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swallowing the sun ;; JOINING - Printable Version

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swallowing the sun ;; JOINING - teef - 10-10-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


it wasn't some sort of campaign in order to better himself, just a journey. a journey that he hadn't wanted to depart unto in the first place. there was a pain he was trying to lose, the leftovers of a relationship that had torn him to pieces as his loved one had been ripped and shredded in a bloody haze in front of his eyes.

taking a mighty breath the great beast that he was, drenched in his own blood and refuse, he released everything within him in a great gush of air, eyes closing as he came to a halt. shaking himself out he gazed upon the surroundings that he had blindly stumbled into. all he could see was sand, god-damnable sand. inhaling sharply he snarled his displeasure into the otherwise void-of-life environment. it had been the same since days before when he had entered the wastes, searching and searching for someplace to take shelter and lick his wounds. he refused to think of his lost partner, of the empty presence inside of his head, darkness spreading like a parasite that fed off of his energy as a living host.

he had been wandering so long that he barely remembered who he was himself, he had lost it all in the meaningless walking that he did. looking down now at the sand beneath his paws he felt his sight go blurry, a sickening sense of gravity taking over in his core. coughing he held back bile, the sweltering heat finally registering in his exhausted mind, blood dripping from his nose to join the blood seeping from his cracked paw pads. shaking his head wearily he breathed in and out heavily, trying to ignore the sun beating down on him from above, making the darkness inside of his mask a miniature bonfire, the fetid air of infection digging its claws into the raw and stinking injuries that marred his face. lifting a shaking paw he flinched away from the burning hot metal of his mask, quickly flipping it up and flinging it away with a deep intake of breath.

what a cruel trick of the gods, being forced into this land with nothing but the buzzing of heat washing over the sand dunes and the cries of vultures echoing inside of his ears. coughing a few more times, he was more than tempted to plunge his head into the hot sand burning up his paws, in an effort to escape the sun at the very least. he had been in too great of a shocked state when he had woken from the ditch that he had been thrown into at the time, to think 'oh hey! i should cut my fur before heading into the desert!' and now he found himself regretting this muggy decision he had made.

he refused to collapse out here, no matter how much he had to suffer. he had to avenge them, the now face-less lover he had once known. who were they again? right, someone ... shaking himself from his thoughts he lifted his head once more, line of sight going to the sky and the burning ball of light so cruelly grinning down at him. seeing this triggered some memory buried deep in his head, a memory of the sun shining down while he was somewhere nice and cold and dark ... thinking upon it a bit more he came upon the realisation that this place he was thinking of, would have been a cave. he had grown up in a cave? huh, that wasn't just something you would forget easily. continuing his trudge forward he began to hum, an airless and dry tune without much rhythm, just something to keep his mind on. maybe he was a little loose in the head right now, because, was that a shape appearing on the horizon?


jerisidie is a thick-furred dark gray/black hell-hound with ram horns and he wears a metal-cast mask made in the shape of a canine skull. the mask is worn in order to protect new greivious injuries to the right side of his face. he is in the desert right now after being left for dead by his capturers. he was caught when his power (non-offensive nature magick) exploded outwards at the sight of his lover being killed in front of him, as was planned by the couple who hunted him down. he lost his rear left leg in an accident, and when his magick is strong enough, he can create a prosthetic from plant life, and he also is missing his right eye, courtesy to a battle prior to his torture and 'escape'.

here's a link to what he looks like with the mask on, i just uh,, forgot the scars,,, (a lil sensitive maybe? it's a skull,,,)
click me~!

Re: swallowing the sun ;; JOINING - miss ririchiyo - 10-11-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]To be honest, Dabi wasn't too fond of the visitors that just showed up at their borders. This wasn't something he wanted to see; an injured male. Blacktide could come around and eat this dude in one bite.

"Yo, who are you? What's your business with the Pitt?"


Re: swallowing the sun ;; JOINING - teef - 10-11-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" eyes prettier than sin ... "


head jerking up, he blinked, coming to the conclusion that he wasn't finally going insane, that there was somebody nearby. his voice cracked, dry as the desert around them, "who am i? i don't even know that answer myself. if you're referring to who is inside the body? that's easy. my name is jerisidie. the pitt, hmm? i am merely passing through this area on my journey."

his response was blunt, a touch of humor to his otherwise rough voice. oh he knew what he was doing, of course he knew who he was, he just liked to twist his words around and see the responses he would get. probably not the smartest thing to do when his potential saviour was the one in front of him.

turning the right side of his head from dabi's view he let out a tired breath, pulling himself into a straighter posture, "i wouldn't suppose that you may know of any shelter nearby? or even a place of water? i wont bother you and yours lest they bother me first." he rumbled. it would be lovely to get off my paws for a moment too. he thought quietly.

Re: swallowing the sun ;; JOINING - darci - 10-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]Who else would Dabi be referring to? Levi had a suspicion they had an odd one on their hands. Nonetheless, the doberman would be quick to smother out the fire. "Go around," his words were monotone and blunt, no hint of emotion across his face nor his tone. Levi did not take well to strangers who did not have a precise intention, especially those who simply wanted to get a free meal and bed for nothing in return. "Unless you are here to join and make yourself useful, then you're welcome to. If you're just looking for food and a bed, you'll have to ask the buzzards." They had taken in Levi when he showed up on the border half dead, but he did not take advantage of their... Hospitality.

The doberman stayed, hunted, fought, did what he had to do to become productive. All while he was still injured, nonetheless. Even so, the ebony and tan male was not one to toot his own horn. Hazel eyes gazed at the wolf, cropped ears angled forward.

Re: swallowing the sun ;; JOINING - EROS - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]"This is true. We don't take in hungry mouths out of generosity. If you are looking to work for it and join us then have at it." The Pitt wasn't known for their kindness nor would they just allow someone to come stay with them unless they were going to pay them back for lost resources. The large canine walked forward, eyes skimming over the form of Levi, a bit too slow perhaps but he told himself he was just making sure that he was holding up well. After all the male was recuperating from his injuries and he didn't want him to overstress himself. But it seemed the black and tan male was always doing something and pushing himself to hard in his own opinion. Shaking his head a little but he focused back on the male that arrived on their territory, gaze hidden by a placid expression that didn't linger on what he was thinking for too long. Curling his thickly forked tail around himself the dweller settled for just giving a half nod toward the stranger whom was already walking on thin ice. "We aren't keen on sharing anything with you unless you become a Pittian. It's a choice or you'll have to be ran out of here."

Re: swallowing the sun ;; JOINING - teef - 10-11-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" eyes prettier than sin ... "


there was a flicker of amusement in his one gold eye, his lips curling into a lopsided grin, "working for the goods ain't that bad. i'm not stupid, i know whose place this and it is not mine. yeah, i am traveling in the area, but to hell with it, i feel like i'll fit in here for once. so explain to me if you would care to, what all does becoming one of the pitt entail?"

his posture didn't seem to change, merely walking over to the mask he had hurled away in a fit of pain and exasperation. "I've lived long enough to know that you don't get anything for nothing. if you think i'm a free-loader, you'd be better off looking at the birds." his tone was flat, giving nothing away about his emotions or state of mind.

he might look draft and he sure acted like it sometimes, but that's all it was, acting. jerisidie wasn't a noble or a blue-blood but he was an old-blood demon, making him a bit more knowledgeable. it was one of his survival tactics from long ago, from when he was a child learning how to walk. if you acted wrong in the head, folks would surely underestimate you and look down upon you. then, you could show them just how wrong you were. the one upside to being looked down upon? the attention, and jerisidie was quite the attention seeker, even if it was just a glance, it made him feel not so old. to the hells if he told anyone his actual age!

returning his attention to the three before him he waited, mask clasped between his jaws, eye watching the trio. gazing at levi he nearly grimaced in sympathy, he knew the pain of injuries that just would not heal.

Re: swallowing the sun ;; JOINING - teef - 10-23-2018

so uh, I'm going to repost this because I was completely in the wrong headset for introducing jerisidie's character. I've got my head in the right place to introduce him now and I'm more content with it. sorry haha. the potential of his character just isnt portrayed properly.