Beasts of Beyond
BIT BY BIT — joining - Printable Version

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BIT BY BIT — joining - OTHNI - 10-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt;"]Grains of sand scraped beneath the feline's sore paw pads as he trudged rather miserably through the barren, sandy wasteland. The sun beat down mercilessly upon his obsidian coat, making the ocelot groan in both annoyance and discouragement. He slowed himself to a stop, lifting his head up to squint his eyes against the sun, searching for some sign 'The Pitt' out here. He hadn't see hide nor hair of this mysterious group, even after what seemed like hours of walking. Ugh, this was so shitty.

Letting out a dramatic sigh the exhausted feline flopped down onto the warm sand in defeat, nestling his nose underneath his paws. He was dying to see some sort of life around out here. (Except for vultures - those bastards could all drop dead for all he cared.) "What kind of dumbass would base their group in the middle of a desert like this?" Oni muttered bitterly to himself as he rested, hoping that perhaps with a lack of movement he would be able to cool down somewhat. However, after laying still for maybe ten agonizing minutes he soon came to the conclusion he wasn't doing himself any good.

Taking a breath Oni heaved himself back onto his paws, leaning back to lazily adjust the placement of his eye patch as he cleared his throat. Might as well try to call out or something, maybe someone was closer now. "Um, hellooo?" His voice rang out, a questioning tone hidden beneath his impatience, unsure if any 'slave keepers' was actually out here or if he had just wasted his time following rumors.

//sorry for the shitty thread asdfjhghsjk

Re: BIT BY BIT — joining - darci - 10-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]"You're telling me." He hated the desert, all the sand and shit blowing up and nearly suffocating him everything the wind blew. While the multitude of rocks as such helped with staying out of the sandstorms, it still took some getting use to. Levi was sure that considering how much sand he had inhaled that his lifespan had been cut in half. Even though that was not the case, Levi tended to be a bit over dramatic with himself. The ebony and tan doberman looked down upon the animal, cropped ears perked forward. It was a wonder anyone found them out here. They were more likely to get lost and dragged off by a coyote before finding this place. He commended those who survived long enough to get here.

"This land belongs to the Pitt. What business do you have here?"

Re: BIT BY BIT — joining - COSMIIX - 10-10-2018

Quill was used to the heat but it was a little overbearing especially with his dark, thick coat. His tongue hung out from the side of his mouth panting a bit soon making his grand appearance next to Levi, the direhound would twitch his dry nose for a moment not speaking since Levi had already asked the necessary questions but the direhound was amused nonetheless "T'names Quill," His tail wagged to the sides briefly before he would lift up a hind leg to scratch behind his ear, the canid-like creature had his mixed gaze locked onto the ocelot and it glowed with interest. There's was always some interesting individuals that decided to drop by the clan and it meant more members, which was good for the growing clan.

Re: BIT BY BIT — joining - guts - 10-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]At one point, she would have complained about the heat, but now she was mostly use to it. She was just glad she didn't have a thick or dark-colored pelt, like Quill had. Sometimes she felt bad for the large hound.

The serval would inch towards the welcoming party, trying to get a look at who they were greeting. They didn't look suspicious, but she was still on edge, regarding them with a soft smile. She still wanted to leave a good impression. They were probably--hopefully--here to join, possibly hearing of their growing infamy among the other clans. It wasn't the kind of reputation she would have wanted, but it was what the others had decided, so there wasn't much she could say.

Re: BIT BY BIT — joining - EROS - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Heat was nary a problem for him anymore. He'd had to get used to it even in the jungle that they used to call him. The heat there had been a humid one, full of moisture and laden with thick waves of sticky heat. But this heat was dry and stale. It felt like lungs would shrivel up alone from breathing it in but that was just they way that things happened. They had needed a move because of the Rosebloods and he had gotten left behind. Thinking about it now he felt a bit...upset over the circumstances but he couldn't change what had already happened so instead he focused on the here and now. Stepping lightly the dark blight would become more attentive with the world around him and he focused on the stranger that had come forth to their lands. Sighing softly he would settle himself down and he tilted his head a bit, long ears pulled back against his skull but form straighter than it normally would be. There was a caution in his stance but his face was devoid of emotions as he dipped his head in welcome. "Are you joining us? I'm Valkyr. If not then we will have to ask you to leave."

Re: BIT BY BIT — joining - ; albion - 10-11-2018

//welcome to the pitt!!! othni is a babe omg

the warlord was next to approach, a metaphorical brow quirked as he glanced between the dwellers and the stranger. at least a few of them were taking to questioning and general bluntness in the choices strangers had at the border. the fox himself wasn't very keen on letting many joiners in at all but... they had the numbers to defend themselves at least now. no point in denying the need to grow and expand.

for now benny said nothing. simply giving a nod of greeting to othni before settling next to quill.