Beasts of Beyond
don't you think she looks a little tired | joining - Printable Version

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don't you think she looks a little tired | joining - pallid-i - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The pastel pink and purple feline showed up at the border wearing a pair of questionable shorts. Where did she get the shorts? Only god knew, and the feline would never tell a soul. All she knew was that they were fashionable and comfortable.

She took a seat and waited, whiskers twitching. Laurel expected someone to show up soon, because as much as she hated admitting it, she was an impatient person.

Re: don't you think she looks a little tired | joining - COSMIIX - 10-08-2018

Trotting over, the direhound would perk both of his ears forward with a non-existent eyebrow lifted up at this spectacle. Art thou nasty? Shakespearean? He wasn't certain but those shorts looked awfully snug on the feline yet he managed to snap out of it as he would speak with a small smirk on his maw "Hello there, what's yer na-" He'll be truthful, his eyes probably hadn't moved away from the shorts until right this moment did he see that it was that one chick from back then. What was her name? Yanny? Laurel? Laurel, yeah that was it. She never liked him was what he realized but the feline had drooled over Jackdaw once a upon a time, the thought made him snort as he said with a tilt of his head "Laurel?" His ears would flick back before blinking his mixed gaze soon speaking "Ya here ta'join?" Alright, he thought he wouldn't see Laurel again so this was quite some surprise.

Re: don't you think she looks a little tired | joining - MORIBUND - 10-08-2018

the twins were emboldened by quill's presence for reasons unknown. they not have the heart to approach anyone on their own. the mistrust of others ran deep like the ocean's belly, and the spikes of unease that shot through their guts like hot rods whenever they were alone with anybody else was testimony to this fact.

pointed hooves, ashen in hue shuffled across sun blessed sands. the lamb edged their way near the direhound, both heads pointed to attention and a molten gaze focused on the other-- though both sets of eyes never distinctly made contact with the other. the youth could never stare another in the face. just thinking about it made their stomach roil with apprehension they could not help.

"misshter quill,"
one head 'baa'ed. the only head to ever speak. their voice dropped to a pleasant whisper. "how... do you know them?" what was this stranger to quill? was it impolite to ask? impolite to wonder? but they could not help the question that lingered on their tongue. curiosity was a very powerful and dangerous thing they had soon learned.

back in the barn, questions were prohibited. every sentence that began with a 'w' was met with vicious kicks, and long after moribund had been kicked out, they had still been to scared to ask anything. but now, the pitt had opened up a whole new realm for relative 'privileges.' and every little new inquiry with a 'w' that danced on the tip of their tongue sounded so sweet.
[glow=grey,2,300]・゚✦ —— tags[/glow]

Re: don't you think she looks a little tired | joining - pallid-i - 10-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She heard that familiar voice, and she instinctively pulled away with her ears flattening to her head. The long-furred feline stared at Quill for a solid minute before looking away. He knew her secret. He could easily tell someone here what she was. It was that thought alone that scared her, but Laurel raised her head and glared at him rather defiantly. "Of course I'm joining. I've got no other reason to be here." She said rather haughtily. She then heard someone new, and looked at the two-headed.. thing. Her eyes widened and Laurel made an awkward noise.

What in the fuck's name was that?

Re: don't you think she looks a little tired | joining - guts - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She knew she wasn't the best at welcoming people, with her wary approach towards newcomers and all, but she had good reason to be. She never knew when her slavers would come knocking on their door and take her back--if they were still alive anyways. She could never be too careful. Coming upon the scene, Cosette nodded towards Laurel, not blaming them for their surprise at Moribound's appearance. She had been taken aback when she had first saw the two-headed creature, too.

"Well, welcome to the Pitt, then. I'm Cosette. It's nice to meet you." she said with a friendly smile towards the joiner. New members were always welcome.

Re: don't you think she looks a little tired | joining - pallid-i - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Someone else came over, and she looked over to get a good look at them. Cos was pretty.. For someone who lived in such an ugly looking place. It was just sand.. So much sand. "Hello Cosette. It's.. nice to meet you too." There was hesitance, of course. The pastel feline couldn't really say that, could he? He never thought first meetings were nice, but he had to be kind, didn't he? At least to a degree.