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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
He was fucking pissed. Annoyed. Irritated. Enraged. All these emotions that he tried so hard to compress when situations didn't go his way had broken apart when the captures of his crewmates became real. It was frankly frustrating that he had not trained them well enough nor had been there to defend them. Just the idea that the Pitt had captured them had caused a darkness to blossom within his empty chest as the demigod held nothing more than bloodlust for the fuckers that took his child and other. The jaguar was tempted to just try and takeover and crush every single pathetic life there was in the deserted land but all he wanted was to get his captured crewmates back home to recover. It had been too long of a waiting and he wanted to just get it over with. The male had shifted into his larger figure, the one that suited the seas and skies more, his sleek dragon figure breaking through his jaguar one. He didn't like how it felt but Pincher didn't have time to be picky about how it felt as the winged creature stalked silently through the cloudy night, the moonlight hardly visible through the thick rolling clouds, conjured up by Pincher to help with stealth.

He already felt worn out but the dark male halted to stand with the other pirates and rumbled flatly " [member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] and [member=1654]FELIKS[/member] and the destructive team. Head out and cause as much commotion as you can as far as possible. Rescue team follow me. Things might get dirty either way so be prepared. Let's go." With that, the male rolled his tattooed shoulders and trudged deeper into the territory with his nostrils flaring, following the scent that was faintly edged with sea salt, a common connection to the Typhoon members. Good. His impatience was growing as the constant fear of what they had done with his child burned deeper inside his mind, paranoia edging his thoughts. Had they hurt her? Had they killed Junji or the others who had been captured? He gritted his teeth at the idea and caught sight of one npc Pitt member patrolling. Just as the member was about to exclaim in shock, Pincher's jaws clamped around the feline's skull and without hesitation, crushed it. Crimson blood now dripped down his jagged teeth as the dragon spat out the bastard, intense electric blue gaze narrowed as he infiltrated the camp alongside the others.

Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - bubblegum - 10-07-2018

//track - goldie will be successfully rescued


// mmm track for now. lets get this shmoney bois
[glow=grey,2,300]・゚✦ —— tags[/glow]

Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - Luciferr - 10-08-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
dark wings edged in fissures of white like cracks in the torn veils of reality shifted and stretched outwards dwarfing the lands below almost in their impenetrable shadow - as son as Pinch had given the word, the great eldritch wings had taken and borne his form upwards to circle above, black flames licking at a maw of cruel red and silent obsidian.

a small tilt on the axis and the shadow bore downwards, great gouts of flame erupting from his maw and scorching a blackened line along sand, stone and flesh alike before he peeled off soaring upwards to tilt those greater wings and hurl back down for a second strafe of fire.

/pre much a track tm till everyone piles in?, hes an extreme fight as you'd guess pls @ me if your attacking


Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - Keona. - 10-08-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
[ tracking for now; note that Keona will not be successfully rescued for character/plot development c; ]
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Feliks remembered the days when he would've joined the winged lizards in their path of destruction, but his power distribution had changed since then, it'd become much harder to use powers in a place where the air was heavier and the earth was at the farthest point away from his birth home. It wasn't to say that he would be forbidden from such destructive qualities again in the future; at the current moment in time, although missing out on the fun his peers had, he really didn't need such things to make an impact. Quick to notice the lack of tougher fighters among the fray of frenzies NPCs as the gryphon pushed his way into their home, a snort escaped him. Would they all come at once, did they have a plan, or were they just lazy? So many potential answers, but whichever one was correct, the hybrid would remain on the scene with a proud look. His wings kept firmly tucked to his side to minimise potential damage to them as Feliks chose to ground himself, unfocused emerald eyes would scout around. Feeling to fire's heat tickle at his sides, strafing around the dangerzone made by Lucifer, the lion-bird pounced on a Pittian caught out by the display of power.

A sharp beak caught the smaller's scruff, making jerking movement's to smash the other's head into the ground before applying the final dose of pressure with a talon enhanced curb stomp. That's for Loki you fucks. As blood started to drain through cracks in the barren land, the male was sure to add on, And for calling me soft. With scarlet droplets pooling at the tip of his razor sharp beak, Feliks lifted his head again, eyes wild with conviction and a grin splitting his maw. "AYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYA!" came the strange war cry, rearing like a horse before slamming his forelimbs back into the sand. A switch had flipped in his mind or something, for he neglected his limp in favour of pacing about looking for more ways to distract these assclowns.

Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - miss ririchiyo - 10-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]The loud rambunctions never went unnoticed by the seasoned criminal, but the smell of enemies did. Dabi didn't really care if they thought they could rescue captures, but he surely didn't want to just allow them to take something his groupmates probably worked hard on getting. At the sound of loud yelling, Dabi lifted his scarred head up from beside Tsuyu's sleeping form. She was still hibernating, making her useless in this fight against these guys. Lifting his head up to the air, the soft, salty smell of salt water hit him, alerting him of just who actually was here. The Typhoon? But what? This was so confusing.

Walking out of the cave which the hibernating frog hybrid slept in, Dabi kicked the leaves back up over the enterance of the cave, shielding Tsu from any trespassers. "Yo, you guys shouldn't be here." Grumbled the scarred direwolf, large limbs carrying him closer to his victims.


Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - ikaia - 10-08-2018

IKAIA | current track ♪ | current shape: peregrine falcon | engaging. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
The youth, perhaps rather young to rush into battle, came with one purpose.  The boy was close to none of the captured, but he had felt a kinship with one and her unusual eyes.  She deserved to be home, with her family, not in some strange, hostile desert far away.  And she was not the only one here.  He refused to permit to go on any longer. Ikaia halted to a hover, well-above his crewmates in the shape of a young peregrine falcon.  Speed.  Flight.  The boy planned on being useful, but not getting into a direct fight.

He did let out an angry shriek towards the present Pittian.  "Kulikuli. We're here for justice." Simple as that.  Ikaia found not fondness for the idea of bloodshed, but it had already occurred and it would continue.  He planned on getting Keona back after all.  One way or the other.  They'd taken her unrightfully and rightfully the Typhoon would take her, and all the others, back.
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]The smell of the Typhoon smelled rather overwhelming, although it was mostly of salt and sea. He remembered his visit there and the unfortunate child he had tampered with. It had not been by accident but he had come regret his choices and decisions he had made. The Pitt was a place of hardship and those that came here were often not treated exceptionally well but he kept Keona close and attempted to keep her safe. Those that tried to do anything were threatened with having their mind's wiped or their worst fears come to life. Some had already started to take note of the former slave's growing mental capabilities and who would want someone clawing into their heads. After all he wouldn't want that though he was partially curious on what they would fine there. Either way he was starting to get off track and though he knew he should be worried he couldn't force the feeling of fear to make him move. Instead he looked down [member=265]Keona.[/member] and gave out a soft breath before he leaned down to lightly tap his muzzle against the top of her head. "Please stay here...for me..."

It was a request and she could follow it or not. The choice was her own and then he would move out of his home, advancing slowly. His gaze swept over the much larger creatures and he tilted his head a little bit. "They pulled out all their best moves. A show of dominance and power..... Where was this before?" The question was rhetorical meant for himself and his own thought process as he sat down and prepped himself for a possible fight. Well, he wouldn't be fighting with physicality as that was not how he worked. No, if he needed to he would bend and break the minds of his attackers as he was best with his mind not with brawn. His body wasn't made for such a thing and he rolled his shoulders as he looked toward the two dragons and then the much smaller creatures that had followed after. Interesting.

Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - guts - 10-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]To say Cosette was panicking would be an understatement. She was terrified, running around the fortress like a chicken with it's head cut off, trying to get everything together for her impending doom. She sure as hell wasn't a fighter, and if push came to shove, she would much rather die out in the middle of the desert than at some Typhooner's claws. She was a coward like that, she supposed.

Finally she found herself facing the raid itself, shaking terribly and attempting to hide behind Valkyr's form. If--or when--things got out of hand, she was planning on making a bee-line for an escape, though she probably wouldn't get far with the sand. It would make a good projectile, at least, blind her attackers so she could get away. Her plan was set.