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be prepared / training session - Printable Version

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be prepared / training session - BUBONICPLAGUE - 10-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]training session. christ, how long had it been since he was in charge of something? fuck, he hated it. why him of all the other assholes in this place? oni and his weird ass shakespearean counterpart could have done it. thea was fuck ass crazy but she could have done it. even harland or moon himself; why bub? cursed first with eternal life, now cursed with taking orders from goddamn moon.

at the very least, it didn't feel absolutely terrible outside, so he decided with a quiet growl that he'd host it there. force the assholes out of the rooms for once, just like moon was doing to him. "hey." bubonicplague barked gruffly as he padded for the doors of the observatory. "training session by the fuckin'... starpool. whatever the fuck it's called." he shoved outside and padded there rather swiftly. fun as it was to have them scuffle under his instruction, the demon was eager to be done with the whole situation, before he'd even started.

upon settling himself by the water, the blind male listened for any participants. he muttered to himself as he waited; only when a few reluctant members padding over did he start. "i'll make it quick. two or three of you at a time are gonna come at me with all you little bastards got. we're gonna make a little game of it, eh? you try to push me in the water, i try to push you. group that manages it gets a pat on the back! got it? cool. make your groups." bub tapped his paw impatiently on the ground, sightless eyes flickering over those who had approached. lip curled in annoyance, he barked out a quick,"quickly, shitheads, we don't got all day. fuckin' typhoon could pop in at any moment and drown your asses faster than i could."

Re: be prepared / training session - BABY — - 10-07-2018

[Image: YQyYjWt.jpg]
The training session. It was perhaps what Titan had looked forward the most all week. Finally, he would feel productive in this new community. If Titan was skilled at one thing, it would definitely be the art of combat.

His shoulders moved with each step, r i p p l i n g with raw muscle. Fleshy pink scars decorated various parts of his anatomy like ribbons, all gained from months of bone-crushing training. To say that Titan could handle a single training session was quite the understatement.

The amber-eyed lion approached the area -- the "starpool" -- on heavy paws, saying nothing as he arrived in front of "Bub". This one was certainly more vulgar and unconventional than his old mentors, but judging by his size, he would likely make a fair opponent.

A part of him was confident in his hand-to-hand abilities as they were, but in the back of his mind, he knew that he could easily become the victor of this spar in a matter of seconds. It would be painfully easy, he wanted to tell himself. However, Titan made an effort to [sub]suppress[/sub] those thoughts and discipline himself.

"That is not who you are anymore."

He came to a halt, lifting his hefty crown and meeting Bubonicplague's gaze. Titan didn't feel the need to say anything, at least not yet. He'd wait until the others came and until his team was formed. Hopefully the members on his team didn't prove to be an inconvenient difference in strength.

Re: be prepared / training session - MirrorEdge - 10-08-2018

"I'll join in!" The cheerfulness in Thea's tone was something that was a bit of a comfort, the Fireball offering the two already there a grin, not showing the sliver of worry she felt. On one hand, this could be good for her, doing something she loved. On the other, it would be very easy for the battle-hungry kitsune to go to far, with her barely understanding what restraint was.

Light-colored paws came to a stop a few yards away from the large direhound, pupiless eyes settling on him, then moving towards the lion next to her. "Wanna team up for this, mister?"
Template by Quill

Re: be prepared / training session - rhosmari - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]It came with slow dragging steps that seemed uneven and heavy. The beast with too many consciouses in its head was not often seen without its master but it seemed today was different. It appeared that maybe it has attempted some sort of escape attempt although it did not go far. It would never go too far for without reigns to reel it in things could become disastrous and not for the creation but for the many others who were constantly at risk. Without distractions the voices of the souls became louder and screeching and it was detriment to the beings health. But a distraction did come in the form of something else. A foreign thing that did not make sense to it and yet it had come none the less. Yawns parted though had no ability to truly open wider for there was a chain like muzzle wrapped around the beings mouth and throat. A strange hiss escaped its muzzle before it closed the gaping black of its mouth as it came to a stand still.

It did not understand what this one wanted. But it could in due time. Though for now it remained standing as still as a statue and just staring at Bubonicplague. A twitching of its jaw starting up and it snapped its jaws once as if irritated by something but it did not move from where it had begun a careful watch over the proceedings. It was...curious, a trait that perhaps Abraxas would not like and it would be sure to correct any improper reasonings within itself. But right now it waited and observed.

Re: be prepared / training session - FUBUKI - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Everyone knew the benefits of training sessions, it wasn't up to Ren to share such obvious information but gosh darn he wanted to ignore the advantages. With a sluggish gait the feline approached, still managing to stay far back however as he settled down to watch the magic unfold. Participating in it himself seemed out of the picture, no harm would seemingly come out of observing how his peers scrapped and it was that factor that motivated him to keep his eyes open as Bubs explained away the session. If Ren did get involved, he was sure it would be a proper David vs Goliath situation, with brute force to push the beast into the depths being totally out of the question. Ashen eyes searched around the canine's form for alternatives than straight-forward push, taking a seeming interest in the other's hind legs. Possibilities of a less than honest way of getting Bubonicplague rushed into his mind, the feline smiling to himself. Sometimes even the smallest creatures had a place in battle. Intel gathering, strategisers, muscle, power users, everyone had their place and whilst fighting for the Ascendants he'd have to rely on his brain and agility if enemies could hulk up to his peer's size. Hoping that the others would avoid the straight-up brawny route and 'cheat' (to him, it wasn't cheating since it wasn't specified), Ren remained painfully silent as a renewed interest appeared in this session.

Re: be prepared / training session - ONISION. - 10-08-2018




♦ -
"You'll just get in the way, The-ass." Oni snorted as he walked over at the call, his tail swishing behind him in cocky stupor. He was glad he could just fight Thea right now, but he was pretty sure she wasn't the target of this training.

Oni's telepathy extended out to Thea, his single blue eye giving a soft, icy glow as he tried to communicate with the girl telepathically. "Haah? You're asking for an ass kicking, Tea-ass." He snickered mentally, huffing as his blood began to boil. He wanted to fight, and while Oni was cocky, he wasn't dumb. He didn't know how Bub fought, but he was blind- What else could he do?
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: be prepared / training session - MirrorEdge - 10-08-2018

"Really?" Thea's eyes glinted. I propose whoever doesn't succeed in pushing Bub in is forced to wear a maid outfit for a day, then. She thought, hoping that Oni could hear her, if he was listening into her thoughts, the grin on her face forming, mere moments before she teleported, hoping to catch Bub by surprise and appearing under him, hoping to knock his back leg out, and try to make him lose his balance.

Template by Quill

Re: be prepared / training session - BABY — - 10-08-2018

[Image: YQyYjWt.jpg]
Titan turned to the girl next to him; one of the clan's children, no doubt. She had asked him if he wanted to team up for the spar. He wasn't so used to working with others as he was on his own. However, it was better to attack with more than less. So, after a few moments, he gave a blank, "... Sure." Titan then turned his attention back to Bubonicplague for further instruction.

He had tuned out everything else, as he was simply just waiting for Bubonicplague to say something. "Begin", "Give Me Your Best Effort", anything. However, Titan had been caught off-guard when the small leopard teleported forward, initiating an attack on the canine. So, she was gifted with supernatural abilties. There came the urge, the voice at the back of his head trying to tell him what to do, but he ignored it.

Well, he had been hoping to attack in an organized fashion all at once, but he supposed there was no going back now. While Bubonicplague was hopefully preoccupied with the girl, Titan tensed and began to charge forward towards him. Then, with all of his brute strength, he would try to shove Bubonicplague backwards and knock him off balance.

Re: be prepared / training session - BUBONICPLAGUE - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]ah, some willing participants. good; he wasn't looking forward to going back to the observatory and dragging people out by their tails. at least some weren't quite as lazy as the rest.

blind eyes drifted aimlessly over those that had gathered, hardly listening to what words were exchanged. bubonicplague wasn't stupid. he knew with the arrival of the local headasses that he didn't need to bark out a "begin" or whatever, they'd come running right to him. or, rather, teleporting. he did nothing when thea popped up beneath him, though he hardly resisted the snrrk of laughter when she kicked at his leg. a tap, a little 'tink' against him. "that it?" he muttered, aiming to roughly shove thea out from under him. "do better."

while he was slightly preoccupied with the little nuisance, another came charging at him; this one he could tell was good in a fight. waiting for an opening, waiting for his opponent to focus on something else before taking his chance. the dire wolf's ears twitched and he snapped his head toward titan, waiting for the lion to get close before he moved smoothly out of the way. as the smaller beast went past him, bubonicplague lunged forward and slammed his head into his side, sending him flying into the water. yeet. he smiled to himself. is that what they say? whatever. fuckin' kids.

the demon straightened up and huffed, turning his sightless gaze once more to the group. "anyone else?" he rumbled out. "communicate with your partners. come up with a plan before you charge dumbly at the absolute beast of a me." ivory eyes turned to wherever thea was now. "that's a good trick for things smaller than me. you're not gonna get anywhere just kicking and biting at my ankles. use your whole body." bub rolled his shoulders back and heaved out a quiet sigh. christ, he hated giving tips. especially about ways to take him down; it was hard enough for him to trust others, and now he was dropping little tidbits of information on ways to kick his ass in a fight like pieces of candy. "fuck's sake." he muttered.

/ permission was given from bug to do titan like that

Re: be prepared / training session - BABY — - 10-09-2018

[Image: YQyYjWt.jpg]
// you know i had to do it to em

He was so sure that he could take down his opponent easily. He was so sure that this spar would be over and done with in a matter of seconds. He had thought wrong. To Titan's surprise, Bubonicplague had dodged out of the way, sending the lion straght into the water. His body sent a wave splashing out of the pool, his pelt now completely soaked.

Titan rose to his paws, heaving air into his lungs as the cold began to n u m b his pads. He gritted his teeth, because not only did he dislike water, but he had also been... outsmarted. Water dripped from his mane, sheer embarrassment flooding through him as he tried to figure out what action to take next.

"You retain remarkable strength, boy. But, you sure are foolish." He could hear the words of the elder ( e c h o i n g ) in his ears now. "Seek your opponent's weaknesses. Use it against him!

Titan stepped up a few lengths from where Bubonicplague was, his muzzle gnarled and creased as he bared his pearly whites. He was as blind as a bat, or so he heard. If there was one thing he wouldn't expect, it would be a sudden overwhelming of his [sup]heightened[/sup] senses. Channelling his pent-up energy, he turned towards the deaf demon and let out a deafening R O A R.

If Bubonicplague was startled enough and reeling from the loud sound, Titan would then drop quickly into a hunting crouch and propel himself from the ground, directly in his opponent's direction. If he was successful, he would be sent barrelling into the demon.