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"Alright y'all, its time to find us somebody willing to take on the rank of Excorist or whatever its called. As a warbound group, we'll have to have some form of healing since we'll be getting a lotta owies in the battlefield, ya feel?" Quill circled around a few dummies that he set up just for the occasion, his ears perked forward as the direhound would use a claw to go over one of the said dummies belly "Now say if one of the Pittians ingested some of that poisonous water? What would you do explain it? What kind of herbs would you need?" He let his claws puncture the dummy only to toss it aside away from the rest of the slightly alright dummies, he had made sure they were different "Once you answer that you may start working on these, each dummy has something different wrong with them and you will have to find out on how to fix it or what herbs you'd need. Said herbs are right there in a few satchels for you to select from." He flicked his ears back until they brushed his head "After your done with your dummy, I'll ask you a few questions almost like a verbal test. Otherwise, hope y'all participate and have fun," Each description of the dummy was set on a piece of paper and placed in front of the said dummies.

/ state your interest & I wanted to make this a whole lot different from our last medic tryouts since it died in just a few days, I added a small activity to this! specify what dummy you picked in your post too!

DUMMY A: Dummy A has just gotten out of a fight with an enemy, their body is scattered with several lacerations and they are losing a lot of blood. What herb will ensure there is no infection?
DUMMY B: Dummy B has been playing rather roughly and swinging around far too much, while playing in the trees they lost their balance and took a nasty fall. They seemed to have dislocated their bones in their front hind leg and broken a few ribs. What will help fix the bone back to place? What will reduce the pain?
DUMMY C: Dummy C nearly drowned and they are currently freaking out, they seem to be uneasy. They are shaking a lot and their breathing quicken. What would help them calm down?
DUMMY D: Dummy D has successfully delivered four healthy kittens into the world, congrats to them, but it seems that they aren't able to produce that much milk for their kittens. What herbs will help in this situation?
DUMMY E: Dummy E is going into labor and is undergoing a lot of pain, what would soothe this pain? After a heavy labor, it seems that Dummy E's kittens didn't make it hence none of them are breathing, all of them being stillborn. Dummy E seems saddened by this but accepts the fact that their kittens are gone, what herb would stop the flow of breast milk?

> will add more dummies if more participate

Re: I WANT TO BE FREE / MEDICAL TRAINING - guts - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]//interested w/ cos!!

Cosette had a bit of medical knowledge under her belt. It wasn't anything to boast about, of course, just the basics that everyone should know. Or maybe a little bit more, considering slaves were expected to treat their injuries where she was from. She had never considered becoming a medic, though. That wasn't exactly something she had ever even thought of. Having her own free-will now was really all she had ever wanted.

She still found herself padding over, though, interested in what they would be doing. She was a bit hesitant to participate, considering it was just for people who wanted the rank, but her curiosity won her over. Besides, maybe she could learn a new thing or two. "I'll participate." she confirms somewhat quietly.

Listening to the question given, the serval quickly figured out the answer, considering she had drank some of it herself. Otherwise she might not have known what to do. "Um, first you would..give them yew--to throw it up. Then give them some tea, like, for the following nausea." she doesn't sound too confident as she explains it, though she's still somewhat certain she's right to at least some degree. Hopefully she wasn't making herself look stupid.

So with that over with, she turns towards the dummies, accessing what was wrong with each of them and which one would be easiest with her knowledge. Finally she decided on the second one, recalling that one point where she had seen another slave have to patch someone up after they broke a few bones during some heavy labor. It wasn't the same places, but broken bones were broken bones, right?

She takes a deep breath and gets to work, grabbing what she needed from the satchel before settling down beside dummy B. She starts by grabbing some broom, popping it into her mouth and chewing, then spitting it back out and rubbing it onto the dummy's leg. It was gross, but that was how she had seen it done. With that, she planted the splint, making sure it was even before wrapping cobwebs around it, keeping it against the dislocated leg. Then she looks towards the bandages with a vaguely concerned look on her face, unsure if she should use them or not.

They hadn't used it when she watched, and she sure didn't know how to use them on her own. Closing her eyes and taking another breath, she calmed the incoming panic, deciding to put them aside and focus on the broken ribs next. This one she wasn't too sure of, her brows knotting together as she tried to think. Comfrey and what else? Cosette returned to the satchel, peering in and rummaging through to try and jog her memory, quickly remembering when she caught sight of the stinging nettle. She couldn't remember it's name, but she definitely remembered what it had looked like.

She hurried back to her dummy patient, combining the herb with the comfrey and shoving it into the plush's open mouth. From what she knew, you couldn't splint broken ribs or similar bones. All she could do was sit back and hope she had gotten it right. But why did she even care? She wasn't planning on actually being chosen as Exorcist--though she supposed it would be nice.

Re: I WANT TO BE FREE / MEDICAL TRAINING - Keona. - 10-08-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
[ participating but not interested ;p ]

Exorist? Healing? No. Not for her.  Not really.  'Anything useful.' Keona could not argue with the usefulness of medical knowledge.  Not to her uncle, or anyone.  So quietly, the tiny fae approached, tail flicking.  Softly, the kitten spoke, "give them... Yarrow." That... Sounded right to her. "To make'm throw up." Like yew, she supposed. "Then water... Or peppermint," she inclined her head in the direction of Cosette's voice, "As tea, to calm them down and take care of any... Nausea." The word tasted funny in her mouth.  A new term, but she knew what it meant at least.  Like a stomach ache; the feeling of needing to throw up.  Something like that.

That done and said, the child followed the Pittian's example and went to work, finding herself at dummy c.  Shock.  Panic.  Makes sense after nearly drowning.  The thought occurred to Keona she did not even know how to swim herself, a hardly important thought at this moment.  She knew what they needed though.  Thyme for calm.  Maybe a blanket to keep them dry and sooth them.  A blanket usually works well on most. Soft and comfortable.

Without eyes to rely on, the child used her nose to sniff out the calming herb, hoping her memory served her faithfully.  After a few misadventures back home, Keona herself had received thyme once or twice.  In extremely small doses and as such, she found herself uncertain, when she did recognize the herb's scent, how much the dummy would need.  Oh bother.  Another reason to hate being so small and young.  Never recieved the normal dosage of anything; how was she supposed to know how much an adult or a larger creature would need in general?

Keona had to take a guess.

Of course, a dummy could not actually eat and Keona felt this endeavor a little over-bearing as she gave her 'patient' some of her chosen herb.  An amount more than she could certainly handle, but someone larger no doubt definitely could, though she remained wary.  Whatever.  With a flicking ear, she carried a blanket over too and with some difficulty, draped it over the dummy's shoulders.  That done, the fae found herself sitting at the dummy's side, not entirely sure what to do now.

Ideally, her steps were correct, but the kitten would not be heartbroken over any errors.  Being a medic had never interested her, nor here or back home.  To her, this endeavor meant some gained knowledge and practice.  A chance to prove she might know a thing or two and could be useful.  Nothing more.
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: I WANT TO BE FREE / MEDICAL TRAINING - Stryker - 10-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  may or may not look into this, tracking Wink

Re: I WANT TO BE FREE / MEDICAL TRAINING - ninazu - 10-10-2018

[ stating interest & also assuming it's night time so azu can be here! ]

The wildcat passed by the small group, her ears twitching. Based on what she'd picked up after she crawled out of her den, the "exorcists" were the erudites without the spirit obligations. A shame, as she preferred talking to the dead more than the living; more importantly, the group apparently didn't have anyone holding the rank. At least this gave her an opportunity to get back to her previous position.

She took a seat, her short tail flicking as she listened to the instructions. Certainly a novel way to test for medical knowledge, but she wouldn't complain. She liked keeping conversation to a minimum and letting her work speak for itself. She licked her lips, sizing up the remaining dummies, as she answered the question. "Yarrow to make em vomit. Main danger with vommitting is dehydration, so I'd make em drink water and closely watch em for a few hours." Simple enough, thankfully.

With that done, she turned to her dummy: dummy a. Grabbing a satchel and flask of water, she set to work demonstrating her systematic way of dealing with wounds like this. First, she boiled the water in the metal flask with her fire elemental abilities, sterilizing it. While she waited for it to finish boiling and subsequently cool enough, she focused on making a quick poultice from desert marigold.  Once it cooled enough, she poured it over the open "cuts" in the dummy, as a way of simulating cleaning them, and applying the poultice. Lastly, she wrapped them with bandages, to keep out the desert's sand and any other irritants.

Simple enough. This round didn't seem like much of a challenge to her.

Re: I WANT TO BE FREE / MEDICAL TRAINING - ; albion - 10-12-2018

//not interested, just posting ^^

benny wasn't all that good at being a medic. he never handled medicines or remedies, but his mother was good at putting something together to solve his tooth aches and stomach bugs as a child. he couldn't remember what she had given him exactly, but they were normally bitter tasting tea's drowned in honey or something he chewed to make his mouth feel numb. the fox would just remain and observe for now, standing beside quill as he watched the participants.