Beasts of Beyond
Be kidnapped by Thea? - Printable Version

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Be kidnapped by Thea? - MirrorEdge - 10-10-2018

Thea's going to be joining here in a bit, either today or in a couple of days, after being exiled for murdering a fellow Ascendent. She has a few screws loose, but is desperate to find some way to get back into the Ascendents, and she figures the best way is to kidnap somebody from here after getting close to them, and bringing them back to the Ascendents in hopes of getting them to reconsider, because self-destructive behavior and pissing off the Typhoon or any other clan always seems to solve her problems, sarcasm intended.

So if anybody's up for her trying to take advantage of their trust in her and be kidnapped, I'm up for it!

Re: Be kidnapped by Thea? - Luca - 10-11-2018

ooh luca's very trusting atm so she could kidnap him if you'd like! it wont take much to win him over haha

Re: Be kidnapped by Thea? - MirrorEdge - 10-11-2018

Yeah! I'm up for it! She'll probably do her best to win his trust, and take awhile building it. Would that be okay with you?

Re: Be kidnapped by Thea? - Luca - 10-11-2018

yeah, that's fine!! <3

Re: Be kidnapped by Thea? - MirrorEdge - 10-11-2018

Would you want a thread or just interactions in open threads? Sorry to ask, just want to be sure.

Re: Be kidnapped by Thea? - Luca - 10-12-2018

eithers fine with me! i can make a private thread when i wake up :0

Re: Be kidnapped by Thea? - MirrorEdge - 10-12-2018

That works for me!