly mean but she was just dog tired. A small smirk pulled at her maw at her own pun before she laid her head on the ground. "Name's Marina, ya want a spot here ya can have it. Just keep ya nose clean or whatever."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡