Beasts of Beyond
CANDY CLOUDS OF LULLABY || Ghosts! - Printable Version

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is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
It was a rather normal afternoon in Snowbound's camp, with the wind blowing about and occasionally picking up snow wherever it could and place it elsewhere. It was clearly becoming colder, as evident by the fact that Atbash could see her breath whenever she breathed or talked to anybody. There was something that was bothering the Hailcaller, however, hence why she was out and keeping an eye on everybody in camp. Maybe she was being too overprotective and had no reason to be worried, but with everything that happened recently, didn't she have a reason to be so high-strung?

Winter could be harsh, Atbash knew that much. While she hasn't been on Earth very long, she read books about how blizzards were a thing and that they could devastate entire cities. And with winter coming soon, the demoness was anxious about the upcoming season. It would be her first time leading Snowbound through such a season and she hoped things would go alright. If things go horribly wrong, surely somebody would be able to alert one of their allies and seek help? That's what Atbash was praying for, at least.

Movement out of the corner of her good eye made Atbash look over harshly at her shoulder, blinking at the faint outline of a creature that walked by her. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't -" The she-cat stammered out quickly before realizing that the creature she saw wasn't... physically there. The being was a faint outline, almost see-through entirely, and although they were close to Atbash, she couldn't feel them. The creature blinked at her once with glowing, faint green eyes before it disappeared into what was seemingly thin air.

Atbash stared at the spot the strange person disappeared, before glancing around quickly and realizing there were multiples of the creatures, all with varying species. The savannah's mouth was agape, clearly surprised at what she was seeing. Surely this was a trick of the light? A hallucination, maybe? Maybe this was something she was seeing because of her only having one eye; after all, how was one supposed to get used to seeing out of one side whenever they were used to seeing out of, well, both? "Is-is anyone else seeing faint animals?" She called out, praying that she wasn't going insane.

//Word Count: 381
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: CANDY CLOUDS OF LULLABY || Ghosts! - NUI HARIME - 10-11-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: white; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]❝ LA VI EST DROLE! ❞

sleep still tugged carelessly at the edges of her limber frame. she was still dredged in the waves of rest that swamped her, only having been recently awoken from her nap. the arrival of the spirits was a nursery, an enigna. for all of her sharp sight condensed into a single eyeball, she had nearly missed the wispy outlines of ghostly, celestial figures until one passed by her face.

nui blinked. once, then twice, straightening the creases in her lid.

at atbash's inquiry, nui's ears perked.

"i do!" she pipes in with a dulcet tone.

she watched them with a careful gaze swathed in awe. this was a mystery to be had. ghosts were not impossible, but they did not come in droves like a herd of sheep.

malificent being molded into an apprarance of curiosity, she reaches out a limb to grace the spectral beings-- only for her paw to phase through.

she should not be surprised. she, after all, has had her own strength in the power of intangibility, and yet.

the fact that she can't touch them disturbs her. because anything she can't touch, can't feel, is out of her reach. incapable of being harmed.

nui finds she not rather does not like the idea of an untouchable creature.

her curiosity, however, is undisturbed.

"hey atbash! can you try and see if any of them will talk to you?


Re: CANDY CLOUDS OF LULLABY || Ghosts! - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-12-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
Nui's voice hit Atbash's ears and the savannah looked over at her, blinking. So she wasn't going crazy, then. Atbash watched as Nui extended a paw out, trying to touch the ghosts that appeared in camp. Of course, the rabbit's paw phased right through and she promptly spoke towards Atbash again. "Oh, uh, yeah, I can try." She responded, being knocked out of her thoughts whenever the Icestriker suggested her idea. Atbash turned to one of the spirits in front of her, a black-and-white tiger.

"Uh, hello there!" Atbash called out to the spirit, trying to keep her gaze friendly and a smile on her face as she spoke. "Are you able to speak? What brings you here?" The tiger turned towards her, narrowing his faint, glowing amber eyes at her.
"Yes, I can speak." The tiger replied in a rumbling voice. He let out a huff, as if considering her question to be rude. "I used to live here." He glanced around, looking at Nui for a few heartbeats before he turned his gaze back to Atbash. "Long before you came. Why are you here?"

Atbash blinked in surprise at the tiger's response, not quite expecting his words to be so rough and demanding. He spoke as if he's been here despite being dead. "Th-this is Snowbound's territory." She replied, her smile slowly becoming a frown. "Our camp, specifically."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi