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been to paradise and out the other side // o - Printable Version

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been to paradise and out the other side // o - radeken - 04-13-2018

Radeken didn’t think of herself as criminal in the same way that most people who do bad things usually have some explanation for it that they think is acceptable. Her theft was something she excused easily - if you’re not taking good enough care of your things then you can’t get mad about losing them. The whole thing seemed completely fair to her. If she went through all the hoops to steal something, then she must deserve to have it as a reward for all that effort, right? It was earned just as fairly as it would’ve been had she come by it honestly. Morals meant nothing; it was all about the effort.

Unless it was effortless, in which case they deserved to be stolen from for making it so damn easy.

Right now, she hadn’t taken anything. Not yet. Radeken was milling about casually, lurking in the underground complex and sniffing at doors. She’d take special interest in rooms obviously belonging to others, lingering long enough to memorize where they were before moving on. It crossed her mind one or twice that she should probably find her own room, but she saved that search for a later time.

Re: been to paradise and out the other side // o - BASTILLEPAW - 04-15-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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Was he shocked to see Rad sniffing about suspiciously, lurking through the dorming halls? No, not particularly. The girl was a bit of a shithead, he'd gathered pretty quickly; she was chill and relaxed in the same laidback fashion as Imm, but at the same time she seemed... edgier. In the, "I will spitefully light your belongings on fire if you cross me" sort of way. He could also imagine her subtly re-arranging someone's room to fuck with their heads every time they came back. Basically, she was significantly more delinquent than Imm.

He stood idly back, watching her shift about for a few rooms before he started following her down the hall at some length. He was debating startling her or not, when he grew bored with the following game and simply picked up the pace to fall in step beside her. "You look like a shady fuck," he greeted, idly. He didn't seem bothered. "Whatcha up to, Rad?"

Re: been to paradise and out the other side // o - radeken - 04-17-2018

[color=#40bf40]That’s not very nice of you to say.” She responded, only half invested in the responss as she glanced up at a door, clearly contemplating something. Not the statement, though, there was nothing to think on there. He was right, rudeness aside, though she only pretended to care about that when she wanted to make the world’s most roundabout, unfunny, and lowkey joke about moral highground. Prolific thief and liar teaches important lesson about the personal dangers and social harms of abrasive speech, shocks the world. The punchline being so underwhelming only made it funnier to her. At any rate, she appreciated his honesty.

Radeken finally gave Bastille her full attention with a calm stare. “[color=#40bf40]I’m just looking around.” The statement was chased by a smile that said -but we both know that’s not what’s really happening. She was either rightfully confident in her abilities or incredibly reckless or both.

[color=#40bf40]Were you headed to bed? I imagine a young boy like you needs lots of naps.” She knew it was low and immature. She was low and immature. In a way, she wanted to give him something to think about that wasn’t her shadiness. In another, Radeken wanted to see what a rude little animal like him would have to say in response to that jab. If I’m not the first, it’ll probably be boring.

Re: been to paradise and out the other side // o - Starrynight ! - 04-20-2018


Everyone in the Ascendants seemed to be the polar opposite of each other. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, as they usually got along well, but it was somewhat impressive that they got along at all. He never thought about that, of course. Getting along meant friendship- er, at least in his eyes. He knew there were some tense relationships going on at the moment, but with some coaxing, perhaps he could smooth the bumps and wrinkles.

Starrynight’s room wasn’t in the underground complex. It was upstairs, in a room branching off of the observatory. If he didn’t need to be here, why did he come down? (Not to mention the fact that coming down to the stretching halls made him feel nervous and a little claustrophobic.) Well, he was planning, it could be supposed. Though none of the walls were perfectly straight, having been cut from the earth and hastily replaced with white stone walls to make sure the passages were supported, the place was still boring. The ones who were down here before had been kind enough to place down carpet on the floor, but it was hard and rough... and black. It was boring. The lights were a bland fluorescent white. This entire place was bland. HD’s addition of the red-paint arrows helping to lead around the complex certainly helped add a splash of color to the place, but it was such a violent color. This complex needed more... green. Yeah, green. Maybe some soft blues and purples. Or yellow! Yellow was his favorite color. Yeah, maybe he could host a decoration event. Ooh, that sounded like fun.

Thinking to himself helped distract the feline from the walls that seemed to press in around him when he was alone down below. After looking up from the aura emulating from his paws, he spotted Bastille and Radeon a little further down the hall. With a smile breaking out across his features, he broke into a trot as he got closer. The air around them seemed tense, but he’d missed their whole conversation. ”Hi, Bastille, hi, Radeken! Are you searching for a room to stay in?” His question was meant for Radeken, eyes flickering up to her as he asked. ”There’s lots of nice rooms around! I’m sure you can find one that’s for you.”