Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° ┊ we are all living in a dream ﹙ o, meteor shower ﹚ - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° ┊ we are all living in a dream ﹙ o, meteor shower ﹚ - BABY — - 10-08-2018

[Image: YQyYjWt.jpg]
F l i c k e r i n g , alabaster dots blanketed the inky evening atmosphere, as per usual. It was a beautiful night, no alien light sources polluting the sky or any distracting noises jamming a fork into the ambience ( except for the crickets, of course ). The grasses in the field w h i s p e r e d in the wind, brushing past each other and tugging wherever the breeze directed them. Titan could have almost sworn that they were murmuring his own name, but of course, that was a preposterous idea in itself.

However, the calmness and serenity of the open area had certainly beckoned him, and the lion found himself walking amongst the golden grasses. Titan was a productive person, someone who always sought for a role and for validation, but there wasn't a whole lot to do at this time of night. A night patrol? Perhaps, but right now, Titan wanted to stargaze. He had always made somewhat of a hobby out of it; where he could just roam the outskirts of camp and leave everyone and everything behind and waste a few hours just by himself. He could[sub] sink[/sub] into his own thoughts, he could e a s e his mind and let his imagination wander as he tried to memorize the constellations and their names. It was one of the only times in his cubhood that he could just be.

Then, for a fleeting moment, there was a faint streak across the sky.

A meteor. Then, another. About a minute later, [i]another.[/i] They were out in full force tonight, and Titan could only assume that it was a shower. He had chosen an ideal night to watch the stars, it seemed. The lion laid down into the field and rolled onto his back in a comfortable position to lay. After a whole day of keeping on his toes and making sure every stride was taken with confidence, it felt relieving to simply s p l a y out under the stars.

Titan's dim, amber eyes scanned the celestial heavens, his furred chest softly [sup]rising[/sup] and [sub]falling[/sub] with each breath.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ we are all living in a dream ﹙ o, meteor shower ﹚ - ONISION. - 10-08-2018




♦ -
Oni had previously been satisfied with watching the stars from the roof of the observatory, but now it wasn't so satisfying to do it alone. He wanted to watch the stars with Alex, wanted to see the flickers of dying dust in the sky. He wanted to share hot chocolates with Alex as they watched this show on this cool night.

Shaking his head, Onision had watched the meteors fall from the sky from atop a hill. Alone, as always, but he could see the form of Titan not too far away. Yeah, he wasn't going to interrupt the guys peace.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ we are all living in a dream ﹙ o, meteor shower ﹚ - GABRIEL - 10-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabriel had never really seen a meteor shower before. He knew what they were because he didn't live beneath a rock, but he'd never witnessed one in person, and seeing one now- it didn't really inspire any kind of peace in him. He didn't feel at one with himself, or some other meditative tranquility shit, and he certainly didn't find any romanticism in watching bits fall from space and fucking up whatever they hit. Maybe they were pretty, in a destructive way; he just preferred to find beauty in the violence of other things, like unfurling buds and growth. Not this. Not the stars, which had never drawn Gabe's stare, because it had never mattered to him what was up there when everything he did was down here with the sorts of people who couldn't afford to stargaze or fuel pipe dreams. Kids like Laz, left at a young age to wander the streets and form hierarchies of ruthlessness for survival, kids who hadn't given a damn about the stars either because they couldn't put food in their bellies.

The owl's dark, glittering gaze pinpointed both Onision and Titan, but Gabriel didn't bother saying anything to them. They looked to be enjoying themselves, and he knew it was best to just go back inside, where he couldn't see the sky.


Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ we are all living in a dream ﹙ o, meteor shower ﹚ - azazel. - 10-10-2018

If Azazel had seen a meteor shower, he didn't remember it. He didn't remember anything before whatever had caused his injuries. Even with his injuries, being as young as he was, he couldn't sleep. The husky had slipped out of where he had made his home, and his dark purple eyes lifted up to the sky. A streak of white, going across the sky. And then a second. And then a third, and then a fourth, until it seemed as if the sky were filled with them. A gasp escaped his jaws, the pup frozen in pure wonder. He didn't move, no sound escaped him. He was a statue, staring up at the sight that he may as well have only seen once.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ we are all living in a dream ﹙ o, meteor shower ﹚ - MOONMADE - 10-10-2018

[size=9pt]Moon didn't know how the fuck he ended up in an Astrology Clan.

Moon didn't know how the fuck he ended up leading an Astrology Clan. Actually, he did - It had something to do with befriending the past Astral Seraph and being at the wrong place at the wrong time when said Seraph decided a honeymoon in the Bahamas with his new flame wasn't such a bad idea - but that wasn't the point. The point was, he hadn't the first idea about the stars. To him they were nothing but glowing freckles in the sky. Stagnant, unassuming. Sure, they'd fucked the dinosaurs over that one time, but apart from that, they were just there. Why the hell did they have to project so much on balls of gas, millions of miles away?

Still, he wasn't about to interrupt whatever the hell it was he'd stumbled upon. Everyone sitting, quiet, under the black of the night, staring into the void like it held the answer to the universe. There was such an air of something, even Moon was hesitant to interrupt it, and he settled among the others and left the silence unperturbed. But then his toes started to wiggle and his leg started to jog, tail flicking from side to side behind him like a dog that hadn't been walked in a week. Suddenly, he was all too aware of the dryness of his mouth, and his breathing, and the feeling of his muscles under his skin, and, fuck this-- No way was he just gonna' sit there. He cleared his throat, felt the electricity run itself up and down his limbs, and lasted exactly a three seconds more before he broke.

"So we just gonna', like. Not talk."