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TOOTH AND CLAW; O, Joining - Printable Version

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TOOTH AND CLAW; O, Joining - J. ADALGAR - 04-13-2018

Leave me your anger[div style=""background-color:#;width:90%; height:400px;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;"]

He has known of peace once, the memory fuzzy on his mind, but precious all the same. When it was just him and his brother, lying in the shade of unclaimed lands. When they decided to move somewhere comfortable- into a clan that was war-torn and ragged. Now- war and battle was as much a part of him as his pelt. Even without the place to call home, living on the cusp of unclaimed lands and claimed to fight anyone who dares approach his territory. Now, his brother was a name crossed out in the dirt and a reminder he didn't want to have.

The stars were beautiful tonight in a way they only were after waking up from it. A mix of hues creating contrast in the speckled sky above. he was exploring, in a way that he hadn't in a long time. The teeth on his necklace clicked along his chest, irritating the coiled companions that rested along the broad shoulders of his back. Blas was the only one that was clear to see. White glimmering scales and bright blue eyes like a spotlight on the panther's night kissed pelt.

He always took his companions with him, wherever he went. They were his family as much as he was theirs. A father to a clutch of snakes from varying species. Boa, Black mambas, Ball python.

He stopped short at the border of the clan and waited.

((Uber rushed at the end but i maade it))

Re: TOOTH AND CLAW; O, Joining - radeken - 04-13-2018

Radeken watched skeptically from the sparse cover of a low-growing tree. She would’ve been plainly visible to anyone who cared to search. The wolf hadn’t gotten herself under there to hide but rather to nap, and she woke from that sleep now to the sound of paws nearby. She was conditioned to wake easily by now.

Radeken stared toward the border until she could better make out the dark shape just beyond there. I suppose I should go over? She didn’t want to. She had just gotten here, what if it was a threat? But what are the odds? She didn’t know the odds. That was the problem.

[color=#40bf40]You! By the border! What are you here for?” She called from the relative safety of her napping spot.

Re: TOOTH AND CLAW; O, Joining - J. ADALGAR - 04-13-2018

Leave me your anger
[div style="""background-color:#;width:90%; height:400px;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;""]
Jammal noticed blas had lifted his head to scent the air and knew that he picked the right spot to gain someone else's attention. At least someone was nearby enough that if he spoke he could get their attention- and while Jammal wasn't the sort of patient animal that his companions claimed to be he was conflicted in disturbing the silence of the night. Announcing his presence so easily wouldn't only alert thoese within the borders as it would someone looking for a rematch from the outside as well.

He did not have to wait long for someone to come find him. Rather it was Dimitri's sudden movement from his back. Pulling free from the rest of the clutch onto the ground with a plot. The ball python was the newest member of his little family. The youngest and the most aggressive, still tempered with instincts that Jammal had instilled in them all. Attack or prepare to be attacked. A smile rose across his features, hopefully, he wouldn't have to deal with someone getting bit now. It was to early for the kind of mayhem that Dimitri could cause.

Jammal swept his eyes around the border and spotted the feline hidden around a tree not to far off from the border. The soft scent of sleep easy for his own senses to pick up from where he was. Downwind. The other was cautious, seemingly awoke by his approach. But that was without the need to sneak up, what if someone was planning a raid- what if someone was looking for an easy clan kill? Easy prey.

"My name's Jammal." His voice was a little unused, and it was odd, to hear his own name when he hadn't spoken it in so long. You don't make friends with other rouges. You fought, you defended. With one paw outstretched, he pulled Dimitri closer to him as to discourage the ball python to strike out. "I came to explore mostly, i wasn't expecting to stumble upon a clan." The panther decided that honesty- for the moment was the best. Silver eyes trained upon the ascendant not far off. "What kind of clan is this?"

Re: TOOTH AND CLAW; O, Joining - radeken - 04-14-2018

Radeken gnawed her bottom lip before she finally rose, approaching Jammal without rush. She pulled her lips back into a warning snarl. Her body language suggested that she was otherwise calm, though. Just watch yourself.[color=#40bf40]I don’t think I’m the best to tell you. Kinda new, myself. It’s nice, though. Cares a whole lot about the sky.” She shifted, eyeing Jammal and tonguing the inside of her cheek thoughtfully.

[color=#40bf40]If you’re interested in a place to stay, I’d recommend it. There isn’t any complicated entry process.” She added conversationally, glancing at the snakes he was adorned in, particularly the one who had slithered to the ground. It was what made her stop finally. “[color=#40bf40]They going to hurt me?” Radeken inquired flatly as the stranger pulled his pet close.

Re: TOOTH AND CLAW; O, Joining - BASTILLEPAW - 04-15-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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Bastillle's sleeping schedule was... interesting. Usually he got the sleep he needed when he needed it, not really one to support the "sleep was for the weak" philosophy. For one thing, that was just stupid; for another, it was also extremely false. He couldn't perform well if he was too fucking exhausted to function, and he scoffed at anyone who was going to try to convince him of otherwise. Unless you were a strange mutant or had other powers warranting sleeplessness, claiming that sleep didn't matter was stupid and something he would vehemently attack.

That being said, insomnia had clutched ahold of him tightly, and he could barely get to bed until relatively early in the morning. He slept later than he wanted to, and occasionally slept in the early evenings in an effort to get some of the hours he needed before another long, sleepless night. It was fucking annoying as hell. He didn't need his schedule getting fucked up now, and he hated waking up late. It was lazy and useless and sloppy, in his opinion; there was shit he could be doing, and the longer they went without sign of Luna, the more irritated he got. Soon, he was going to go looking for her, with or without the others.

So, he was out patrolling, looking for any sign of his missing mentor. It was crisp and vaguely chilled, the April breeze still edged with the coldness of winter, but he didn't give a fuck. His headache was dull, distant, and there was no one around to scream in his ear and make it worse.

Almost no one, that was. The flickering sign of Rad's aura with a foreign one had grabbed his attention, and he'd tensed slightly at the sight of them. There were smaller auras dotting the stranger as well, and Bast was... well, suspicious. Luna had been all alone when she vanished, too. And who was this guy, showing up in the middle of the night?

One moment, Bast was a while off, and in the next, he was standing next to Rad. There was a faint thrum of energy in the air as the bengal teleported, but he seemed unaffected and unbothered by the abrupt appearance -- he didn't really seem to care if he started them. His ice blue stare was on the guy, eyeing the snakes and his disposition swiftly, watchfully. If he was a threat, Bast would fry each and every on of those damn snakes for dinner individually (after shoving this guy in a locked room, obviously).

He missed out on their conversation, privy only to the ending of Rad's question, and he narrowed his eyes with a sharp glance up to the stranger's face. "Are you threatening her?" he demanded, annoyed at the possibility that Rad was just hanging around in the face of a threat. Sure, this guy didn't look very aggressive, but Grimm had seen plenty of calm, controlled villains. They didn't have to be outwardly hostile to be slimy fuckbags.

Re: TOOTH AND CLAW; O, Joining - Roy Mustang - 04-19-2018

"Considering Jammal just pulled the snake closer to him," The Sumatran tiger spoke up with his regular cocky, confident tone, "I'd assume he's preventing the snake from causing you harm,  Radeken." Just like Bastillepaw, Mustang had caught on the end of the conversation, and he happened to see Jammal pull the ball python closer to himself. He locked his gaze onto the panther, glancing at the ball python for a moment. Was that snake this guys pet? It seemed so, considering it was on Jammal's back, there aren't really any ball pyhtons slithering around here. Roy didn't believe this stranger was directly threatening Radeken, but perhaps the ball python was. It certainly seemed like it wanted to strike, and the only reason why it didn't was that Jammal stopped it. "This is the Ascendants," The tiger said with a flick of his ear, "Though that snake of yours can be a threat itself, especially if it lashes out again and you are unable to stop it."

Surely they wouldn't want a dangerous snake on the loose, correct? They wouldn't want any fatal accidents here, as ball pythons are known for constricting their prey- if this snake somehow got away from Jammal, surely any of them can become it's next dinner. It only takes a few minutes before suffocation, and then after that comes death. "If you're here to join as Radeken recommended, I highly suggest you teach that thing to control itself."