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[ are you afraid. ghost ] - Printable Version

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[ are you afraid. ghost ] - no more - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“Are you afraid?” Gentle question, faint chill of breath drawn across ears that have no wish to hear, deaf to quiet plea behind it. For only so long can one ignore it, permit the world a seat in the back of it all, nothing but a side effect to be brushed aside for later contemplation. Velvet, warm and smooth, as though rubbed by hands until it is left bare, chill within the wet texture. Pressing into shoulder, sliding until it finds the divot between.

Paws still though tremor is present, slight as they curl inward, head lowering to meet them. Dark eye moves over what is set before them, pages yellowed as time sought to destroy it all, words worn until they are little more than ghosts they find difficult to decipher. Slow shake, ears drawn back as they turn, casting gaze over their shoulder. The sight to greet them is strange, large head nestled within their back, warmth present though the thing looking back at them holds no life.

Once might have been the possibility, a heart encased in the hollow of the chest beating, a course written through it within a network of veins left barren now. Faint is the want, probing questions held behind the teeth as they look upon one another, questioning each with only the eyes. Huff of breath, chill encasing it as fog escapes, lifting away and distinct is the lack of contact now. They want to reach out, grasp the head and draw it back until they cheek finds the nose once more, feel each breath. Lungs are dead, each for mere show, a want to be alive in actions it must think of or else it stills.

“Why not?” Quiet curiosity masking something more, shreds of annoyance as though it grows displeased at answer given once more, repeated over and over, each time the question filling air encased in silence. Sil could not recall the day – or might it have been night that had encased them – when first they had found the strange traveller by their side. It had huffed gently, allowed its head to gently touch upon theirs, speaking the question. Now it seemed a mantra to it, followed by further, spiralling into an anger they know isn't truly there.

Across the nose, light a touch barely grazing, paw so small against the dark flesh. Hum rises, lips curling until sneer is present, pulling away as the deer moves. The path it takes is familiar to both, moving through the door as though no wood is there to bare its way, walking out onto the beach which stretches out before their home. In quiet contemplation they follow, unsure now, never calling to it, simply watching the blue toned figure as it walks across the sand.

Lagging some Sil finally gives in, allows exhaustion to draw them down. Moments pass, beats they count in time with their heart, before it is turning, walking back to them. About their sitting frame it curls, so young a thing, a fawn in truth, head turned away while it speaks once more. “Are you afraid?”

[ i don't even know, everyone will be able to see the fawn it pretty much looks like a regular deer just blue with white fawn spots ]

Re: [ are you afraid. ghost ] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-08-2018

//Small trigger warning for a brief mention of suicide in the third paragraph; the last two paragraphs are the only ones that really matters!
TL;DR - Caesar was thinking about things that he's afraid of (although he didn't hear the deer's questions) and stumbles upon the fawn and Sil.

Although he could not hear the words the fawn uttered, that was a question Caesar often asked himself. Are you afraid? If you asked the Officer to his face, he would likely say no, he wasn't afraid of anything. When in truth, that was a lie. Caesar feared a couple of things; being worthless, not having some sort of fame, himself. Yes, Caesar feared himself - or at least, the subconscious part of him did. While the creatures native to Earth didn't know much about dream demons, Caesar, of course, knew what happens to their bodies if they kept doing what he was doing. Pushing back his emotions the way he does will cause stress on their bodies, eventually coming to what is known as Corruption.

Corruption was terrifying. Caesar never met anybody who suffered through it and at one point, was convinced that it was just an old wives' tale to scare children. Unfortunately, he learned otherwise; upon coming to Earth and pushing his emotions back so often, he begun bleeding from his nose - the first sign of possible Corruption. While it was nothing to be terribly concerned about yet, Caesar noticed sometimes it got so bad it came up through his mouth - the second sign. The final sign was something he has yet to experience, and he was petrified of it coming. Bleeding from the eyes was the third and final sign of Corruption and only lasted mere hours before a dream demon's body Corrupted, forming a hideously monstrous creature whom only had mere days - months at most - to live.

Caesar feared his Corruption was coming more quickly than he wanted it to. He didn't want to Corrupt but yet at the same time, he didn't want to come in terms with his past. He wanted to keep the reputation he had: that he was a fearless, ruthless being who didn't give a shit what people did or said about him. And yet if he kept doing that, he was going to end up causing his own demise and he knows that. In the back on his mind, Caesar wondered why he was allowing himself to practically commit suicide? After all, he was knowingly contributing to what is basically known as a dream demon's death. Corruption was a death sentence, simple as that.

The Officer idly kicked sand as he watched along the beach, lost in his own thoughts. The waves admittedly help soothed his nerves, although again, that was something he was unlikely to admit. If anybody asked, he'd probably tell them he just liked watching the waves crash onto the beach. Nearing the water, Caesar raised his gaze a little bit to see who he knows as Silus laying near the water, something curled around them. Tilting his head, Caesar made his way over to his grandchild. Upon coming closer, the image of a fawn got clearer to the Officer and it was quite the strange creature - with its blue fur and white spots. Definitely not your average deer. "Silus?" The demon called out to Sil, frowning down at them.

Did they even notice the young creature that curled on them? Caesar knew that Sil had been in a coma for a while, but did they not recover fully from it? Unfortunately, the demon didn't know Sil didn't really respond to their former name anymore. Flicking an ear, Caesar turned his gaze to the spirit, his eyes narrowed at it. He heard rumors of ghosts popping up around camp, though he wasn't particularly bothered by them. Figuring this spirit was just another one roaming around, Caesar tried swiping at the fawn with his paws - claws sheathed - as if he was trying to shoo it away.

Re: [ are you afraid. ghost ] - Luciferr - 10-10-2018

Alek was no stranger in dealing with ghosts.

having had four bound to him and wandering about his head, no, one could say he was rather experienced - even if his current otherworldy guest (parasite, his mind applied) was not of his own choice nor was it welcome and the hellion felt a distinct feeling of dark amusement from said guest at his thoughts.

he scowled.

the sith hadn't expected to find many - if any - spirits around like he would on korriban, dromund kaas or the caves of yavin, there was no strong presence in the force here and no lingering ghosts of sith lords or jedi past anywhere on this unfound world.

so yes, this was rather a surprising sight - the forcewalker's brows rising as he spyed Ceasar - he'd familiarised himself with names and appearances even if he hadn't met said people yet, he wasn't one t simply let things come - swatting at the incorporeal, a clear question of just what was going on in his countenance.
