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do the rumble and sway // o - party - Printable Version

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do the rumble and sway // o - party - radeken - 04-13-2018

A little under a mile off Ascendant ground was a patch of disturbed earth under a stooped and gnarled fig tree. Beneath this earth was an oblong box not unlike a casket used for deceased youth. Within this casket was a durable leather pouch within which a concoction of mashed figs and crabapples fermented with the help of yeast scraped from the bark of a neighboring birch.

That all wasn’t there now, though. It was needed elsewhere.

The makeshift bota bag had been unearthed and carried back, slung over Radeken’s back. The place she brought it to was a quaint little setup in the grand circle with blankets and pillows slung around and candles set out but not lit because it was still daytime (Radeken just liked candles). Everything here had been stolen, including the pot that soon enough sloshed with the vinous contents of her bag (and a few chunks of glistening honeycomb added for...medicinal purposes). She’d look into returning things. Eventually.

Had it taken a long time to scrape together and was it still sort of shabby? Sure. Were others welcome to bring their own touches and snacks? Absolutely! And she made this very clear to clusters of npcs that wandered near, hoping they’d be kind enough to conveniently spread word of the function Radeken was setting into motion. She didn’t want to have to yell.

The wolf took a sip of what remained in the bag she had brought and coughed. Um. It’ll be fine. It was technically healthier than normal booze, right? was...made with love?? She shrugged and kicked the bota bag under a plush pillow and turned to the boombox she had dragged out of someone’s room. Should’ve locked your door... Radeken huffed, turning dials with her paws. She didn’t know how to work the damn thing. No sound was coming out. Is it even on? Did it have a disc in it...was that how they worked? Is it broken? She was...very close to guzzling down a dangerous portion of pruno in frustration.

Re: do the rumble and sway // o - party - BASTILLEPAW - 04-15-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille heard the excited shouts from a few corridors away, and groaned. Look, he didn't have an opposition to happiness -- he was just... well. His head hurt, Luna was missing, and he generally was on edge these days. He felt rattled after Echo's insertion into his life, the strange energy that had overtaken him in response to "Indi's" appearance making his skin itch as if it were too tight. He didn't know what was happening, and much as he'd struggled to accept his souls in the past, he'd never experienced... This. Whatever "this" was.

So, the sound of running paws and excited whoops made him sigh in annoyance. Whatever was going on, it was likely to intensify his headache and do absolutely nothing to help find Luna. He headed in their direction with a slight frown, eyeing up the shuffling NPCs with some reservation, before he made eye contact with one tom. The guy slowed, looking a little nervous, and then said, "Uhh, hey, Bast. That new girl is, uh, hosting a party." He looked a little spooked as Bast arched a brow at him, and then bolted after the others.

"That new girl" was undoubtedly Rad, and he rolled his eyes before heading off after them. Gods. What was she up to now? Drugging the entire Clan and stealing their shit while they were too dazed to notice? He honestly wouldn't put it past her, the little shit. (The thought of loud music made him cringe, but he wanted to see what was up -- maybe he'd get there before she managed to get the music blasting at head-throbbing levels.)

Besides, he had to make sure no one got killed or too horribly robbed.

The bengal arrived as Rad was tinkering with the boombox, his ice blue stare sliding over the set up and the milling NPCs as he stopped beside her. At least she was actually doing something; to Bast's frustration, no one was too willing to simply take initiative and do shit around here. His gaze dropped to the boombox at Rad huffed, and he snorted. "What, don't know how to work the things you steal?" he drawled, idly. 

Re: do the rumble and sway // o - party - ghostpact - 04-16-2018

If nothing else, parties were definitely Immortal's forte. There wasn't ever a bad party when he was around because he was just that cool and engaging. It wasn't hard to figure out what was going on when there was some random gathering of clanmates. It definitely was not a meeting, so it could only be a party. Or someone was dead. As the serval sauntered onto the scene, he had a wide grin on his maw. No one looked too dead. Quickly looking around, he immediately made his way to Bastillepaw and Radeken. "Ay, Bast-y boy. I didn't know this was your kinda thing?" he said as he'd bump the younger male's shoulder before looking over the boombox. He raised a brow, looking from it to Radeken. "You can't work this thing? Easy, peasy, man. Need me to show you?"

Re: do the rumble and sway // o - party - Margaery - 04-16-2018

When Margaery had held the position of deputy in her old clan, she both hosted and frequented many parties. They had been among some of her favorite things and it was obvious that she put every ounce of her soul into either enjoying them or making them enjoyable for every person around her. Now? She almost ignored the call to the event entirely. She was tired, unbelievably so, and her chest ached for no particular reason save the fact that her emotions were slowly but surely falling back in touch with her.

She didn't want to isolate herself any further though. She had spent the last year in solitude. She needed this. She needed this.

And so she dragged herself towards the group, finding that she only really recognized Bastillepaw. Did that mean an introduction was necessary? [color=black]"Margae-" She halted, remembering with a start that she wasn't Margaery here. She was Margaret, the quiet girl. The tired girl. [color=black]"Margaret. The name's Margaret. What you're serving is far from wine but it'll have to do, pass some over please."

Re: do the rumble and sway // o - party - radeken - 04-16-2018

"[color=#40bf40]Give me a minute." She insisted, none too unsettled by having her theft called out. More buttons and knobs were fiddled with. "[color=#40bf40]It's going to go slower now, you know. I have performance anxiety." She excused herself with an indignant sniff, focusing hard on the technology. The toughest man-made things she had ever had to handle were usually locks. Radeken bristled furiously, wondering what was up with this infernal contraption. It's broken, it has to be. She pressed another button. Nothing but a click. "[color=#40bf40]Why don't you go enjoy the festivities? Maybe, uh, go find a- find a friend, bring a friend, if you have any. Have a drink, it's good. Good for you." She was very close to gushing about how proud she was of the drink but decided to save herself the embarrassment in case nobody liked it. She could just lie and say it wasn't hers. The perks of stealing.

Radeken stopped what she was doing and squinted at Immortal. "[color=#40bf40]I can. I'm just...I'm just waiting. It' know, right?" She put emphasis on the right even though there was nothing to know, it was just her attempt at driving him off. Radeken would rather drown herself in the pruno pot than allow help. I can figure it out. I've figured out harder things. "[color=#40bf40]Leave me alone. Go, uh, go play." She instructed tersely, eyes wandering to 'Margae- Margaret'. Had Radeken been the owner of expressive eyebrows, one would've risen at the other's verbal stumble, but it wasn't any of her business.

"[color=#40bf40]Radeken. And," And you can't have any if you're going to talk about it like that! "[color=#40bf40]of course." She took a break from her boombox struggle to gingerly nudge the pot and a stack of pilfered styrofoam cups close and, because she was really aiming for those kind hostess brownie points, Radeken carefully filled a cup for her with the aid of a ladle. "[color=#40bf40]Ta-da."

Re: do the rumble and sway // o - party - BASTILLEPAW - 04-17-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille rolled an eyes at Rad's assertion of "performance anxiety", and simply stared at her harder. Clearly, he was only going to watch her more intently, if only because he was an asshole. He arched a brow at her babble, and snorted, "Why don't you invite your friends?" It was Rad, and therefore he was being contrarian just to be contrarian. Before he could comment on how her drinks were probably poisoned, he was distracted by Immortal's voice.

At the comment, he offered a smirk and shot back, "Depends on the companion. With you and Rad? Nah, nothing is my thing with you two around." Bast didn't really usually drink, if only because he'd spent most of his life alone, stopping briefly with foreign groups. He had no moral opposition to it, however, and knew his past lives had enjoyed it well enough (though they were degenerate losers who often got into trouble when drunk, sooo...). He glanced back at Rad as she continued to tinker aggressively with the radio, and he had to admit he was entertained. Watching her struggle was just a little too perfect.

Margae. He caught that too, and his gaze lingered on Margaret for a little too long. He had thought the name she offered was a little too stiff and typical for her aura, and he wondered acutely what she'd been about to say. A nickname, maybe? Something that sounded more fitting for her? Hm. Bast nodded in greeting after a moment, though, and then swiped the radio from Rad while she was busy pouring some of that toxic slime into a cup.

"I'm going to regret helping you, I think," he muttered, and started to study what she'd been fucking around with. After a moment, he started pushing on the buttons, relying on Grimm's knowledge of humans and their stupid technology to guide him. Very quiet music started to drift from the radio after a few moments, and he pushed it back to Rad with a pointed look. "Maybe next time you should, I don't know, ask the person you took it from to help you." It wasn't his, but still -- he liked riling her.

Re: do the rumble and sway // o - party - radeken - 04-28-2018

[color=#40bf40]Because I’m busy, genius.” She replied, gesturing around with one paw. “[color=#40bf40]S’why I got folks to spread the word.” Efficiency. She scowled at Bastille swiping the tech from her, annoyed to the point that a low growl bubbled from her on instinct, muffled in part by the low music.

[color=#40bf40]Maybe you should have a drink.” She suggested hotly. “[color=#40bf40]Might make you pleasant to be around.” Because making her feel stupid was very unpleasant. Radeken examined the radio again before tentatively reaching out to turn up the volume. This time, her fiddling paid off.

//half post half bump ;0

Re: do the rumble and sway // o - party - ↝ remy ↜ - 04-29-2018

When Remy heard voices above their head speaking about a party being organised, they weren't too excited. Sure, parties were fun, but Remy was 8 feet long and barely even six inches tall, which meant slithering awkwardly between people's paws and trying not to get stepped on. They'd had enough of getting stepped on from what they were now fondly calling their 'wandering years'. You'd think people would try to look where they step, or at least notice the pretty big snake moving underneath them. This was not the case.

Regardless of all of that, Remy decided they'd go. They were new to this whole group thing, after all, and although they were open to making new friends, they knew they'd have to put themselves out there in order for people to actually notice them. This was how Remy ended up sliding between people's legs on the ground, letting out low hisses when they stepped on them, and occasionally lifting themselves up to see over the decent crowd of npc's. The last time they'd lifted themselves up to look around, they'd seen a few people gathered around some piece of tech they'd never used before. They recognised the chocolate point who'd found them when they'd first come into the Ascendants' territory, and decided to head over to there. It would be a good starting point.

Remy stopped for a few seconds, knowing it was a bad idea; a few people tripped over the long reaching expanse of Remy's body and so as not to get in trouble with the fallen mammals, Remy began slithering again. They hoped they were near the group they'd spotted, because they were just about fed up with this already.

After a minute or two more of slithering, Remy finally made it to them. They slowly moved to coil up their body, lifting their head up to stare at the small group. "Hello. This is a nice little party, which of you is the host?" Remy had to raise their voice a bit to be heard over the music. The vibrations of it rumbled through every part of their body that touched the floor, and this was one thing that Remy enjoyed about parties.


Re: do the rumble and sway // o - party - Roy Mustang - 04-30-2018

When was the last time Roy enjoyed himself at a party? A long time ago, that's for sure, without a doubt. Roy really hadn't been attending much parties back in Amestris with his job as Colonel, especially with what had been going on lately. Back when he was there, a mess was just beginning to brew into something large, and dangerous; it hadn't seemed like it had been getting any better. Surely if he didn't get in that mishap with a weird transmutation circle, a party would have been the last thing on his mind. Currently, attending a party really wasn't on his mind either- he almost debated skipping it over. But then, something caught his attention, apparently they have alcohol here. Roy couldn't help it but feel slightly surprised, and wondered where even these animals got their paws on some alcohol.

For a moment, he stood in place, debating in his head. Should he wander over to the party? He'd be forced to socialize, engage with his groupmates, that he doesn't have his full trust in yet. Is it even safe for him to drink? Can this body even handle alcohol? Surely his human body had a tolerance, but this bobcat body- he has no idea. He could potentially give himself alcohol poisoning, or even worse. But in the same time, with all that has happened lately- getting turned into a tiger, joining this place, running into Riza and then Hughes, rediscovering his flame alchemy and finally turning into a bobcat- he could really use a drink right now. A defeated sigh made it's way out of his chest, as the melanistic bobcat made his way into the party. He better not regret this later.

The music coming out of the boombox was strange, he hadn't heard it before. He really didn't think much of it, considering he's currently living a life stuck as an animal. This wouldn't have been considered normal or even a possibility to him if he never stepped onto that transmutation circle. He wasn't concerned about the boombox, it might sound a little strange but it wasn't like the end of the world or anything. "I'll take a drink," He said as he went up near the hostess, Radeken, his ears pinning back.