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tag [★] can't hold us - Printable Version

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tag [★] can't hold us - Keona. - 10-10-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
[ retro to capture, feel free to post before [member=1792]ikaia[/member] ]

Keona started it.  Despite herself, bored, paws itching to move.  The other child just happened to be there for the catalyst of her desperate desire to go.  Move.  Run.  Something.  The smaller fae barely gave him a chance before she'd bolted, rushed out the simple word as if her tongue was tripping over itself.  Tag, you're it.

Somehow she'd ran from the ship to Tofu the turtle - her easiest-found landmark - before checking behind her.  Not as simple as throwing her head over her shoulders.  Little chest heaving, Keona parted her jaws and perked her ears.  As far as her awareness went, Ikaia barely forced her to tilt her head up to talk to him, meaning they were of similar height.  Ideally, that meant they were relatively evenly matched in terms of running.

Either way, Keona just felt pleased to have an excuse to run full speed down to the bay.  Scattering sand in her midst.  Wind beneath her paws.  She took the moment to catch her breath, body crouched low in preparation to burst into another run at a second's notice.
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: tag [★] can't hold us - the trash man - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]similar in age to both of the children was linux, another girl like the two who enjoyed childish things and just simply enjoying childhood. albiet in very different ways. the snowy child of course loved to expend her excess energy stores, run around with no purpose or aim, but never would choose tag over a good game on their gaming consoles. a good pokemon match. there was just vastly varying definitions of fun between the two groups of children.

watching the two whizz past her form with a speed unmatchable by the munchkin kitten, linux's pink eyes scrunched up tight in a defensive state. scared that the pair were going to hit linux accidentally. "hey! that scared me!" calling out shakily, although linux hated to admit to her fears and weaknesses - there was nothing more linux hated than injustice. mainly to herself though.

Re: tag [★] can't hold us - ikaia - 10-11-2018

IKAIA | current track ♪ | current shape: oncilla | pursuing. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
Keona tapping him with the infamous 'you're it' took him completely by surprise.  Mostly for lack of forewarning.  There was the matter of her pale eyes, but clearly they weren't deterring her from more speed than be expected.  He huffed quietly then launched himself into pursuit, not one to back out of a challenge.  If this endeavor seemed childish, Ikaia cared not, being a child and young hunter, tag almost crept up to instinct.

He practically flew off the ship, fighting the salty wind, determined to make up for his originally slow reaction time.  When Linux's startled voice reached his ears, he just tossed his head back, blinking.  "Sorry!" Not really though.

Breathless voice, sliding paws.  As he charged down the bay, he felt his body shift forms.  Fur morphed into feathers, and the previously land-locked boy took flight, eyes gleaming.  As a small elf owl, he swiftly caught up with silent wings, sure he had the element of surprise.  At the last second, his body returned to his preferred form, the little oncilla, aiming to pounce on the smaller child and pin her down with a michievous grin.

"You're it."

Then he scrambled down the beach, racing along the shoreline.
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )

Re: tag [★] can't hold us - darci - 10-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]Returning from getting a drink of water, he was almost knocked down as the children darted in front of him, only missing him by a hair. Taken aback, his eyes had grown wide, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. His eyes quickly snapped to the children, quickly catching on as to what they were doing from the dialogue between them. Coming to a spot beside Linux, he watched. "Having fun there?" Despite being four-years old, Victor, too, also had child-like tendencies. While he was child-like to a degree, he was never too old for tag. In fact, it was a fun past time between him and his siblings. Though, it got a little violent sometimes, depending on their moods.

Re: tag [★] can't hold us - Grey - 10-12-2018

It's a well known fact that Bakugou doesn't like children. He wouldn't spend an ounce of time playing with them. Tolerating their presence on the island was more than enough of a pain in the ass for him. And yet he can't simply pretend they don't exist. They populated the island the same way the raptors did, poking their heads out to remind himself they indeed existed and running about the island chasing all kinds of 'prey' and playing games. From the looks of it, Bakugou can see from the distance that they are playing a game of tag. He tries not to scowl, knowing he needs to pass through Baracuda Bay to get to somewhere isolated and peaceful. And yet, one of the children whizzes pass him, clearly not having noticed Bakugou's intense and vexed aura walking across the beach. He looks to Victor, flicking an ear in the sled dog's direction. The alabaster male almost seems to be enjoying whatever shenanigans the kids were up to. Now that he thinks about it, the ragdoll has begun to notice that Victor seemed to possess many playful and childish qualities. The difference was that Victor was overly tolerant of Bakugou's feisty behaviour.

"They don't need supervising," Bakugou irritably says to Victor, hearing the other check up on them and wondering if they were 'having fun'. The Reaver rolls and his eyes and snorts, "If they fall on their face it's their own fuckin' fault. Let them learn."

Re: tag [★] can't hold us - Luciferr - 10-12-2018

Nyfyl snorted behind him, the hssiss having been disturbed from his rest by the sudden boisterous tag round and the subsequent commentary - Alek simply stretching his forepaws out and resting his head along them to watch the goings on with bemused detachment - he'd never had such a freesome childhood himself, seperated from his twin, former slave and everything before that having prevented anything of a happy childhood after all, at least before the family and his sister had found him again.

he merely hummed in conclusion with Bakugou's assessment - let the children have their fun, they didn't need coddling and any hurts were par for the course at this age.


Re: tag [★] can't hold us - Keona. - 10-13-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Unlike her pursuer, Keona seemed not to care altogether about frightening anyone.  She had avoided slamming into them and that was a win as far as she was concerned.  What made two kids running by so scary anyhow? No indeed, the tiny feline flicked her tail absently when she caught Linux' voice in the wind, using it to judge where Ikaia had gone but... Keona's brows creased sharply.

No footsteps. No sliding in the sand.  Nothing.  A second too late, she instinctively tilted her head, remembering him for a shifter before the sudden weight crashed against her.  She let out a startled grunt, a murderous gleam lighting in her otherwise cloudy eyes.  "Hey," she squeaked in protest, affronted that he'd use such an ability to get the advantage on her.  Before she could try to roughly shove him off though, she could hear the sound of racing paws down the shore. "Iontach"

The fae huffed quietly as she scrambled back to her paws.  The rusty spotted kitten had no tricks up her sleeve.  Just a small body well-practiced at running.  Even so, she turned the other direction.  Her keen ears had picked up traces of conversation she'd been ignoring at first.  A target acquired.  With another enthusiastic burst of speed, the child bounded up towards [member=2123]VICTOR[/member] and aimed a simple, swift tap of her paw, before zipping away once more, following Ikaia. "You're it!"  The husky would make this more fun, she was sure.  More runners made tag more of a challenge; the need to keep track of who was currently it and of course, more options to tag in the first place.

Keona cared little for 'supervisors'.  A wandering child, the striker spent most of her time on independent adventures, to her family's chargin of course.  She would not however, drag anyone into the game she felt unwilling or unenthusiastic.  It was for fun afterall.
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: tag [★] can't hold us - darci - 10-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]He emitted a small hum at Bakugou's words. "Learn what?" he questioned the other with a slight tilt of his head. "I see no harm in children playing. Don't be such a sour puss Bakugou." Flashing the other a smile, he aimed to gently nudge the cat with his paw in a playful manner. Snapping his eyes towards the child as she tapped him, he tail began to wag happily. "You better run then." Dropping down into a bow-like gesture, he parted his jaws, allowing the kids to have a small window to scurry away from him. While his legs were much stronger and he would have no issues outrunning the kids, he was not about to ruin the fun. Looking back to Bakugou, he contemplated tagging the other male, but he doubted the cat would actually participate. Nonetheless, he would see how this would play out. Expelling a breath, he spun his body around, facing Bakugou head on with a bit of some distance between them.

Carefully, the dog lunged forward, aiming to tap [member=1637]Bakugou[/member] on the head

Re: tag [★] can't hold us - Grey - 10-14-2018

There was no need to waste around watching children. They'd all been children before, all playing tag or pretending to own some kind of superhero agency. Maybe he doesn't like looking at them because they're all too lax, too comfortable in their own skin, not chasing after a future that - as he's so painfully learnt through death - wasn't always going to be guaranteed. He had always told them he would reach the top, that he would win. Now here he was. He had to start all over again, with nothing but the bitter memories of the unreachable past. They're all scattered behind him, like the sand he was sitting so comfortably on. Bakugou's eyes lower slightly at Victor's response, puffing his cheeks and folding his ears back in mild annoyance to the sled dog's reply. Plenty of things, he wants to say: that they're on their own in this world, they need to learn for themselves because they shouldn't be fuckin' spoon fed, playing tag is a stupid game. All he gives is a glare to the other male, perfectly matching his comment on the Reaver being a "sour puss".

He expels a loud and vehement sigh when Keona taps Victor, telling him to join in only for Bakugou to recognise the movement of the canine's tail in the corner of his sanguine eyes. The ragdoll's nose scrunches instantly, about to get up and leave when a paw rises above him. He flinches to feel a light thud at the top of his head, blinking in bewilderment and confused anger. "H-Hey you piece of shi -" Bakugou's nostrils flare, smoke dissipating. There was an uneasy moment of silence that filled the passage of time, seconds and short moments that appeared to stay still. He raises his face, roaring "YOU FUCKER" before attempting to chase [member=2123]VICTOR[/member] to bitch slap the male hard. "I'LL MOTHERFUCKIN' JAIL YOU. DON'T CHALLENGE ME."

Re: tag [★] can't hold us - darci - 10-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]Well, that was not a response he had anticipated, but it was funny nonetheless. Only for a brief second was the male taken aback by the sudden outburst, but he knew when it was time to make a run for it. While there was a rather large size difference between the two, Victor had no doubts that Bakugou would whip his ass if the cat got a hold of him. Easily could the sled dog compare the reaver to that of an Alaska grizzly, and Victor knew when it was time to hop to it. A wide, almost obnoxious grin spread across his face, a child-like laugh shooting out of his throat. Quickly turning of his heels, the dog bolted, but ran in a circular motion around the group. As long as he kept a good distance would he be safe. Gaining a bit of distance, the husky turned back around, dropping back down in a play bow, taunting Bakugou. "That's the spirit. I'm proud of you kitten."