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boy & bear . joining - CLOVE. - 10-10-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — Her body still felt strange. Almost alien.

After stumbling into the land of the Ascendants, Clove had been overwhelmed by the scents and voices and she had fled back into the forest almost as soon as she had arrived. Since then, her thoughts had been focused on trying to sort out the fractal memories that flitted around her skull. A opalescent beach, golden lights in the sky - faces of people she didn't recognize.

With every night that passed, the shimmering shards of who she was began to fade...until eventually, she had no further dreams. No more snippets of a life before waking in the pine forest that was heavy with dew, her pelt sodden and cold.

Clove felt torn. Half of her wanted to chase the disappearing fraction of her soul, and the other half wanted to move on and embrace the way she was - blank canvas fresh for remodeling.
"시적인." she mused, surprise lighting her eyes as she spoke. Clove couldn't remember where she had learned the language that was apparently written into her bones, and was only able to speak it when she was not focused on it. The more she tried to capture the grammar, the more it escaped her. Frustrating.

Raising her head, Clove took a deep breath of the ocean air and closed her eyes - enjoying the breeze that tickled the cream fur around her chin.  The sun was just beginning to set, rays now a burning rose gold that tinted the sand she stood on into a shifting floor of amethyst. She was at a crossroads, that much she knew - both emotionally and physically. Ahead of her, Clove could scent a jumble of people that indicated she had once more discovered a clan; and in her head, she knew that stepping forwards into their midst would allow her to leave the twilight zone that her identity crisis was thriving in.

The kitsune glanced down, watching the grains of sand play upon her claws. She'd already decided, as continuing to live the way she was now wasn't truly living.

It didn't take long to come across the almost barbaric fence that had been assembled by the inhabitants of this territory. In it's shade, Clove suddenly felt quite cold - and in response, both of her twin tails fluffed up. She wasn't exactly sure what to do from here. Would someone see her and come to greet her? Or was there a gateway further along the fence?

"Hello?" called the femme, her solar eyes squinting in the glare of the sun as she tried to peer up to where the top of the stakes were.

/ hey everyone! sorry about the post, been a long while since I rp'ed!
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Re: boy & bear . joining - JERSEYBOY - 10-10-2018

OH BITCH.......

Re: boy & bear . joining - rhosmari - 10-10-2018

Luckily for the stranger that had come to the border of Sunhaven another had drifted along the outskirts of the place. The woman hadn't been home in a while and rather the group noticed her absence or not she didn't want to think about right now. Currently she was just trying to not think too hard about anything that had been happening recently. Everything she felt was falling around her and she was starting to crack, showing sides of herself that she didn't even know that she had. There was a violent anger settling in her very core, smoldering and waiting for that spark to force her to become unhinged. The hellhound kept that growl within herself, kept the snarl from leaving her lips as she came forward from behind the female that had seemingly found them. Focusing those harsh vivid green eyes the woman would look upon the kitsune before she gave a light breath and pulled her ears up from her skull. Come on, just act friendly till she could get home and lock herself in her house. The wounds on her body still stung freshly and she swallowed thickly before addressing her. "Ay, righ' behind ya. Come on." Her tell beckoned lightly to the other and she turned her large form to the side, angling it just slightly as she came along the palisade that helped to protect her clan from larger creatures who threatened their existence.

Moving through the gateway she focused primarily on where she was going, containing her hatred and her raw emotions as best she could before she turned her gaze back behind her to see if the other was following her. "Name's Marina or Monroe if ya prefer. What brings ya tae Sunhaven, lassie?" The canine could say she was curious of the kitsune and she tilted her head just slightly before they began to possibly cross the meadow and head down into the trees of the forest. The village was not too far away and a guest was a guest after all so the strange would be treated with all due courtesy and with a warm friendliness that the merchant group always had. At least the woman would try to the best of her abilities but she was feeling down trodden as of late.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: boy & bear . joining - CLOVE. - 10-11-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — Pointed ears flicking in surprise at the voice behind her, Clove turned on her delicate paws to face Marina head on; noting the intense emerald eyes, and sensing something almost unhinged about the hellhound opposite her. And considering how tall this creature was...Clove would prefer to keep her distance.

Narrowing her autumnal gaze, Clove began to follow the Sunhavener without a word - allowing Marina to speak in that odd accent of hers, one that was unrecognizable to the cinnamon dappled kitsune.
Two names? Intriguing. Clove herself also had a duo of aliases, though Hae-ran was a name she wanted to keep to herself.

"Marina it is, then." the canid replied after a moment, golden eyes blinking slowly as they moved through the meadow's wildflowers and towards a forest.
"To join." Clove added, exhaling deeply after she spoke. Yes, to join.
Explaining the fact she needed to move on from a sort of hazed split personality disorder didn't seem appealing.

"I've not been in a clan for...for what feels like years." mused the femme, her words a meagre attempt at conversation so as not to let the atmosphere become awkward.

/ hello bootles.......................
also ugh this post is a mess sorry
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Re: boy & bear . joining - JERSEYBOY - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]Jerseyboy had been to a lot of places. It was... quite impossible for Jerseyboy to feel t o r n about anything ( as long as loyalties were concerned ). How could he long for one place over the other when he only pledged allegiance to himself? As long as he kept that tumbleweed-like mentality, then he could never feel compelled to stay anywhere permanently. Hell, he could even ditch Sunhaven at a moment's notice, since he still didn't consider himself a true part of the group ( even though he had received a promotion and everything ). What would make him stay? Nothing. Nothing or nobody here was of great importance to him, and the only other person in the world that would make him stay was Jacob. And, well... he was happy somewhere else now. With new friends. He had a new life, one that he wasn't going to be apart of.

Still, he doubted that he'd be leaving this place soon. It was peaceful ( for the most part. There was some conflict he was choosing to stay out of for now, and not because he was necessarily a pacifist, but because it wasn't his problem ) and beautiful in these parts. It was certainly more flourishing and v i b r a n t than the [sub]groggy,[/sub] concrete jungle he had grown up in.

As a matter of fact, he was about to go down to the beach to chill out for a while when he had run into Marina and... whoever this was. Well well, didn't she look special? Silky, cream fur freckled with darker brown splotches; glowing amber eyes; huge, angelic wings; not one but two tails. Jesus, was she a runaway from the freakshow?

"You came from a clan? Thought you woulda' come from the circus." Joked the jokester, sporting a teasing smirk. Already, he found a way to poke at her buttons. "So, you gotta' name or do I just gotta' call you Two-Tails?" Eh. Even if she gave her name, he doubted that he would cease to use the coined nickname.

Re: boy & bear . joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-11-2018

"That's rude!" Gordon squeaked to Jerseyboy as she came over, giving the much larger male a small huff as she stared up at him. She was lingering behind her two clanmates for a while and decided to come closer once things were deemed safe to her. "D-don't mind him." She added, looking up and over at Clove. "You're welcome to stay here, if you want. My-my name's Gordon Cipher." She went on. "I'm-I'm a Goldenblood here."
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: boy & bear . joining - CLOVE. - 10-12-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — Starting in surprise at the voice, Clove turned her auburn eyes from the direwolf ahead of her to Jerseyboy, who had appeared beside them. Pausing, the kitsune stared up at the tiger for a long moment - long enough for a frown to settle upon her features. Something about the monochrome male made her feel like she knew him, but the feeling vanished within her next heartbeat.

As for the circus...who knew? Maybe she really had come from the circus. It wasn't as if Clove could deny it, considering she couldn't actually remember who she was.

Still, she didn't appreciated being teased. Clove hadn't expected her appearance to be of that much interest, especially as she now knew 8 foot tall direwolves existed.
"Depends. Do you have one, or shall I just call you Massive-Mouth?" the femme responded, the wings upon her back pressing tighter to her spine as she spoke. Though her her words were sharp, there was a lightness to the kitsune's tone that indicated they were not intended to offend.

Still, as Gordon approached and spoke warmly, Clove felt rather rude for withholding her name. Dipping her head politely to the small feline, the kitsune cleared her throat and began to speak again
"I'd love to stay here, Gordon. My name is Clove." the canid nodded, unsure of what exactly the rank of Goldenblood meant. She'd find out soon enough, no doubt.
"How do we get in?" Clove queried, motioning to the barricade with a jerk of her head.
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Re: boy & bear . joining - venus - 10-12-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

(ahhdsdh harvest! <3 welcome to sunhaven!! venus is angeldusts reincarnation btw :eyes:)

"hello!" calling out from behind the already gathered sunhaven members, venus' silver-toned form came bounding up behind the group. ears twitching from the audible conundrum. blurry vision moulded into actual shapes the closer venus came to the foreign girl, and soon their face would break out into a delighted expression as clove appeared to be another of venus' kind - another kitsune. she had been the first one venus had ever seen in these lands, and the teen enjoyed the presence of another like themselves.

a sour taste filled the entirety of venus' mouth as soon as jersey spoke, his spite and fury obviously not spared for poor clove. sapphire gaze locked on to the man, venus narrowing their eyes at him with vex as they spoke. "don't be so rude jersey, she's not a freak. 진짜바보" twin-tails of their own swung lowly behind venus as they snapped at the boy's comments harshly. thankfully it seemed as if clove wasn't a faint heart - she took the insult well and fought back. it was what jersey deserved.

sighing deeply, venus took a moment for their composure to return and for their appearance to become amicable once again. best to make good first impressions. once composed again, venus let their gaze drift up to the foreign girl, put at slight unease by how oddly familiar she looked, yet tried to make this not so apparent in their expression. good first impression. good. "my name's venus, and typically we go through the entrance to enter sunhaven but you're more than welcome to climb." chuckling, it wasn't immediately apparent whether the remark was joking or not. but venus smiled either way.

진짜바보 = you're really an idiot

Re: boy & bear . joining - CLOVE. - 10-13-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — /i just typed out a huge reply and my computer shut down FFS
high omg!!! glad to see ang/venus is still kicking!

Venus was the first other kitsune Clove had encountered, other than herself. As the argent-hued vulpes approached, Clove's nose twitched; flaring at the similar notes their scents carried. They both had twin tails, too. Apparently tails were indicative of a kitsune's strength, and considering she was unable to activate any powers, Clove was inclined to believe it.
As they continued to speak, Clove's interest only grew; changing into straight out surprise when he spoke in the tongue that she herself was familiar with...even if it were only when she was not focused upon it.

Molten-gold gaze moving between Jerseyboy and Venus, Clove's ears twitched at the obvious tension. These two were obviously not close, then. Something told her that this disagreement was probably continued back at the camp, or wherever they interacted.
She'd prefer not to get involved, and decided to sit down and curl her tails around herself as she waited for them to finish.

As the kitsune's ocean-like eyes met her own, Clove tilted her head - trying to ascertain whether the other was still collecting themselves after the prior outburst, or whether, despite their kind words, they looked at Clove and still saw a freak. She thought she could see unease...but it wasn't exactly clear.

Hello, Venus." the femme responded, glancing over her shoulder towards the setting sun. Clove would be glad of a warm bed tonight, especially considering trees had been where she had rested her head for several moons.
Last night had been particularly cold.

Turning back towards the Sunhavener, the cinnamon and cream hued creature shrugged, no smile lining her features to reply to Venus's own.
"I'd fly over, but my wings aren't strong enough." Yet. Clove didn't mention that she seriously doubted whether they ever would be. Last time she had attempted to take off, her paws had never left the ground.
The muscles that would enable the mechanism of light were un-toned and weak, having never been used to her knowledge. It would take months to strengthen them enough for even suspension while gliding, let alone leaping into the sky from a standing start.

"I'd prefer the gate." Clove confirmed, rolling her shoulders as a dart of pain sliced through them. What she wouldn't give for a hot bath.
"You think we can go in before the sun goes down?" the kitsune asked wryly, eyes moving back towards Marina expectantly.
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Re: boy & bear . joining - JERSEYBOY - 10-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]// I thought I replied to thIS SSKFKFKD

Oh good god above, here they went again with the niceness police. Sunhaven churned out a lot of happy-go-lucky folk, and that included the pure-hearted, small, too-innocent-for-anything wusses. You tended to see them a lot more in a place like this than on the streets where he grew up, where nobody really gave a shit about you or your wellbeing. Turning an eye to Gordon, the tuxedo cat shot right back, "'n guess what? Nobody asked for your input, lady." Jesus Christ, he hated it when people couldn't mind their own fucking business. When they gave unsolicited opinions on problems that weren't their own.

His attention didn't linger on Gordon for long, and his olive green gaze flickered back up to the winged hybrid. A shimmer of amusement w a v e r e d in his eyes, and even slightly across his masculine features. His smirk, small yet genuine. It was reassuring that this one could at least take a joke, unlike all of the other hard-asses around here. Still choosing to play along in their little game, Jerseyboy held a paw to his chest, as if to mimic being penetrated by a bullet... an insult-bullet, that is. "Ouch, shots fired. I'm hurt, I really am." Jerseyboy replied, sarcasm d r i b b l i n g from his tongue. "Touché, Clove. Name's Jerseyboy, if you give a damn." The tuxedo tom added. Hm, maybe Two-Tails here wasn't going to turn out so bad after all. Maybe she could teach him one of her circus tricks.

The fleeting moment of amusement passed as soon as Venus opened their trap again. He narrowed his eyes at them, wrinkling his nose in distaste as they even shot something in a foreign language at him. Well, two could play at that game. "Tu sei un puttann'[sup]1[/sup], so suck on that.” Jerseyboy snorted, twitching his tail.

He stepped back and hugged, ”I'm gonna go; I got betta' things t' do." Or perhaps Jersey was just too butthurt at the moment, who knew. With that, the Hearthkeeper gave one last glance to Clove before trotting off into town.

1. You are a bitch