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what a spook! } open; seen a ghost - Printable Version

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what a spook! } open; seen a ghost - Shuu . - 10-07-2018

[align=left][font=arial]Out of the Tanglewood’s crater and into the world. Paws, as light as feathers, floated over the forest floor. The wispy body weaved in and out of the tall trees, faded behind a thick trunk and reappeared many yards away from behind a different tree trunk. Black lifeless eyes remained fixated forward, on a mission. It was a special time of year. Haunting time. And with this grand opportunity she would not waste it.


Shuu was by his lonesome, as usual. The pale feline sat by the bank of one of the Realm’s glowing lakes. His eyes watched a small semi-circular stone spin clumsily before falling over and motionless in the stiff mud. Shuu reached a black toed paw forward and spun the stone again. Around and around the stone went until the result was the same. It slowed quickly, having poor aerodynamics, and fell clumsy and motionless back against the dark ground. A soft sigh escaped Shuu’s lips.

Suddenly a flash of an object flew through the air. Gah! The pretty boy slumped forward so far that his necktie flopped down into the mud. Shuu sucked in a breath and flung a forepaw to hold to back of his head. He righted himself and sat back up straight. His red demon eyes flickered to look down and over to his left. There was the culprit: a small compact stone, not very different from the one he’d been playing with. His head felt like it was bleeding and the blunt strike had left him with an instant headache. It was like a sniper had hit him.

He couldn’t fain a cool demeanor. He was pissed. ”What gives?!” The tomcat swiveled his head from right of left in a violent search for the thrower of the stone. But no one was in sight. ”Come out. What is your problem,” Shuu grumbled, the worst of his anger starting to fade to uncertainty. It was so... quiet. He opened his maw and scented the air. Nothing. His eyes searched the area again.

They-they must have ran for it, thought Shuu. What a terrible prank. Shuu would have to find the jerk later on around Realm’s camp. Shuu didn’t really know a lot of Recondite members and as he was thinking of who would have found joy in such a petty prank, the water began to tremble. The glowing lake’s water rippled next to the bank, sending circular patterns off to the shore. Then a large sucking splash summoned up a translucent body with dark black eyes and sharp teeth. Shuu barely recognized the body as male or female or even a certain species. All he saw was an unexplainable beast. ”AHHHHH!”

The ghosts brandished its clawed paws into the air, flinging glowing droplets of water, and Shuu ran. The launched stone was forgotten and all Shuu wished to do was flee away. He shot through the redwood trees in hopes to outrun the monster if it chased him. His paws carried him all the way into the Recondite Realm camp. He breathed quickly and halted. He quite literally looked like he had seen a ghost. Finally, he dared to look over his shoulder to see if he was pursued. A sigh of true relief passed out of him. He was safe? Maybe it was just a trick of his eyes by the water? He was already trying to make excuses to rationalize what he’d seen.

/// shuu sees a ghost for the site Halloween event. I didn't bother to proof read btw so oops if errors.


[sup] [color=transparent]#stormspryzen[/sup]

Re: what a spook! } open; seen a ghost - tristitia - 10-13-2018

Right, ghosts were something the new people finding refuge in the Realm had to get used to. As well as not being alone. Now for all of history, the Recondites has been alone. However, that was changing with new arrivals. As much as Runicflare decided she did not want to trust them, she had to. They brought a much needed breath of fresh air into the group.

One example of that was Shuu, the ivory feline who usually kept to himself and wanted to be alone. That wasn’t a way to live, especially in this area. Well, in her opinion. So the wolf set off to find him. She had just finished packing up, opening the door to her treehouse and leaping downwards when the ivory feline bolted into camp.

Great Hylia, what had happened to him? Golden luminaries widened  as she took in his form. If there was a way for him to become even paler, well, Shuu found it. The wolf approached quickly, and Runicflare cleared her throat as she looked over Shuu in a sisterly manner. "Are you alright? What happened? Did something attack you?" She pressed, looking over him for wounds.

Re: what a spook! } open; seen a ghost - teef - 11-05-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_p64kbcCVJC1ro8jcyo6_r1_400.gif]

[color=white] (nearly a month late rip)

kade, a recent newcomer and scryer, quickly joined runicflare at the ivory tom's side, her quiet eyes rolling over him before tapping on runic's shoulder with her tail and patting the back of her head. the tigress had caught the scent of iron, something sure to draw in the darker spirits. "the land ... it lives." she murmured briefly.

the fact that the cultivator had approached was likely a surprise, more inclined in the eyes of the scared to ignore what had happened. she could smell the demon blood strongly now, looking at runic then shuu with a mixture of emotions, most strongly surprise. "ghost ... may I?" the demon hunter at least wished to go check out what entity could mess with the living enough to imbue use of the mortal plane.