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space between ☀ joining - Printable Version

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space between ☀ joining - arcy - 04-13-2018

Izuku's stumbles on his foothold on the rock slips, and moments later, he finds himself sprawled out on the ground. It's cold -- Izuku shudders the snow touches his skin. He can barely feel his paws. His tail is a little numb, too, but it's not bad. Izuku pauses to shake his pelt out, feeling relief come with some of the snow sliding from his fur. As good as his fur is against the cold, it can't protect him against everything -- and neither can his winter gear, apparently. If that's not a disappointment, Izuku doesn't know what is. Still, he'll have to get used to this at some point, if he planned on joining.
Still, he feels bad. He'd been travelling with Todoroki for a while, and it'd been fine. Then they got separated, and that was less great. But no matter how much he searched, Izuku just -- couldn't find him. The obvious solution was to find a group to join until he got word back from the bicolored feline -- being on his own had never turned out well in the past, and he didn't expect it to now. There were only four groups to choose from this time, but that was okay. He didn't get to choose last time, either -- at least this time he understood that there were some pretty strange creatures here. Really, clans were just cesspools of strange people in strange forms. And to think he'd been a little panicked at seeing a lion, once.
Izuku is nearly there. Perched on a tall rock, the maine coon eyes the drop warily. It wouldn't have been that far down, back when he was human, but Izuku was very small now. So, he flares his wings and drops the distance. His wings only slow him slightly, useless as they are, and Izuku grimaces at the sharp flash of pain from his paws and side. But he can already pick up on the scent of Snowbound, so he knows he's technically there -- the maine coon feels the relief sink in. He's tired, and he's hurt, and he's alone, so the idea of finally having somewhere to stay for at least a while is comforting.
"H...Hello?" Izuku calls, feeling just -- impatient. He hadn't been good being on his own since he'd died, since he became a cat. Not even before then, really. Still, the green-furred feline walks forward some few steps, gaze sliding across the snowy landscape. He doesn't see anyone, so Izuku continues walking, feeling his tail twitching behind him. The snow is cold beneath his paws, but he doesn't really notice. "Hello?" He tries again, louder this time. He's hopeful -- there's the anxiety, the unease, just under the surface, but that's ... pretty standard. So, Izuku stops, ears flattening just slightly as he waits to see if anyone had even heard him in the first place.


Re: space between ☀ joining - HISOKA - 04-13-2018

ᴛʜᴇ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴜɴ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴍᴇ
[div style="background-color:#;width:90%; height:400px;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;"] Every step hisoka takes is careful and calculated. His footfalls dilbertly soft, as easy to detect of one was listening, but not obtrusive. He didn't need to be silent to be sneaky. The Red tipped kitsune blended perfectly to the snow- grateful that he picked a place where he could easily be hidden among the ground if not for the high concentration of red along the base of his tails and ears. Something easy to cover up on the moment noticed if he cared to hide when being hunted. Because there was something fascinating about being hunted himself. Toying with some unknown predator and tracking their sense as the crept up closer and closer until he moved further along. Disappearing as easy as he appeared only to toy with the would-be predator.

Hisoka had lived too long to allow someone to prey upon him. His nature was to toy, the savor his meals and his battles. A common brute would not do for him, and those that ever caught her were only allowed to out of Hisoka's own interest. Anyone else- uninteresting and dissapointing were the first ones to fall to the kitsune's bloodlust. It was interest that brought the kitsune to the snowbounds in the first place, and he was glad to be there. Like a hunter setting up a trap, he merely at the border was enough to bring illumi's brother along.

While the kitsune was more interested in keeping within the borders, to cause mischief and the analyze his new... 'companions'. Most were boring, he wasn't surprised as much as dissapointed. But there were a few within the clan that would be interesting to fight, if only later when they honed their own senses. If Hisoka was interested in training them he would- but he rather enjoyed watching them stumble over themselves as they grew. Would rather watch them train then train them himself. Too much effort just to cut them down.

He would rather stay close to camp and people watch, but he had been needing a breather- felt his bloodlust peak in a way that it couldn't simply be ignored. It has been too long since he went into a fight as a victor and he wasn't patient like this. Too eager to feel the thrum of battle and toy with someone again.

So it was with obvious intent to kill and to hunt them down- that Hisoka spotted the loner at the border. Calling out with hesitance that only made his own excitement rise. Pin-coin depths locked onto the strange main coon with a similar scrutiny as he did when something caught his interest.

"How may I help you?"

Re: space between ☀ joining - arcy - 04-13-2018

Something feels -- wrong. Like there's something watching him. Izuku's heart begins to pound as he registers it, already in tune to any threats possible. Paranoia was what, generally, kept him alive. That or slamming someone with his quirk(that didn't work properly, anymore) and running from the scene. He knew when he was outmatched. Even so, it doesn't take long for Izuku to catch sight of the Kitsune, seeing the red tips of the other's fur.
Predatory. That was the only way for him to describe it. It reminds Izuku almost of the villains, back at home -- like Shigaraki, maybe. If the other's posture hadn't put Izuku on edge, that thought did, and any hesitance melts away as Izuku takes a defensive posture, thick fur bristling. If he's honest, it's not a very intimidating sight -- Izuku's 'winter attire' consists of a very bright sweater and scarf. Still, Izuku would rather look ridiculous than to be caught off guard.
In any case, he won't attack, of course -- the other smells like they're from Snowbound. He'd rather not get on the bad side of an entire clan. Especially not one he planned to join -- he was a little less sure of that decision now, actually. This may or may not be a one-time thing, but, well, first impressions counted.
"This is Snowbound?" He questions, thick tail twitching, agitated. He's not trying to seem aggressive, of course, but there's this wary look in Izuku's eyes. He doesn't -- trust this situation. He's encountered a lot of people, before -- but a good portion of them tried to pick a fight with him. And this was just a copy of quite a lot of those incidents. The only difference was where this person (presumably) came from.


Re: space between ☀ joining - HISOKA - 04-13-2018

ᴛʜᴇ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴜɴ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴍᴇ
[div style="background-color:#;width:90%; height:400px;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;"] This one at least knew the difference between preditor and prey. The kitsune watched the other one's reaction as he apprached. bright eyes narrowed into consideration at the other's quick stiffination and the imediate defesive position he took when greeted by the other. He was smart enough not to start a fight imdiately.

He knew the rules of joining, but the other looked impatient, quick to get into a clan and as a stranger, to history it seemed a little suspicious. Three tails fanning behind him as he came to a complete stop just on the edge of the border. It did both of them well at least, Hisoka unnerving him and him at least curbing his bloodlust with a careful interest. So here they both were, and Hisoka felt to indulge the other's reason for being here before eliminating a thread if he proved to be.

Hisoka tilted his head at the question, a smile settling over his expression as the bloodlust ceded from his expression, if only by a fraction. "You are correct, anything i can help you with, stranger?"

Re: space between ☀ joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-14-2018

Very few things ended up making the assassin nervous over his life time. Anything that could make him nervous usually disappeared in a matter of seconds. However, depending on the interaction that he was going through could actually make him nervous if he wasn't careful enough. Such as the interactions that he had with Illumi. Those that would have seen his brother wouldn't feel welcome at all into the place that they were enterting. They would immediately get a terrible vibe from the older assassin's and he couldn't blame anyone that would try and turn tail away from the felieng such as that. A feeling that Killua himself had been exposed to over and over again since he was practically a kitten. In some instances Killua got used to the empty look in his brother's eyes when the other looked toward him. It wasn't anything that was extremely unfamiliar, but it wasn't welcomed either. He would much rather be in a different place, as his older brother always managed to intimidate no matter what kind of situation they were in. Unless Killua decided to get back onto his familie's good side, then he would always presume his older brother to be a threat toward his well being and to those that simply knew his name. Argus was another creature that made him uncomfortable to be around. Whether or not it was his own emotions or someone else's Killua was fearful of the female over the fact that she knew his name and he didn't know her name and couldn't remember who she was. The other stating that she had memories of him that he didn't remember even making. He had ended up killing her child when he had delivered him back to her clan. He doesn't remember any of that. Technically he hadn't been the one to kill him, he had only been the one to deliver him. This meant that Killua immediately became paranoid about whether or not what he remembered was actually real or not. Were all of his memories real? How much had disappeared that he actually didn't know about? It was extremley stressful for the assassin and he wanted nothing more to just have answers. He couldn't afford to try and contact his older brother as the other would know where he was and come and punish him for not returning to the family. He would nearly mean his death and probably the death of all Snowbound if he wasn't careful. It pissed him off always being on the run but he would never be capable of facing his brother with the current skill that he had. Even if he had managed to easily kill two innocent animals that had been in the wrong place and wrong time. He had been disgusted with himself because that hadn't been him that was moving his body this time, it had been something else entirely. Now when it came to Hisoka though, the deputy didn't like the other in the slightest. Considering the line of work that he had been in for the majority of his life, he noticed a fellow killer quite easily. Especially the other's bloodlust that seemed to leak out of his body all of the time. He couldn't give a shit if he was smaller than the other male, the other gave him vibes that he wasn't really fond of. Killua would often try to act tough around the male and could pull off the facade better than anyone else. He didn't want to fight Hisoka. Especially in his injured condition with his shoulder and torso wrapped in bandages thanks to self-inflicted wounds.

He couldn't get into a fight with the kitsune just yet, and he could only hope that the other liked to roam a lot and would bother the other clans instead of worrying about what he was doing in Snowbound for the meantime. It didn't seem like his wish was going to be granted all that quickly. The young deputy was making his way through the snow, instead of through the trees like he usually was. There, he heard voices and an unfamiliar scent in the distance. When he caught the scent of Hisoka though, Killua made sure to quicken his pace. The air elementals that surrounded his entire body making it impossible to catch his scent, and muffling his movements to almost make it impossible to hear his movements. The assassin soon arrived on the scene, approaching from the right side of the maine coon that was standing there. despite the other's size, Killua was around the other's size due to his long legs. Immediately, Killua shot a glare toward Hisoka, seeing how uncomfortable the other male was. Killua kept his distance from Hisoka but kept his distance toward Izuku in case he needed to knock the other out of the way of an attack. He didn't want any more death on Snowbound territory just yet. The larger kitsune was going to give him more trouble and probably stress him out for the rest of the time that he was there. "Knock it off Hisoka." Killua growled at the other. The fur on the back of his neck bristling, and his long metal claws already unsheathed. Killua didn't give a specific detail to Hisoka for what to stop, but he hoped the other understood what he meant. Killua doubted the other would listen though and continued to do whatever he wanted. As long as he didn't cut open anyone's throats he thought it was going to be fine. His gaze softened a little bit, and Killua became slightly nervous as he cleared his throat. "Sorry for uhh... him." The assassin commented as he pointed with one of his stark white paws in the kitsunes direction before taking a good look at the other male. Well... he was certainly green that was for sure. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow, and a small grin spread across his facial features. "You look like a giant grape." Killua would tease the other with a light chuckle escaping his jaws as he sat himself down in the snow. His ears angled toward Hisoka's direction instead of the joiners. He couldn't be too careful. "This is Snowbound. You lost?" Killua questioned, almonst monotone as he spoke this time around. He sounded like a broken record at this point now, but there was no other way to get information quick out of the other.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: space between ☀ joining - arcy - 04-14-2018

When the stranger does nothing, Izuku allows himself to relax his guard just the slightest. It's not a lot, just the slight loosening of his stance. His eyes narrow just a fraction more to make up for it. The stranger doesn't seem to be about to attack him in the next moment, but there's this -- paranoia. It's a strange combination of his standard stranger paranoia, and just -- something else entirely that made it near impossible to relax. Still, Izuku opens his maw to speak -- and then promptly snaps it closed.
His complete concentration on the kitsune had kept him from focusing on his surroundings. Cursory glances would have at least alerted him to anyone approaching, at least if all other senses failed him -- the tundra lacked any cover, really. Still, he really really hadn't, because that would mean looking away from Hisoka and risking his own neck. So when another person's voice registers, Izuku -- doesn't jump, but he does flinch fairly hard. The maine coon looks over, and resists a grimace, seeing the tall white feline. A serval, maybe? Either way, they're definitely bigger than him -- Izuku was fairly small for a Maine Coon of his age, but also, servals.
This was a mistake, Izuku thinks, even as he tries to find a time to input his joining, or whatever. While the new stranger is ... also a little off-putting, and definitely still makes him nervous(metal claws.), he finds some solace in the other's more defensive stance.
"It's -- It's fine," Izuku allows, smiling thankfully. He allows his stance to relax some more, so that he doesn't look like he's ready to fight for his life in the next moment. Still, Izuku is tense, fully prepared to dodge away from something or another at the slightest provocation. Something about everyone here puts the survivalist in him on edge, and also maybe the dormant hero part of him too. Who knows, not Izuku -- he hasn't payed attention to any emotions beyond the surface in quite a while.
Izuku squawks. "Hey!!" He complains, without any heat. The tabby allows himself to grin a little. A grape? He's heard this joke a lot in the past, had grown used to it, but it'd never been grape. He wouldn't stand for this.  "If anything, I've been told I resemble a broccoli more," The green tabby offers, almost gleefully. So maybe he was using a somewhat comedic comment to keep from having a minor panic attack immediately post 'unexpected threat to his life'. It was just his recent way of life, it seemed.
"R-Right -- I'm not lost, but, um," He thinks back to the Kitsune's(Hisoka) inquiry, as to if they could help him. This technically counted as helping, right? Whatever. Izuku shakes his head, tail twitching a little more rapidly. "I-I'm interested in joining," The tabby offers, with a little hesitant grin. So his first impression was definitely the worst first impression, but Izuku wasn't keen on trying to find a different group to make home. Plus, getting out of this situation wouldn't be hard. He could have just said he was lost, of course, but that's just suspicious. Suspicious -- ah, right, he forgot to introduce himself. The feline casts a brief, hesitant glance at the other two before proceeding. "Mido -- Izuku Midoriya," Oops, there was a slip-up. He'd at least managed it with Amunet, but it appears that introducing himself in the 'western way' didn't come as naturally after having traveled with Todoroki for so long.

Re: space between ☀ joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-15-2018

There were plenty of different species that Killua had come across during his time in the clans and during his time outside of the clans. At this point, he had spent most of his time in the clans all things considered. The assassin had left his family a long time ago, at least his attempt to try and get away from his obsessive family. As soon as he was born though, Killua was given an idea of what kind of animals that he was going to end up encountering. His father was a dragon just like his grandfather, which meant that he was probably be interacting with a couple mythical animals here and there. Then his mother and one of his older brothers were cougars that had different shapes and weights to them. His mother was probably still missing her eyes right now, which would be interesting to see how she was dealing with her lack of vision. Then his oldest brother, Illumi, was a black tiger that had a couple mutations here and there. Killua was born without any other mutation other than his albinism that he had inherited from his father and his grandfather. His younger sibling was that of a caracal, who was probably just as capable as him when it came to being an assassin. Most of those that were in the Zoldyck family were around the same level, although he was stronger than one of his older brothers and his own mother when it came to physical strength. Despite his small size, he uses the powers that he is born with to be able to take on opponents that were several times larger than he was. Now when he was confronted with something like a dragon or even a mythical creature, the assassin usually didn't blink an eye. Killua had also come across several other mutated creatures during his lifetime, such as those that had more eyes than what were probably necessary, and there were those that had extra limbs. There were several different strange creatures that existed in this world, and it took quite a bit to actually surprise someone like him. Maybe if he saw a species that he hadn't seen in a long time he would be interested. Servals like himself weren't exactly rare but they weren't exactly common either. There was one other serval that lived in the clan, and even though they didn't get along with one another they were still technically the same species. However, there was a recent instance when he had visited the Tanglewood clan that he had met someone that was extremley unique. She was a Mosaic, which meant that her genteic code was divided down her body directly through the middle. One half of her body was a tawny color while the other half was black. He had only seen that mutation in one instance and it was even rare than something like his own albinism, even though it ran in the family.

He immediately became interested in the likes of her and practically started bombarding her with questions based on her looks and if she was genetically different just based on her looks or anything else. The wildcat could easily be entertained by regular things, which most of the time he hadn't been able to do when he was a kitten himself as he didn't exactly have a childhood to look back on anyway. Most species that were in the clan's though usually correlated to the type of territory that they were living in. A serval living in such a cold place though? Not exactly someone would think to see in such a frigid place as they were more suited to warmer weather. Killua was practically adapted for any sort of climate, except real heat, because of time of him spending most of his life in clans that had cold environments, his stark white fur had grown out a little bit more than that of a regular serval. Providing him with the means of insulation and survival in a place such as this. Besides, he had the use of his air elementals to keep his body at a temperature that would keep him alive if he really needed to. The length of his fur also helped to hide all the scars that hid underneath his fur, which could only really be seen if he stretched in a certain angle, or if he ended up getting himself soaked to where his fur would stick to his body showing the upraised skin that was underneath. Killua got used to other's that looked at him in a strange manner though, whether it was the vibe that he gave off or the metal claws that had replaced his regular claws a long time ago. It didn't really matter to Killua all that much anymore, but there were some instances that it could piss him off if someone wasn't careful. His attention had been trained on the kitsune for a couple of moments, and once he noticed that the other didn't really respond to him, he slowly slid his claws back into their sheathes. Their lengths were long enough though that the tips of the metal could still be seen, although since his paws were still slightly hidden in the snow it would almost be impossible to see. He disliked that guy, and the deputy was just waiting for the moment that he would be able to prove to other's that it would be bad to have the likes of him here. His sapphire blue eyes returned to look at Izuku, noticing the way that the other had reacted to his little tease. He knew by the tone of the other's voice that he wasn't really all that offended, probably just playing along. Killua liked him a lot already, and couldn't help but let out a short laugh as a smirk spread across his facial features at his success.

Then the other even went along with it and mentioned the broccoli. Honestly, he could see how that would fit the other even better. Killua made sure not to gesture too much with his paws out of consideration for the maine coon, and didn't make any attempts to move any closer. He could read the domestic cat's body language like a book. "Broccoli? Why didn't I think of that? That's even better." Killua commented toward the other, obviously enjoying the information that the other was sharing with him. Killua looked completely relaxed, but if anyone was following his ears, they were both angled in Hisoka's direction. He didn't trust the kitsune after all. The deputy would then listen to what the broccoli had to say while he sat there. He figured the other was here to join. Almost any animal that was walking through the territory that wasn't a Snowbounder was bound to be a joiner one way or another. Either that or they were a threat if they weren't here to have a friendly conversation. Killua noticed the other's stutter when he introduced himself. Killua kept his jaw shut and waited for the other to be finished talking. "Well, Snowbound practically accepts anyone that isn't a threat first glance, and you can pretty much do whatever you want now." Killua said with a shrug of his shoulders toward the smaller creature, and what he basically meant was that the other was accepted. "I can't point you the way to camp if ya want." The young male would say casually as he slowly got himself up onto his paws, sneaking a glance toward Hisoka before turning back toward Izuku. "Namae Killua." The albino serval would speak in a Japanese accent. He had obviously caught onto the fact that the other had tried to say his last name first. Killua would have mimicked the other in that regard if he hadn't been trying to hide his last name from everyone in the clan right about now.

(Translation: Name's Killua)
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: