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A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE // SUNHAVEN RAID - buckingham barnes - 10-08-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Only a few days ago, Bucky arrived at the Ascendants border with Marina as an ally. Bucky thought they would get a long, long break from the Ascendants with the neutrality. But then the Ascendants had the audacity to not only murder one, but two Sunhaveners! The Ascendants made it loud and clear that the state of neutrality wasn't going to stand. The former assassin silently made his way past the border, the first time he crossed it in the times he visited. Each step he made was with the most delicacy- he was like a ghost. Sneaking into areas he shouldn't be in was a specialty of his, he has a lot of experience of it under his belt. With his enhanced senses, Buckingham and his patrol behind him followed scents of a group of Ascendants members- who patrolled earlier in the day. The scents were beginning to fade, but it was enough to lead the Sunhaveners to the observatory.

Stepping into the quiet, dark observatory, Bucky looked over his shoulder to his clanmates. His eyes blazed with determination and vengeance, ears flattening to his skull. Eyes blinking, the tom mouthed a single word to his clanmates.


Without another word, the male proceeded to venture further into the observatory, eyes scanning for any rooms with slumbering members. His metal claws flexed on the floor, the former assassin ready for a battle.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Fuck, his head hurt. The headache had been off on some kind of Beethoven tirade in the past few days, or he was delirious enough to attribute a tune to the steady throb. He needed to talk to someone about it, but who? Peri was...somewhere, and Moon -the poor kid- had enough on his plate to worry about an old man. So he kept his trap shut, and did his best to find something, anything, that could distract him from the pain. He'd attempted a few remedies he could remember his mother making when he was a child, though they were impermanent solutions, treating symptoms, not the source. Hell if he knew what was causing it. Maybe Gabe had a tumor. Was that possible? Was he dying? That seemed like it was a bit dramatic, except this headache had been haunting him for...too long. Long enough to be a severe issue, and long enough to drive Gabriel up the wall. He was half-convinced he needed to give his head a couple good hits against the wall. Could it really get worse? Fuck, no, he couldn't tempt the universe.

Exhaling, and fighting a wince, the hybrid staggered out into the halls, heading out to go try and eat something, since his appetite was waning at the same rate as his headache was increasing. However, he nearly ran into the guy from Sunhaven, prowling around the Observatory like some kind of creep. And he was followed by some buddies. Great.

Wonderful. Amazing. Fan-fucking-tastic. "Please don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing." The hybrid sighed. No, he didn't need a confirmation. It was fucking obvious. "What, a neutrality not good enough for you? Come on and kill me, then, kid. Maybe I'll finally get some sleep."


[size=9pt]See, there was a problem with attacking the Ascendants under the cloak of the night. And that problem was-- they wore that fucking cloak, and they worked it like a champ. Moon could count on one paw the amount of members that slept through the night, who didn't spend their mornings recovering from the past few hour’s rendezvous. They were an Astrology Clan, for fuck's sake. They lived under the stars.

At least, that was the reason for most. For Moon, it was different. But it's been already established that the lion doesn't function like he's supposed to. It's part of his charm. Speaking of, "You've got to be fucking joking me."

The lion takes a moment to shut his eyes and suck in a breath, deep into his lungs, running words through his head like, Marg, give me strength to deal with these dramatic fucks, before opening them again and setting Bucky with an expression that looks entirely sick of this shit. Behind the maine coon, there's a flash of movement and Moon glances up to see the disappearance of an unrecognizable round a corner. It's then that it sets in that this isn't as much of a joke as Sunhaven is, and with one swift movement, reaches forward to slam one paw against the switch on the wall of the corridor.

The Observatory lights up like a Christmas tree.

In the newfound light, Moon stretches his jaws wide and roars. "Rise and shine, Ascendants! We've got visitors!" He starts down the hall, bellowing voice the equivalent of banging pots and pans. Every door he passes, he knocks twice. "Let's be hospitable, yeah? These guys are always friendly folk. I don't want anyone attacking 'till provoked. This is on them." He passes several doors he knows distinctly to be that of children, pulls tight at the handle to make sure they're shut. "Dwarf Stars, lock your doors."


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Compared to the other Ascendants, Ren was much more of a day-goer, assimilated to the stargazer's culture, and he certainly didn't appreciate the consistent string of events which barred him from slumber. From meetings to murderers, the world was out to gobble up his precious time and the feline seriously wished for it to end. With talks of intruders as the lights blared in his room though, he couldn't exactly cover his head under his pillow and pretend it wasn't there, and as that knock came on his door, Ren unsheathed his claws. Darn, what a pain. Stretching, he'd slink towards the exit to his humble abode, slowly nudging the door open to get a look at what was up. The one accused of dastardly deeds and his friends, judging by the smell at least. Such carelessness to keep up a good appearance until he was confirmed innocent or guilty seemed to make the truth lean towards the latter, a bicoloured head tilting with confusion to go along with such a line of thinking. There were ways to go about this all without intruding and causing a ruckus, and he could picture what was going through the other cat's brain now. I'm going to prove I'm not a murderer, by attacking innocents in their homes. Gosh.

Fully revealing himself now, Ren would stand next to the closest 'front line' he could make, confidence emanating from his casual-looking battle stance. It was true that the Ascendants held the advantage here, regardless of the timing of the intrusion these were walls that his group were simply more comfortable with. Must've been a maze for anyone who hadn't mapped it out, unaided by the raid's ineffectiveness at sneaking. Sure, they got so far, but they got caught at the final stretch, and a good thief never gets caught. Undermining the opponent's abilities through inner taunts, a little smirk appeared on Ren's face. "Sorry, if you want a sleepover, you'll have to be the ones to supply the cookies,". His head rocked to the left and right as he spoke, awaiting movement from anyone at this point. Standing himself up against stronger opponents was what got him concussed all those weeks ago, but it was different now, he'd wizened up again contrary to his nonchalance.

Re: A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE // SUNHAVEN RAID - MirrorEdge - 10-09-2018

"Visitors?" The kitsune was quick to appear in front of the Observatory with the rest, looking a bit too gleeful at the prospect, for multiple reasons, the sliver of worry she felt, and guilt, quickly being washed away by the feeling of excitement about something that had been ingrained in her from a young age to be good. There were just some things that were simply too broken to fix. Deep down, she still only truly thrived in battle, even if now she tried to hide from this fact.

Pupiless eyes settled on Buckingham and the others, the thoughts about how this was her fault, most likely, even though for once it wasn't, and anything else besides fighting being pushed out of her mind. She didn't need any distractions, that was clear, with the amount of Sunhaveners here most likely not here to trick-or-treat. It was much too early for something like that. She half-considered shifting now into a dragon, but then again, it might be unfair to her opponent, wouldn't it? It would simply depend on who she ended up engaging in combat with. "I say that they're idiots for doing this. First they drop us to neutrals, then decide to attack us in our own home?" She muttered to Ren, before calling, "HEY! If you're gonna be sending signals on whether Sunhaven sees us as neutrals or enemies, make them a bit less mixed, mister!" Like Ren, she did like to taunt the enemy, and it was clear she would do so as much as possible.
Template by Quill


[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Quiet murmur, breath escaping lips barely parted, volume lifted within the empty space about small frame. Sleep had grown restless, a time when he twisted and turned in ways his body protested, muscles screaming for release until it crumbled, fine threads broken with little more than a single push. No care was there for his wants, the need for rest gained in hours of slumber passed off within laughter that proved hollow, ringing with pain as eyes grew dull. There was no friend within such a thing for the child known as Harland any longer but still he tried.

Shift of weight so slight, clench of teeth through pursed lips. Pain flared about where once a leg had been present, the heat of it spiralling through muscles grown taunt, seeking the support. Stumbling steps, struggle to untangle himself for the mass of blankets, groan through teeth as his body slams into the ground. Beyond the door he can hear it, the voices drawn together until it is nothing more than one, a roar of sound pushing at his mind, tearing through until it lodges behind his temples. Already faint is the ache of it, pressure building within a spike slammed into his skull with each movement, stiff limbs for a time refusing to cooperate.

Bucky. Upon his lips the name is caught, voice no longer present to give it a chance to arise, framed within the doorway of his room. Idiotic idea, nothing but an invitation of more pain. Yet there is no time to think through action just the movement of slow, uneasy steps, pressed against the chill surface of the wall. He can hear it within each remark, sparks of anger caught in lines they spit, each offering only further confusion. Towards the tabby Har creeps ever closer, never caring for those who try to grab at him, pushing back until he is moving to tuck himself beneath the Havener, a safe haven amongst the chaos spiralling out of control about them.



Re: A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE // SUNHAVEN RAID - rhosmari - 10-09-2018

Too angry to think, too angry to care. Rage fuels her movements and she barely even cares when the observatory lights up because it's already too late for them. They've infiltrated them and who knows where the other Sunhaveners are currently. Her ears are pinned back against her skull, her jaws pulled up in a snarling grin that shows her large and venomous incisors. The hellhound was very well pissed off and there was nothing but that fire burning in her gut, deep regret that this has come to pass but she couldn't trust the Ascendants anymore not after what they had done. She'd tried her best to talk to them, tried her best to work this problem through and when they continued to insult and try to make the act of accusing one of her own for murder and his attempted murder a joke the straw broke their backs. It was not something she could forgive. The neutrality was a gift, she didn't see them as enemies but someone to distance themselves from. Yet, even as she had parted ways with them it seemed they had become disturb. Angry at her choice of their separation.

To come to her home, to come into her village and murder two of her sunbearers was an atrocious act that she couldn't and wouldn't forgive. After everything that had happened the Ascendants had the means and motivation for committing the crime and she wouldn't stop till they were on their bellies, fighting for their last breathes. A loud snarling howl left the beast, a heinous cry that lifted up into the beginnings of the fight as sounds of battle so distant began from the other side of the Observatory. "Yae'll pay for what ya did. I swear it." Her eyes were locked on [member=1549]moonmade[/member] then, gaze widening as she stared at the lion before suddenly she was rushing at him. Thick muscles rippled underneath cream and tan, paws hitting the ground hard before she lunged though her body curled at the last moment a paw aimed to slam and grab onto his leg attempted to twist and jerk it and make him fall to the ground. If that worked she would then slam her paw against his throat hard aiming to dig large teeth into the smaller feline's shoulder and shake her head to tear muscle and flesh like paper.

-- currently only engaging moonmade

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE // SUNHAVEN RAID - guts - 10-09-2018

As far as Ymir was concerned, she was only here for the show. Did she care that some Sunhaven members had been killed? Not really. But, if she were to say that she didn't care at all, she would be lying. A part of her wanted to help them get revenge, to get bloody justice for the lost lives. If that included getting a few scratches and bites, so be it. But she wasn't going to die for them--she would never lay down her life for someone else, not again.

The wolf follows after Bucky, hunched down and trying to make herself small enough so that she wouldn't be noticed. She was a bit large, though, so she couldn't tell if it was working or not. But soon it wasn't going to be any use, anyways, as they were found out by one of the Ascendants members. In the dark, she could see the creature, an ugly looking one, at that. She couldn't recall the last time she had seen a full grown owl like that.

Ymir didn't have much more time to ponder, however, the lights suddenly flashing on and blinding her for a split moment. She quickly blinks it away, vision clearing in enough time to see Marina rush towards some guy she had never seen before, though something told her this was the big guy in charge. Leader against leader. It seemed only fitting.

Lips curling, she bares her teeth, sharp and glinting, the malicious grin holding malicious intentions. She hadn't had much time to see how good of a fighter she was in this body, but she didn't give it much thought, already itching for a fight. Bright eyes settling on [member=1479]GABRIEL[/member], she'd charge towards him, long legs propelling her forward. Her jaws hang open, aiming to slam into him and sink her teeth into his neck.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"Moon, luz de mi vida, strolling into the observatory at night is kind of already a provocation." Gabriel kept his gaze on Bucky and the rest of the people behind him, though he also had Moon in his periphery just in case somebody tried anything while he was checking in on the children and non-combatants. Coming this far in the middle of the night wasn't much of a raid- it was a strike, meant to catch them while they were off-guard, and Gabe didn't want to consider what might have happened if the place wasn't teeming with insomniacs. They weren't so far off their rockers they'd attack the kids, right? Regardless, they needed to send them packing. They could, too- this was their territory, known inside and out, and everybody was home. He didn't think Sunhaven was so stupid as to take everyone with them, but considering they'd apparently changed their minds about the neutrality without warning, Gabe wasn't going to give them that much credit.

His keen gaze shifted, catching Harland as he crept toward Bucky, stealing beneath the tabby, and Gabe fought the urge to groan. He was just a boy, a tiny little scrap, and it'd be too easy for someone to accidentally hurt him, especially under the legs of the person leading this damn fiasco. "Har, back to your room, please. It's safer for you there." Who knew if he'd listen to Gabe- he wasn't Moon. Speaking of a certain smart-mouthed lion, the leader of the shitheads was heading right for him. He wouldn't be much of an interception against someone so fucking big, but he went forward anyway, and would have interfered if a mutt hadn't lunged for him.

He went intangible, the wolf passing straight through him. "Find someone else to play with, kid." Gabriel turned and spread his wings, launching into the air and [color=darkred]attempting to drop down on Marina's back, where he'd sink his talons into her shoulders. It was both a move to injure and to stabilize himself, with his headache raking claws down his skull. "Dunno if it's just the accent, but I've got no fucking idea what you're talking about. We haven't done shit, pendeja."
