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CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - Printable Version

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CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - CHERRYWINE - 10-08-2018

Cherry had kind of dropped off the face of the earth, and she really had no explanation for it- she just hadn't felt the need to do much of, well, anything, but, as per usual, she had gotten bored. And what did she do when she got bored? A lot of things, come to think of it, but there were two common activities that she often resorted to- starting shit, or hitting on literally every mildly attractive person she met. Today, she'd decided to play a classic game of spin the bottle. Playing such a game was a  bit of a gamble when you weren't sure of who was or who was not playing, but that was kind of part of the fun.

Seated in what was pretty much the dead center of camp, the cream tabby had an empty soda bottle set out before her and a devilish smile on her features. "Hey-" she called, raising her striking blue gaze to search the building, trying to pick out who may come over and play. "I've got a game of spin the bottle set up, if anyone wants to play."  Ideally, no little kids would come over and try joining in - and Cherry wouldn't get any ugly bitches trying to play, either. That was a bit more of a threat right now, though.


Re: CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - EROS - 10-09-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Well, this was certainly different. The Pitt members didn't often throw games so this came as a pleasant surprise to the sha in all honesty. He was curious and his pink marble eyes shifted over to look at the female whom had called out. He'd seen her before or at least he liked to think he had at one point so he saw no reason to make his way over to her gathering call. Flexing his thick claws the canine like being rose to his paws and walked over, gaze a little pensive as he thought about the connotations of what this game could do and or what it could mean to others. He wasn't the type to get too heavily invested in a game but this one was different. He could get a kiss from someone he liked. A sigh left his muzzle then, emotionless expression slipping away to reveal a strange sadness before he sat down and gave a light not to Cherry, flicking his tail against his own form as he curled it against himself. "I'll play. It seems fun and how have you been Cherrywine?"

Re: CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - darci - 10-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Spin the bottle? He was ignorant about what exactly that was. Levi got the general concept of spinning a bottle from the title, but surely there was something more to it than that. Games were not exactly his thing for he generally overthought things and became a stick in the mud when someone tried to tell him to not take it so seriously. Levi was not competitive all that much, thus, if it required that sort of thing, he would not excel at it very well. Little did the male know, he was walking into something he was not going to like. "What does it consist of?" The doberman had appeared to come from thin air. While that was not the case, he was rather quiet about his movements. Standing back as if something from the bottle was going to come out and grab him, Levi looked to the stranger, patiently waiting.

Re: CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - guts - 10-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The game sounded vaguely familiar, and as she limps over, Cosette recalls when someone else had held the game. She can't remember much of what it was about, though. Still, she flashed Cherrywine a polite smile before taking a seat, waiting for her reply to Valkyr. She could remember the female, but only slightly, as she had never spoken much to her before. Now it seemed she had another chance. Cherrywine seemed alright enough.

Re: CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - COSMIIX - 10-10-2018

Spin the bottle. He hadn't played that game in what felt like centuries, the striped direhound ambled on over with both ears perked in the direction of the trio. A slim smirk laced on his relaxed facial features not saying much until he heard Levi's inquiry "Well ya see, ya spin the bottle and then it lands on somebody and you smooch em." He would send a wink in Valk's way before his tongue swiped over his lip, the lupine would sit down with a soft breath escaping from his slightly psftrd jaws. This would certainly be an interesting game, honestly, Quill didn't mind who he smothered with slobbery kisses. You always came out as a winner in this game and nobody lost from what he could tell.

Re: CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - Stryker - 10-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — An opportunity to swoon the ladies? AND the men? Stryker was all in. With a glaring white smile and wide eyes, the lion took a seat next to Valkyr. His gaze was still hesitant to address Levi, seeing that their situation was complicated. As for the rest, he gave them nods of acknowledgment. Truthfully, he was scoping out his best picks and hoping that he'd be able to swoon over the majority with his luscious locks and manly manner.

Re: CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - CHERRYWINE - 10-11-2018

//unless stated otherwise in ur post, whoever posts next is who the bottle lands on :^))
&& mobile

Hey, wasn’t this that slave guy? The young tabby’s ears perked forward slightly at the approaching form of Valkyr, cool gaze fixed upon his own as he addressed her. She hadn’t really considered whether or not people may play this with hopes to get a kiss out of any particular person, maybe because her brain just didn’t work that way. Romance wasn’t totally out of the question, of course, but it was something she scarcely considered for herself. She’d had maybe one real relationship in her life, and even still, she wasn’t sure if it really had been real. It didn’t really matter anymore, though, she supposed. They were long gone anyway. "Nice to see you finally learned to talk," teased Cherry, taking a moment to glance over the other’s figure before she returned her attention to his face. He... wasn’t bad- certainly someone she wouldn’t mind kissing. And if led to more? That was fine too.

Following him was someone she definitely hadn’t met before, and he seemed thoroughly confused -hell, even concerned -, but before she had a chance to explain the whole thing to him, Cosette, and then Quill arrived, the latter of which quick to give Levi an answer. Unlike Levi, both Quill and Cosette seemed familiar, and Cherrywine was fairly sure she had yelled at Quill when they first met. Maybe not, though- she’d screamed at a lot of people in her lifetime, so it was a bit difficult to keep track. "Yeah, what he said," she added uselessly, rolling her shoulders in an attempt to release some tension. Finally arrived Stryker, and she silently decided she wouldn’t mind being paired with him, either. Really, after evaluating everyone for just a monent, she’d be happy to make out with any one of them- might as well get this started before anyone revolting came along. "Make a circle if you’re all playing, then! We don’t have all day," the molly spoke up finally, and once all the participants came closer, she would flick the bottle, blue visionaries fixed unmoving on the spinning bottle.


Re: CRYING LIGHTNING | reintroduction + game - darci - 10-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]He grew tense as his inquiry was answered. Why would anyone do this for fun? Levi was baffled that such a tedious game existed. What was the point? Part him wanted to turn and walk off, put he knew he might be labeled as a wuss for walking away. Then again, Levi held little to no care about what others viewed him as. Expelling a sigh, the dog forced himself closed, taking a seat among the others. Maybe he could cry wolf about his injuries and race off to deal with them. As tempting as it was, it simply was not his style.