Beasts of Beyond
estuans interius ira vehementi / MEETING / ANNOUNCEMENTS - Printable Version

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estuans interius ira vehementi / MEETING / ANNOUNCEMENTS - sephiroth - 10-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth didn’t consider himself a prideful or emotional beast at all; he was above such things, that little voice in the back of his head told him.  He was a warrior, a god among others (how did he have these thoughts?  He really didn’t know), and the feelings that would cripple lesser creatures were something he had grown to leave behind.  But…right now, he felt something swell in his chest.  He did not have the name for it, but it made his heart feel strong, mighty, everybody bone and cell in his form seemed to crackle with some form of energy, of divine purpose.  Whatever it was, it felt right.

The lion would carry himself through the ruins that had become the Rosebloods newest home, his gait and stride strong as ever.  His head held up, his eyes glimmering with fire as he approached his destination.  The throne room.  The large open space he had been seated in before, but now he was here with something of meaning, with news, with a bright future.

Hm.  The makeshift throne seemed a little bit small for his muscular and large wildcat body, so he opted to sit in front of it rather than on it.  It mattered little, he still towered over a lot of his groupmates and even beside that his presence still commanded attention with his silver form and sharp eyes.  He ebbed authority from the moment he arrived in the group, and finally he got to act on it.

”ROSEBLOODS.”  It wasn’t often that Sephiroth raised his voice, but his booming call echoed through the ruins to call attention to his location in the throne room.  The baritone of his voice carried power, surely his groupmates would arrive shortly.  They seemingly did, filing into the room soon after his call.  Surely they all had questions, seeing him standing on the platform above everybody else when up until now Nanohana had the authority over the group, and had taken over rather recently.  Well, things were going to change around here.

Once the group had gathered before him Sephiroth would speak once again.  ”I shall make this plain and clear.  Nanohana has handed leadership of the Rosebloods over to me, I am your new…Pharaoh.”  The word held an innate sense of authority and power, but the title itself…well, he would address it soon enough.  ”My word is law now.  If anybody has objections…”  Sephiroth allowed his left forepaw to reveal his sharpened claws that hadn’t seen much use yet, and he flexed them across the stone with a small but no less intimidating sound.  ”..They are free to speak with me about it.”  Though the way his voice lowered and his eyes seemed to narrow slightly made it very clear he didn’t expect there to be any counter to his newly appointed leadership.

The lion would sheath his claws, raising his head up and he continued his announcement.  ”We have been without a Vizier for too long, as long as I’ve been here. [member=1696]Jiyu Simul Stamus[/member], I want you as my second in command, my Vizier.  You have done plenty for the group; it is about time you were rewarded for such loyalty.  I also want [member=2184]TALYN.[/member] as a Guard, shout out to [member=2189]RIZER T.[/member]  [member=2054]lydia :・゚✧[/member] and [member=1814]PEYTRIVIING P.[/member] are demoted; you two can eventually earn your positions back with activity.  Welcome to our new members; I hope to see everybody working in the group.  That's what I want from everybody going foreword."

"The Snowbound has recently invited us to their Mass Gathering; everybody had my permission to attend if you so wish."  He expected it would also be a good place to make his new leadership known throughout the different groups.  "Their allies and neutrals should be there; no sign of the Pitt.  Speaking of the Pitt...I continue to allow open war on them.  You do not need my permission to attack them anymore however; do as you please with them.  Let them know we are to be feared."  Sephiroth's blue green eyes gleamed with something near dark glee, not that he would admit that.

"Finally,"  His gaze would search through the crowd for Jiyu in particular, meeting her gaze before he addressed the group.  "These Egyptian gods that Prestige spoke of, have not appeared to me nor any other member as far as I know.  And they were part of the old territory; if those gods truly were on our side they wouldn't have let us burn.  I have not felt their presence here either.  However, me and Jiyu have felt and noticed a shift of power here.  These lands belong to other gods of greater strength; they rule over aspects of the world and have demand our worship in exchange for heir favor.  There are many aspects we have learned, though six of them seem to be the most powerful.  Ventus of Air, Amino of Mind, Spiritus of Soul, Terra of Earth, Luna of Water, and Ignis of Flame.  Respect them; their favor is crucial in this land."

"That will be all for now.  If nobody has question and if Jiyu has nothing to add, we're finished here."  This was probably the most that Sephiroth had spoken in his whole time here in the Rosebloods.  He didn't have problems with speaking, he just...didn't a lot of the time.  But now he supposed he would need to speak for his clan more.  the lion would lift his head and raise an invisible brow as he awaited his clans reaction to all the news he had dropped on them.

(hello!!  i have been given permission to step up as leader of the rosebloods!!  i'm very glad to be leading and have definite plans for the group!!
to sum up,
-Sephiroth is now leader/Pharaoh of the Rosebloods
-[member=1696]Jiyu Simul Stamus[/member] is now Vizier, [member=2184]TALYN.[/member] is a Guard, shout out to [member=2189]RIZER T.[/member]  [member=2054]lydia :・゚✧[/member]  and [member=1814]PEYTRIVIING P.[/member] are demoted.  Welcome to all new members!
-The snowbound has invited the Rosebloods to their mass gathering, link here!
-Open war on the Pitt is still going on!  No permission is needed from Seph to host raids and attacks
-New religion involving Aspects of the world!  The guide will be updated later tonight with the full guide to them, for now you can hop on over to the discussion in the discord to learn about them, link to that in the ooc chat thread

the guide will be updated later tonight!  a hp meeting will be hosted to discuss things ic as well, and throughout the week things will continue to be set up!  im always open for suggestions!!!)

Re: estuans interius ira vehementi / MEETING / ANNOUNCEMENTS - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-08-2018

The following thread is for the aspects emerging as more than just presences felt

Pride was part of her, the large calico had always known that but the way she carried such a vice was different than the way most animals did. Instead of braggart or ego? Jiyu's pride kept her enclosed and in check, without the pride in doing her mission in life well, there would be no hope of keeping her from being anything besides a mindless monster who attacked everything. Everything had it's use, she felt no rush when she did the only things she knew how to do, partook in life the only way she could. Unlike most animals? She didn't get euphoria from positive things, nothing changed internally and if anything did it was only slightly enough to keep her chasing 'the right path' instead of simply slaughtering everything. No one else knew, no one else needed to, it was her own demon to carry.

Another reign founded on threats, even if he didn't mean it that way, the things she had seen in the past from the world left no other view point. Just like Nano had threatened the group with the large Miso, so did Sep threaten anyone who would dare speak out against him. That was how rebellions started, she had seen that in the past, transferring from one animal to another did nothing, masses who felt ignored or as if they lived under threat eventually always rose up. Her years of experience had not been able to help Prestige, so maybe the animals in this world were just cursed to repeat the same horrible fate time and time again, safety and stability concepts beyond their ability to obtain.

Jiyu was a constant, but when she looked around it was clear she was the only one who seemed to have that ability. Everything and everyone she had ever known? Was gone and they left everyone else to pick up after whatever they left behind. Sephiroth wouldn't last, no one else had and she could see nothing about him that made him different from any of the others. All she could do was serve as she always did while watching for the inevitable next change that would shake the group once more, giving this place no roots to stand on, even though it could have had them, it used to have them.

The calico was ready for whatever new normal she had set up in her head, the painful sting of the wrapped wounds on her flank not even felt as she stood when she should likely be leaning on things until they healed. At the very least he never seemed to adjust himself much, he wasn't one of those animals chasing things. Oh, how he proved her wrong so quickly, promoting her to Vizer without any hesitance. HOW IN THE WORLD DID HE THINK SHE WAS FIT?! SHE WAS A MONSTER! Stillness encompasses her body, and she could only hear tidbits of everything else as he continued the meeting while she tried to grasp at what made him think she was any bit fit to be an adviser to anyone. She had known about the aspects, but she hadn't known about this, oh she had far from known about her promotion.

Anything to add? How about how he was dooming the group if he listened to any of her advice, she was only experienced in destroying things! Her say, if she had anything to say? She never had anything to say, everything she used was from someone she had known loved her! These animals with all their emotions and such were foreign to her, she lived outside of their world protecting it, not as any crucial part of how it worked. It was a brief second, and someone would only be able to catch it if they were already looking at the new vizer, she seemed to change all at once. The endless sea of nothing washed away and the waters that remained could only be described as child like, her mouth down turning, shoulders swinging back. She couldn't stay here, she needed to get out of the ruins, she just had to go. In stark contrast to her normal corpse like limp movements? Her retreat was swift and audible, no attempt to soften her paw steps, heart racing. She didn't have anything to say, how could she have anything to say? Effectively that tied up the meeting since someone who ran out clearly had nothing else to say.

Re: estuans interius ira vehementi / MEETING / ANNOUNCEMENTS - MIRIO! - 10-09-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
Mirio was there in a rushed track because it's 1 am haha

Re: estuans interius ira vehementi / MEETING / ANNOUNCEMENTS - Luciferr - 10-09-2018

TALYN is an INDORAPTOR that stands at a height of 9FT, His species allows bipedal and quadrupedal movement, he wields bone crushing teeth and frightful strength. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were REQUIEM x BRIDGEWATER of an old site litter, with last names of Valdis, Kuchiki and HARBINGER. he is the RED ASPECT of WAR of 4 and has amnesia of any past lives after the merging.
Jiyu would think herself a monster and yet, she was far from the only mnster.

a glint of firelit inferno in reptillian eyes and Talyn smiled coking his head with a nod of gratitude "My thanks Pharoah" a slight test of the rank, he'd not used it for prestige in their transition and nanohana had not earned much past fighting her way to lead currently - hm, Sephiroth might indeed suit it better.

guard though, he liked the sound of it.

/ayy thanks and congrats guys! I'll throw in a quick post on rizer too c;

[align=center]HYMN OF RUIN
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
© ceilidh

Re: estuans interius ira vehementi / MEETING / ANNOUNCEMENTS - Luciferr - 10-09-2018

RIZER is a MANTICORE that stands at a height of 5FT, like all his kind he has a barbed tail and like some he also has WINGS , much of his form is also scaled past his mane. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were EURYDICE TARGARYEN and DOMERIC of an old site litter. he is the incarnation of the PALE ASPECT aka DEATH of the 4 heralds, he also has amnesia of past lives.
Death inclined his head in his own silent graititude and an almost imperceptible smile for his brother seated beside him - War was gaining ground it seemed but Rizer was no more jealous of that than anyone else, long was Death content to simply trail after his siblings and reap what was his due in patient time.

/also congrats guys if i didn't already say it! c:

[align=center]FIRE AND BLOOD
But what is this that I can't see, With ice cold hands taking hold of me?
© ceilidh