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CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - Printable Version

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CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - MirrorEdge - 10-10-2018

Exile. It had taken her awhile to get here, sand digging into her toes uncomfortably, and having her slip a bit, as she made her way towards, the bell, ringing it, a sense of finality, knowing that this place could possibly be the worst place she had chosen, at least, for her mental state.

Then again, was there really any saving her? The regret that she felt for killing Roy, the sadness that she felt at her exile, was there, but more of a... muted feeling than it had, a few days prior. That was the best way to describe the feeling. She had wanted to save, no, repair, the relationships she had with the other Ascendents, and clearly, the best course of action was this (even though this was possibly the worst ideas in the history of ideas).

Smile, it'll be alright. It had been awhile since she had actually listened to that little mantra of sorts, or even thought about it, but it had always worked, to the point smiling had become second nature to her.

Why bother manipulating them? You want revenge, don't you? The Ascendents were clearly wrong. You made a mistake in telling them. Why have them forgive you when there are people here who would accept you for who you are?

"Shut up. You're supposed to be gone." She muttered, shaking her head a bit violently, a bit of a useless attempt to try and quiet those little whispers speaking as one. The ones that had driven her to this point.
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Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - Luciferr - 10-10-2018

"Some might say talking to oneself is a clear sign of madness you know" a voice hums, before the speaker is visible, stepping from the undergrowth the hellfire-bled coloured hellion's gaze stares down at the leopard with some distaste curling at his lip - the scent she carries is familiar to an enemy and he has little time for them save that they end swiftly, though she gains minor points in that it is not a pittian stain on her - he has even less patience for slave masters.

but she has wrung the bell and thus she clearly wants something outside a straight fight perhaps and this is what stays his lethal approach for now, so he smooths away the distaste, Nyfyl is not shadowing him today, left his beast to sleep off the battle, so he is thankful he doesn't have an irate loyal follower to restrain "what brings you here?"

/eyo thea! c:


Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - MirrorEdge - 10-10-2018

"They're probably right, mister!" The kitsune looked up, pupiless eyes settling on the hellion's face, greeting him with a bright smile. "My name's Thea, and I'm here to join." An ear flicked as a mosquito flew a bit too close to it for her liking, quickly raising a paw in an attempt to swat it away after the first few attempts failed. She no longer had the faded brown cord hanging around her neck, the one that signified her rank within the Ascendents. It had been left hanging on some tree on the way here, where it probably belonged.
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Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - Luca - 10-10-2018

Luca heard voices sometimes, although they weren't the kind that come from within one's own head. Rather they were the word of his Goddess, the one that guided him and had gifted him his powers. Sometimes she gave him orders or offered him advice, and he was almost always grateful for her gentle guidance. The scars that ached on his fave reminded him that she wasn't always so gentle, but he would ignore that for now. He had happier things to dwell on. He came up beside Alek to focus his gaze on Thea. He was quick to recognize the scent of the Ascendants, but he didn't show it on his face. He was neutral on the group as a whole, especially since he knew that some good things had come out of it. Good things like Shine. Still, they were an enemy, and Luca supposed they should be treated as such even if he didn't believe in the whole us vs them thing.

He watched as Alek's question was answered, his single rose eye watching carefully as Thea swatted at a mosquito. She was here to join apparently, a thought that brought the faintest of smiles to the hellhound's face. Running off to join an enemy was kind of a dick move, but maybe she had her reasons. The Ascendants did seem painfully boring, after all. "Then welcome to the Typhoon, I guess," he said. "I'm Luca." He felt no need to test her loyalty before allowing her entry. He knew that it would happen eventually, somewhere down the line, and his blind trust in everyone told him that her intent was pure.


Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - bubblegum - 10-10-2018

Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - Grey - 10-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"][ ooc ] ninja'd so only changed what bakugou says lmao

After a while, it's easy to begin to notice the tremors that lined the earth, soft shaking which reverberated to his paws. He could feel the ground moving, vibrating from moving shapes. Sometimes he could sense the leaves as well, all shuffling silently and cautiously about him. It is the strangest and most unsettling feeling to him because no one else seemed to notice, no one else seemed to feel it. Furthermore, on Bakugou trip through the forest as a shortcut to the railroad, he sensed he was being watched. It was like the trees were all turning eyes on him, morphed within the cracks and hollowed chasms of old, gaping trees. They observe him through mourning and drooped faces, yet nonchalant in their very nature. It makes him uncomfortable - a figment of his paranoia, a manifestation of his underlying fears which are starting to surface. He's always been afraid of something, just never admitted it. He was perhaps among the lucky ones to not be burdened by strange voices because the only voices that swam within his frazzled mind were his own and the imaginary ones. But they were always shouted at him, sometimes his own thoughts were incoherent as if Bakugou was never supposed to use words, only feelings.

He, of course, was quickly approaching the railroad like any other pirate who heard the call. He ducked beneath branches, swerved past bushes and in no time his feet touched different soil. He was now following the tracks, wincing a little at the metallic glare from the sun. He should be used to the look of metal and light because he was always blacksmithing in his spare time, yet Bakugou had been avoiding his forge. Something didn't feel right about the way metal now felt to him. He could feel the way it morphed and moved, as if he knew the very way the atoms linked and joined. It was like he could sense the electrons, disjointed, buzzing through a complex maze. Then, like she was the proton and they were the electrons, Bakugou found he was amongst one of the gathering pirates who came to greet this stranger. Although her enemy scent was all known to them, none so far had reacted in particular towards it. He supposes Thea must have her reasons. It was easy for them to point tails and claim the girl was a spy but it was unlikely because of the obvious lingering scent. Even then, reverse psychology always existed.

Still, Bakugou has learnt after some time to play things smarter. Many times others will argue the same as him and yet they are listened to. This was likely because Bakugou's words were always heavily coated with his verbal abuse, sprinkled with foul, uncensored words. No one wants to agree with the angry ragdoll. "You a previous member there?" the Reaver asks, offering no formalities, no welcomes, no nothing. He was short, sharp and to the point with this one. He doesn't, of course, know she was exiled. In fact, he knows very little about the other groups in general. All he really knew was that the outside was the enemy...except for a small few such as The Rosebloods and whoever else they currently had a neutrality, but The Ascendants were definitely enemies. For someone to leave their group and join with their enemy only really suggested that either this Thea-girl had no attachments to the place or was looking for revenge. Well, those were along the lines of what Bakugou would do but he doubts he would ever leave The Typhoon in search of another place. He's not particularly interested in joining the likes of The Pitt or The Ascendants either.

Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - MirrorEdge - 10-10-2018

The arrival of more really didn't faze Thea all that much. Maybe it was because she was used to being in a large group, or maybe because deep down she craved these kinds of interactions, and a pale blue gaze settled on small group, a couple of her tails twitching at the question that Goldie asked, the only sign of any discomfort. "Pleased to meet you, as well, miss! And do I really still smell like them? Huh." She hadn't quite been aware of it, due to the fact she had been surrounded by it most of her life. Here, the last traces of it on her fur stuck out like a sore thumb. She had been about to say that she used to be an Ascendent, but Bakugou beat her to it, and she offered the male the smile she had kept on her face. "Well, yeah, I was. Up until a few days ago. Not anymore. Would that be a problem?" Thea chirped, tilting her head.

For now, she offered no more information on the matter for now, preferring not to disclose the reason she left unless asked. How best to say, 'Yeah, I murdered another clanmate and was exiled'? Exactly. There really was no way to say that, and not risk scaring them into chasing her away. Then again, these guys tortured and looted for little reason. In her time in the Ascendents, she had seen it, even if it was to people, who, at the time, and even now, she didn't quite care about as much as others. Hell, Oni held more value in her eyes then, and it had been because he was strong. Would they actually be that scared, if at all? That was a good question. Perhaps some of those who were too soft would be.
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Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - bubblegum - 10-10-2018

Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - Felibri - 10-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Ragnild listened in on this, because she believed she could benefit from learning about other Clans and the Typhoon’s political stance on them. Pitt meant bad, and now there was another group, Ascendants, that seemed to be sort of neutral, if they were okay with letting in a former member.

The African wild dog sauntered over, tipping her head to the side as she studied Thea. She was a type of creature Ragnild had never seen before. ”What’s it like over there?” Not that she would change her loyalty to the Typhoon ... but she figured the more well-versed she was on other groups, the more chance she had at survival. ”And, oh, I’m Ragnild. Nice to meet you!” She added hastily.

Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - MirrorEdge - 10-10-2018

"I'll have your backs if you have mine, miss." Simple, and completely untrue. She was highly likely to turn on them in favor of somebody stronger, at least, her old self would've. Now, she wasn't sure. It was as if she was trapped between that battle-hungry personality of hers, and the one she was trying to mold for herself, each side tugging at her, threatening to rip her apart. Strength had been the deciding factor before for her, and she only respected those she found strong.

It took her a moment to realize she had been asked a question, and Thea turned, pupiless eyes settling on the African wild dog. "Uh, it's nice there. Colder than here, and the territory's a bit plainer than it is here. The only real noticeable thing is at night, when you can see the stars." The stars in the Ascendents territory were simply dazzling to look at, the one thing she remembered. You didn't just see a star here and there, the sky was littered with them, like somebody had spilled a large jar of glittering objects on the floor. Here, it was the flora that fascinated her, for some reason, and she took a few steps, taking her paw and gently poking the spiky bark of a palm tree, looking delighted when she felt a pinprick of pain. "What is this? A tree?"
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