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[ on my way again. bear ] - Printable Version

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[ on my way again. bear ] - SINA. - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Huffed breath, nose pressed to the ground as he sought one person in particular amongst the confusing mess of smells. Too many, drawn together into a mess until they became one, ting of sea salt over it all. Nose twitched and annoyed grumble rose, lips drawing back as the head rose. Across dark muzzle tongue moved, lumbering step completed and on to the next, drawing him through across the sands.

Upon the sea based town his eyes fixed and some flicker of recognition touched those beady points, almost swallowed within the darkness of fur about them, the sound which rose from him one greatly joyed. He had become separated from the serval he had followed for some time, wandering away from him in the dead of night and so he had turned back, sought the place they had made their temporary home. And here Sina was once more, pace quickening as he called once more, never once thinking his presence might be seen as a danger only that he might find the one he sought.

[ he won't attack anyone unless they have a go at him first & once this is done please feel free to use sina as an npc, he will patrol the beach and mountains until he needs to hibernate ]

Re: [ on my way again. bear ] - venus - 10-08-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

mindless. numb. were these the true natures of a feral's mind - like being caged in a body almost uncontrollable and fueled to kill? venus would like to say no, would love to humour the possibility of this being a complete farce. but honestly, which intelligent creature knew? none of them. outside of the raptors venus hadn't even heard of a docile feral predator to begin with, and no one who truly had the answer to venus' all important question. or questions. complete darkness this mystery was shrouded in, and that only served to further fuel the kitsune's need to spark a light to this enigma. something that never did quite need the extra energy. no, already day in and day out venus interspersed their solbinder's duties with studies on the local feral birds, rabbits and other docile creatures - longing for a predator to come and humour the teen. today, venus' wishes were granted.

flickering their vision down past the main lands of sunhaven, down to the borders in which only loners and visitors inhabited, venus's gaze rested. enamored. totally and utterly enamored venus was with the beautiful sina as he wandered the borders with a purpose hopelessly unfulfilled. fascinating. "hello there! who might you be? what a cutie!" even though venus already knew the bear had no means of replying, it still felt easy and natural to speak their mind to the feral. like someway they just trusted in that he could somehow understand. paws hesitantly edged closer, always ready to jump back. as much as venus was in love with sina - they didn't quite trust him yet to not eat their small frame.

Re: [ on my way again. bear ] - buckingham barnes - 10-10-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Even with his experience as the Winter Soldier and his relapses, Bucky hasn't experienced the phenomenon of going feral. Feral meant in a wild state, especially after an escape from captivity or domestication. Ferals don't seem to grasp the consequences of their actions, and are often unpredictable. There are certainly aspects that sound like the Asset, but the maine coon knows they aren't the same. Ferals generally don't listen to people, half of the time they can't even speak. And if they do speak, the sentences aren't complete- they aren't fluent. The Winter Soldier however, can speak English as perfectly as Buckingham. It too can make it's own decisions, even if it believes those choices are made out of malfunction. It's thoughts are deeply calculated and processed, and if it had to- can live a somewhat normal life in a clan. The nature of the Asset isn't mindless or numb. It's cold, cautious, threatening, and sneaky. Bucky would refuse to call the Asset a feral animal- if he did, he'd be tainting himself.

The Warden was padding through the territory, heading towards the border. Bucky had plans to patrol the border, and he was finally reaching it. As he began to make his way down the border, an unfamiliar scent and Venus's scent invaded his nostrils. Bucky was used to running across a few joiners during these patrols. Without even thinking what was waiting for them was a feral animal, the maine coon followed the scents. Making steps with silent as ever paws, the former assassin entered after Venus. Bucky glanced at Venus momentarily, his gaze slowly shifting onto the stranger. As his eyes landed on the newcomer, he froze at the size of the animal. A motherfucking bear.

Compared to other domestic felines, Bucky is slightly bigger than them. His fur probably makes himself look larger than he is, and being the biggest domestic cat breed probably helps. But compared to the bear, Bucky feels incredibly small. They are towering over the former assassin- if they wanted to, they could kill him with one swipe of their paw. And there's no way his claws will dig deeply into that thick fur. If they attacked for some reason, Bucky would be powerless. With a flick of an ear, the male stood more firmly, making himself look more confident and strong. "Hello," He said with a slow swish of his tail, having to look up to lock gazes with Sina.