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SUGAR SWEET [open + joining] - Printable Version

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SUGAR SWEET [open + joining] - Miluina - 10-08-2018

"One step, two step, three step, four! I wonder how many more!" The soft sound of snow crunching beneath his paws brought the tiny feline more pleasure than it should have. "I sure do hope I find food soon, cos' otherwise I'll... eat my paw!" A long string of giggled bubbled from his throat, broken every now and then by joyous hiccups. His legs were numb and cold, and his stomach tightened with the familiar void of hunger, but still Milu's toothy smile refused to fade. He pounced from place to place, searching in the snow for the heartbeat of a hiding rodent. He hadn't found anything yet, unfortunately, but Milu knew that it was only a matter of time before he got to munch on something other than snow. Even now water dripped from his jaws, tricking down to soak into the ribbon tied tightly around his neck. The bell attached to the soggy red fabric jingled with the slightest movement, so it wasn't with the upmost subtlety that he approached the village in the distance. But of course, even without his bell, it would be hard to miss the child's cheery voice.

"Hello! Hello?" He called, wandering straight over the border. "I'm hungry, someone feed me, please!" He was beginning to wonder where everyone was. Perhaps he had stumbled across some sort of ghost town? That would be fun, but Miluina doubted that he'd find any good food in a ghost town. He swayed to a stop to sniff the air, turning in small, energetic circles.

Re: SUGAR SWEET [open + joining] - NUI HARIME - 10-08-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: white; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]❝ LA VI EST DROLE! ❞

the youthful, childish voice is the thing that draws nui to him. light and bubbly vocals, punctuated by bubbly jubilation, a string of hiccups and an underlying need.

he has crossed the border. but that is fine, because harime has never cared for borders herself. she is inpersonal; privacy is an illusion, in her eyes. there is nothing to stop someone from invading the personal space of another at any given moment. perhaps her perspective was skewed, because she herself cared none of it.

this joiner is a one with cheeks so chubby that she could just reach out...

and pinch them.

aren't you the cutest little thing?" she crows, twirling her signature parasol in a tight gripped paw. she leaves into its frame, planting the base of it heavily into the snow.

his tail is what intrigues him the most. her eye wanders to it, glistening and glittering with impish curiosity.

she understands the hunger, knows it so well and fierce. the craving in the pit of you stomach that makes you ache downright. only she ached with hunger for specific things. bloody things. pulpy and warm. flesh, even. huger hunger hunger. her inner impulse is guided by it. she, in some way, is primal in the way that she's driven by the need for her parasitic nature.

"you poor, poor child. wandering in the cold like that, starving too." she's the perfect image of a pitying animal, lips pursed into a pout. an unapologetic, fiendish soul dismisses his plight. she's just interested in seeing what end he eats from.
"if you're hungry, i can get you something, love!


Re: SUGAR SWEET [open + joining] - tristitia - 10-08-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]TADASHI HIMURA BASKERVILLE[/shadow]
What an odd creature, the canine thought as he studied Miluina’s features. He appeared to be some sort of odd creature built in a lab. It is not the odd voice that draws Tadashi in, but the features. He appeared to have multiple sets of teeth. Odd in itself. And that tail... what kind of genetic engineering would have happened to make such a monstrous being? Who would have wanted to make such a monstrous creature? Was it to satisfy their own, sick desires? Was it to simply see how such a creature turned out? Though he was an inventor in his own right, the “kind” scientist couldn’t think of a reason why.

Well, he supposed that his own awful ideas could be satisfied later, he could ask this beast later. And if not... well, Tadashi knew how to get someone to talk. Perhaps that way could allow him to see how this... rather bubbly thing operates anyways.

Tadashi steps near Nui, though it appears that he does not offer the same sympathy. But he is forced to, trying his best to smile as his scarlet eyes take in the odd creature. "Yes... it is not good that he is starving. However, if we were to get..." Tadashi quickly bites his tongue, reminding himself to be civilized. "This young child food, it should be of something he likes. So, what do you eat? What’s your favorite thing to eat?" There we go, Tadashi. Learn about this oddity one step at a time.

//Mobile + IC opinions!! Welcome to Snowbound!

Re: SUGAR SWEET [open + joining] - myah - 10-08-2018


Myah approached, the snow brushing her dark brown underbelly. She tilted her head to the side as she examined the feline - he did seem to have an awful lot of teeth. That was odd. Myah tried no to think too much about it though, and nodded to him. She was a bit timid of him, so she stayed back for the time being.

Re: SUGAR SWEET [open + joining] - Miluina - 10-08-2018

As if sensing the interest of the three that approached him, Miluina's tail coiled atop his back, fixing its gaze on the trio of Snowbounders as they drew near. Milu's smile only seemed to grow as the distance between them closed, and he wriggled excitedly. Other people, finally! They carried with them so many possibilities; friendship, shelter, a meal! He fell silent as Nui began to speak, his tail narrowing its eyes as its gaze met hers. It certainly seemed like she was taking pity on him, which was great news for the baby-faced demon. Her parasol was funny, he'd never seen anything quite like it before, but her attitude was sweet as can be. Milu ran his orange tongue over his lips, and found himself wondering if her blood was just as sugary. At least she came with an offer, one that stopped him from trying to take a bite out of her then and there. "Ooh, thank you miss!" He chirped, his words coming out with a slight lisp thanks to his multiple sets of sharp teeth.

And then there were the second and third creatures. Tadashi was half right- Milu was created as part of a twisted experiment, but the one that created him was no scientist in a lab. She was something much more elusive, darker, writhing. Milu tilted his head to the right as the question was asked. What was his favourite thing to eat? Now that was a hard question, because Miluina liked all things equally, but after a minute of pondering he managed to figure out what he was craving at this particular moment. "Meat!" He bounced with excitement, jumping up and down on the tips of his toes. "Red, juicy, drippy meat!" His tail rumbled something in agreement, the deep noise juxtaposing the cheery quality of the young feline's voice. He didn't pay much attention to the feline that hung back, although he did turn his unblinking eyes to her, staring for a beat before looking back at Nui. If she wasn't here to help him, he had no need for her at the moment.


Re: SUGAR SWEET [open + joining] - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-09-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
To say Snowbound was a ghost town was definitely an understatement. Atbash knew that her tribe was small and therefore, it was hard for them to always greet joiners as they came to join. Thankfully, Nui happened to be nearby whenever this child called out and Atbash hoped Miluina wasn't waiting a long time here. "Hey there!" The Hailcaller chirped as she came to stand next to Nui, her one good eye shining as she stared down at Miluina. "We can get you some meat if you come with us to camp." She explained in a soft tone, hoping Miluina understood what she was saying. "What's your name? My name is Atbash."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: SUGAR SWEET [open + joining] - NUI HARIME - 10-11-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: white; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]❝ LA VI EST DROLE! ❞

she is aware of the arrival of others. a face she's never seen before. a mute feline of curly hair. she blinks carefully at tadashi as he moves beside her,  though she acknowledges his presence and keeps her gaze trained on milua, out of a simple shred of quiet wonder.

the inu queries what he likes to eat.

"red, juicy, drippy meat!"

at the words, her mouth waters, mind wandering towards tender things. of stringy things. of the heat of blood so warm and soothing.

if she's not careful, her own mouth may start watering.

ears prick at the sound of atbash's voice, soothing, soft tones and words to entice the child. this is proving to be an interesting gathering.

"it's as atbash said! you're in luck! she hums, easing away the phantom tingles of her reverie. clearly this youth has good taste in food.

she thinks ans she thinks. and the thought of plump meat makes her hungry-- makes her want to sink her teeth into something as well.

how well can her teeth sink into something if it's flat?

her mind loses it's momentum for a moment, pondering on the jaws meant to chew and grind vegetables and leaves into a fine paste. she has only ever savored blood in this form, never the gratifying carrion of flesh. already, she misses the pleasures of her feline form. lethal, jagged teeth meant for cutting into fat and muscle; far more befitting of what she was capable of.

"i like meat too. you have excellent judgment," she croons. and yes, despite her herbivorous body, nui likes meat. loves everything about it, in fact. she loves it most when it's live, the flesh of a creature with a still beating heart. so very very fresh, still alive and struggling under her grip. that is perhaps, the truest form of satisfaction to her.

she wants to ask if the child has a favorite taste-- but he seems so young and simple in the most innocent that nui wonders if he'd be able to give her a viable answer.
