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butterfly visions | felibri's character storage - Printable Version

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butterfly visions | felibri's character storage - Felibri - 03-13-2018


bio #1:
tags — updated 17 july

name. deutschland schmidt
”germany” in german
nicknames. deutsch, deut
biological gender. male
birth date. 3 october 20??
age. approximately 5-6 years
clan. ascendants
pending rank

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. aph germany
voiceclaim. undecided
☆ originally a feralfront character

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
german shepherd — from east german/ddr lines 86% health
A sturdy, muscular frame with sleek, dilute fur (liver and brown) in traditional german shepherd markings. He is smaller than the American standard of the breed, being of European origin. His eyes are a startling ice blue, but settle nicely with his lighter-colored fur. He does have multiple scars, but for most of them, the fur has grown over them. There is very faint greying on his muzzle, but is not noticable to most unless you were standing quite close to him. He wears a green leather collar around his neck with the German iron cross attatched to it.
injures. none at the moment

entp “debater” && slytherin && erudite-dauntless && lawful neutral.
Deutschland is a quite complex character. His personality has been forged over years of tradegies, triumphs, and everything in between. The most distinguishable trait of his is in pride. He can be quite vain, but not exactly in terms of being called handsome. Deutschland loves to know he’s right, and loves to win. He can become quite arrogant and cocky when he knows he’s on the winning side, often talking down condesendingly on those he dislikes or is in a rivalry with. Deutschland’s quite set in his ways and doesn’t like to change his views on a whim. He’s not afraid to manipulate people or lie, though he usually prefers not to resort to that tactic as his first plan. He has an excellent way with words, and can put together a compelling speech. He’s morally grey, and doesn’t exactly show the same distaste as others in facing criminals. On the contrary, he finds immense interest in them and tries to understand their intentions and help them heal and offer them a second chance at life. However, once that second chance has been rejected, or misused, he immediately dislikes the character and becomes quite cold and merciless towards them. Underneath this spiky interior lies a rather soft heart. Deutschland’s weakness is family. He likes to push people away, but he realizes he’s gone too far when his family starts to drift away. After a long time of being a deadbeat father, he’s quite fond of his children and speaks to them softly and always likes to hang out with them. He’s especially fond of Feliciano, who is the only person he trusts with his life and is admittedly pliant to whatever Feliciano says or does to him. Deutschland is quite conservative in belief, not believing others when they claim they are fallen gods, demons, or angels, and he is pretty faithful to his mate and finds the idea of hookups and infedility appalling.
main personality traits. arrogant, stubborn, manipulative, fatherly, tolerant
disorders. none discovered

parents. unknown x unknown
siblings. unknown
sexuality. pansexual
relationship status. taken, feliciano
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. difficult && moderate
not afraid to start a fight and too prideful to back away from it && will kill in dire situations
self defense. will not hesitate to defend himself
weapon preference: teeth, has a very deadly bite
mention [member=101]Deutschland[/member] or [member=46]Felibri[/member] when attacking
powers. lightning manipulation, shapeshifting, character bond
bio #2:
BIO #4:

Re: butterfly visions | felibri's character storage - Deutschland - 04-07-2020

"i'm not technically supposed to be here, but my roleplayer can't bear to delete my account because i'm her favorite character"

Re: butterfly visions | felibri's character storage - Ivan - 04-07-2020

i'm testing the limits with this one. he's also a nerd, like me

Re: butterfly visions | felibri's character storage - Margery - 04-07-2020

a sweet girl who loves everyone and gives me something to love and be comforted by after i deal with all of my dumb egotistical male characters

Re: butterfly visions | felibri's character storage - Konrad - 04-07-2020

ich bin ein berliner
"y'all got any hamburgers, btw??"