Beasts of Beyond
i'll be good / return - Printable Version

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i'll be good / return - JUNJI - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]it was afternoon turning evening when the island finally, finally seemed to grow closer. wings dragged limply and wet from the ocean's tide; had he the energy, the angel would have parted the waves over the tracks, but exhaustion clung to him and held his limbs down like weights. dry blood stained the lovely white of his chest and muzzle, cheeks damp with old tears, eyes sunken and surrounded by dark circles.

he was eager to go home. put as much distance between him and the sweltering desert of the pitt, and the body he left behind. a violent cough shook junji as he wobbled on, thick black tar sputtering from his lips and dripping into the pure ocean. what followed was a weak sob, dry and raspy; he had no tears left to cry, not enough water in his system to do shed even one. the salt water curling about him was tempting, so tempting, but he knew one drink and all he would do was gasp and choke and gag. the island wasn't far now, he wouldn't wait long.

as he drew nearer to the railroad gate, the angel quickened, splashing as he bounded and fumbled, until he crashed into the damp sand on the shoreline. his wing knocked the bell as he fell, jingling loud and filling the empty evening air with its tolls. junji lay still in the sand; softly his paw brushed over it, and finally he tugged himself upward, grimacing at the weight put on his swollen paw. "luca," the boy croaked. "marcel?" he exhaled shakily, and with a quivering lip he called,"i'm home..."

Re: i'll be good / return - darci - 10-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]He was not entirely sure who this was, but he was well aware they lived here. It seemed it was always Victor who ran into the most wild encounters, and this was to be counted as one of them. The dry blood was first to catch his attention, a sudden fear spiking in the pit of his stomach. The closer he got, the quicker he realized that if did not seem to be anything serious. Even so, he thought Junji did not look all that great. Maybe he needed to invite this guy to a spa day. "Whoa, whoa take it easy their fella." The Siberian husky hurriedly made his way to the other's side, concern evident in Victor's eyes. "Do we have a medic around here?" He was not sure if his call for one would be heard. Wasn't this guy a medic or something? Hell, he did not even know his tail from his leg half the time.

Re: i'll be good / return - no more - 10-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“I'll get us out of here...” Gentle voice, barely audible, rose before lips pressed together, breaking apart until all that lingered was a shaky hum. No matter the want to move about, grown overbearing in select moments, it had taken a great deal of time before they had grown comfortable with the idea, permitted it more than seconds to arise. It had felt almost as though it were barred to them, gates cast about frail body until they were caught within tight space, wanting what was beyond yet fearful too of what might linger. Almost laughable was it, thoughts swirling about their mind as slow trek drew ever closer to completion, yet behind the cage of their teeth the sound was caught.

It was not the names – familiar now though faces are blurred, features given faint edges until colours runs into one another – but the inquiry, seeking assistance in tone that spoke of worry though not lifted, call as they had grown accustomed. Finally they realised about them rose the dying sound of the bell, heavy a clamour, gone unnoticed as their mind wandered. Blinking a few times unease was present, stiff limbs carrying Sil closer to where one who seemed familiar, if only slight, little more than a stranger whose name they had heard in passing, the other given not even this.

Pale fur marred, ruined by blood that had become a crust about chest and cheek, speaking of injury they could not discern from such a distance. They had none of their things, waist free from the strangely familiar weight of a satchel they had found close to the entrance of their hut, seen as unnecessary when all they had sought was a walk. Stepping closer gaze moved between Victor and this other, judging the canine would very well be able to hold the weight of this stranger – no, he was familiar, memory arising in faint washes of colour, seeking attention they have no time to afford it.

“Is anything broken?” Leaning in, words spoken into the ear, prepared to check themself if no answer may be given one way or the other. There was nothing smart about attempting to lift him, let alone transport him the distance between gate and beach, but such might be the best option open to them if no other showed soon.

Re: i'll be good / return - Grey - 10-10-2018

One of the worst feelings was the feeling of being out of the loop. A generous and rather patient member of The Typhoon had recently tried to fill him in on what he had missed but there were only so many things that could make sense to him. For a starters, he could not really imagine the idea of the island being inhabited by more than one ghost. One was enough. Another thing he refused to wrap his head around was the fact that so many pirates had been captured by The Pitt. The motherfucking Pitt of all places. He must have been dreaming if it hadn't been for the fact that he saw injured and pitiful Junji staggering toward the railroad, hitting the bell to be flocked to by Victor and Sil. Had they really become this weak? The Reaver does nothing to hide the intensifying frown upon his youthful face, sanguine eyes resembling dead coals when he approaches, skimming his hues across the other male's imperfect alabaster fur, tainted by the evidence of struggle and torture. He notices as well that he's been crying, the rings about his tired lids. This was the male that seemed to be so smitten with Luca, the male hardly paying enough attention to tell if Luca reciprocated the feelings at all.

His eyes flicker towards Sil, watching the way the sage carefully spoke to the angel. Unaware of the non-binary's amnesia, distaste began to sit at the base of his tongue. Healing. The unreachable knowledge. He knew nothing about how to help his comrades and it frustrated him to know that he would always be the one watching, only there to cauterize a wound provided none of the other ten billion fire manipulators had showed up to the scene. He tries not to scowl but just anyone can see the raising of his upper lip, beginning to show the pearly whites of his embittered canines. He draws his gaze away, huffing hot air from his lips before returning his attention to Junji. "Wel...welcome back," he stammers, biting his bottom lip. He may as well be begrudgingly hospitable. His fur is raised, puffed out as it normally is in a great, foreboding dread. As of late, he had become increasingly aware that Luca must have had enhanced senses. He would rather steer clear from the male's line of fire as much as possible. His damaged ego wasn't ready.

"Can I help with anything, Sil?"

Re: i'll be good / return - Luca - 10-10-2018


Bakugou was right, Luca didn't miss much with those sharp eyes and ears of his. It only took his name in that familiar, beautiful voice, and Luca was speeding over at triple his usual pace. Now it was known fact that Luca hated to yell, but he sure yelled now as he sped across the Typhoon's golden sands. He had to let Junji know that he was here, that he had been waiting desperately for his return. The flour that caked the fur of his chest and paws indicated that he had been baking before he rushed to the gates, a habit he often preformed to calm himself down in times of distress. He squirmed between the crowd, paying no mind to the newly revived Bakugou (a painful reminder of his demonic soul) and straight towards his angelic lover (who was uncomfortable to look at in his own right). Blood caked the once pristine feline's fur, and he reached out in an attempt to brush the pretty boy's cheek. "I missed you so much," he said, his voice wavering as tears bloomed along his lower lashes. The last time he'd touched the angel it was in the process of trying to eat him alive. Luca had no words to express his guilt, so he didn't try. Later he would hold Junji close and sob apologies until the both of them were sick of his voice, but for now all he wanted was to get rid of the blood and the tears and the dark circles that almost made Junji hard to recognize. "Stay with me for a bit, please, my house is closer I promise I- I'll bring you anything you want-" his voice cracked and he broke off, sharp teeth coming down on his lower lip.

Re: i'll be good / return - Luciferr - 10-10-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Easy Luca, try not to overwhelm him" it was clear Junji was still rather shaken after all - and who wouldn't be - but the vantablack dragon hoped his presence would be a familiarity to the boy while Sil got to work and a comfort to his clearly guilt ridden little brother.

still he stayed a quiet presence behind the group - watching in slent concern while the others spoke up and gave reassurances but he did offer a quiet "Welcome home Junji"