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SUNDAY NIGHT — o, joiner - Printable Version

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SUNDAY NIGHT — o, joiner - MARCELLUS - 10-07-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
What started out as him taking a trek through the lands of the Typhoon, running an errand for a friend, turned more into him going off course and finding his way to the gate. What exactly called him to it's edge, he had no idea, but he was eager to find out. It had been a long while since he crossed the tracks, his paws itching to once more do it again and find his way to whatever source had been drawing him in. The first few pawsteps the Toyger took were already deep, making the fur on his underbelly wet and causing him to be weighed down quite a bit. The currents of the water nearly swept his paws off the water covered tracks, claws unsheathing in a desperate attempt to keep his body balanced amongst the slippery railroad. Every wave that came, even though tiny, threatened to sweep his body off the rails which in turn sent shock through him and fear to overtake him, his heart beating and pounding every time water would brush up against the sides of his small framed body. What he wouldn't do to get his cheetah body back right at this moment.

His claws made a desperate attempt to dig into the rusty rails as he began to pick up his pace, finally ending up on the other side with his fur drenched and body weighed down. As far as he could see there had been no signs of anyone on the other side of the railroad. "Great, I came all this way for nothing." A narrow of his eyes formed as he huffed and turned back to walk back onto the railroad until,


Marcellus froze in his tracks, his eyes widening in pure fear as his heart raced while his mind tried to comprehend what that was. For a moment he thought the wind, crouching down ready to jump back onto the tracks until the heard the sound of pawsteps in the soil. A part of him wanted to turn around and another wanted to flee, fear the only emotion he could feel. He battled with himself on whether to turn around or to flee, but eventually curiosity got the best of him and he decided to slowly turn his head over his white colored shoulder to see a tall figure standing right behind him, a part of the figure looked like an angel while the other a demon. No words seemed to escape the domestic feline's mouth as his full body turned to face the much larger creature; a Doberman as white as snow, eyes that were as pink as he could imagine. For a swift moment he had completely forgotten how to talk, remembering that if this creature so decided to attack that he would be defenseless.

He would be dead.

He stammered, he stuttered, he made incoherent noises until finally he let out a simple word. "Hello." The realization that he was no longer in his territory, in his home. No one would hear his agonizing screams, his yells of pain. Only Luca would know and even then it would be far too late for him, he would be gone. Though the Doberman made no moves on him, he remained cautious however carried a conversation with the canine. A few phrases later, the Typhoon was brought up and in an instant it had seemed to peek the dogs interest. A place to stay, Marcel phrased it. A group of "pirates" that competed with a few other groups that thrived near them. A group that lived on a tropical island across the railroads. His description, though not vivid so he didn't give away too much, seemed to reach Latterday and with that, Marcellus gave the Doberman an option. He could follow Marcellus and join the Privateer in his group, or stay and remain a loner.

With their conversation drawing to an end, the Toyger gave a dismissive flick of his tail and turned away from the Doberman, making his way across the railroad once more as he struggled to stay on it.

// please wait for latterday / persia to post!

Re: SUNDAY NIGHT — o, joiner - rhosmari - 10-07-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FILL ME UP WITH NOVOCAINE AND NOW I'M JUST NUMB — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Had he been walking around in circles for the past few hours? Cause he swore he had seen that same blob twice now, or maybe it wasn't just a blob but hell the world just seemed like one mushed up rainbow cake. Though there was nothing he could do about that and though it saddened him that he couldn't see the world in perfect clarity anymore he had to live with it. This was his own trial and his own burden to bare since he had become tainted. But that didn't mean he was going to be complacent and not curse the world and his eyes. Most days he grumbled to himself and tried to keep walking on as if nothing was wrong but it was always slow going to the point where he would just quit during the mid day and lay down somewhere, preferably under a bush. But it seemed today yielded different results as he came forth from the the thick foliage and spied a smaller blob that the usual ones and to his surprise this blob talked back. His ears pulled forward, sense expanding to listen and he could hear the quickened heartbeat of the other, the fluttering noises that left him as he finally uttered a hello. What was scaring him so bad? It took the canine a moment to realize that he was drooling and he lifted a paw to wipe at his muzzle considering that was very rude of him. Even the pain that slammed into his gut made him tense up a bit, but he managed a greeting of his own to the other. "Hello..." The smooth tones lifted from his vocal chords, not too deep but somewhere in the middle and some could even say melodious to a degree.

Indeed, their conversation was stimulating for the soul reason that he hadn't had anyone to talk to in ages. It felt like a millennia since he had been able to hold such a decent conversation and he was soaking it up. It was a driving force for him when he couldn't see anymore and this one seemed to have a lot to say which was very much fine. Though as the topic shifted to the Typhoon he allowed himself to sit up straighter, gaze focusing on the blob before him as he took particular interest in the subject at hand. Had he really made it? Finally? The idea that he had traveled for near months and he just happened to stumble upon someone whom was from the place he had been near dying to find considering he had just about quit searching almost drove him up the wall. His head had lifted up while they were talking and he narrowed his gaze up as the clouds for a moment because he was pissed. But he pushed his own feelings aside to focus on what was going on right now. With the option given to him he debated for a moment especially with his impairment and the fact that they were pirates. Would they accept someone like him and could he hide it from them enough for it to not be a burden?

A dry sigh left his muzzle and he really had no time to think about it for his companion was already turning away from him and he had to keep him at least at a good distance or he'd lose him. So he picked himself and started walking, gingerly that was. His paws felt along the railroad for a moment, looking for anything that might trip him up as he squinted and looked down at the ground. Though he was at least trying to make an effort to quickly close the gap between him and his savior. Because let's face it he would have been walking in circles for much longer than necessary if it hadn't been for this um...this um... It hit him that he didn't know what animal he was and a frown pulled at pink tinged lips as he watched the blob struggle with staying on the railroad as he sloshed through the water. "I didn't get your name. Mine's Latterday." Simple he supposed but his head lifted up as they started to get closer to something. A bigger structure he could only acquaint with an entrance or perhaps a gate of some type, the smell was different that was for sure and he sighed. He needed something sweet and soon.

Re: SUNDAY NIGHT — o, joiner - Grey - 10-10-2018

Walking. Most events in The Typhoon always started with walking. It was always aimless - patterned by the rhythmic landings and launchings of his weight, the heaviness of each stride transferring from one foot to the other. He misses the way it felt to walk on two legs. It felt less balanced but he also felt more freedom in his movements. He could pivot on his heel, change directions immediately, and now he had four paws to clumsily move about on. He was more stable this way, less likely to fall, but the confines of having four legs made him feel like a table, fixed and unable to move. And yet here he was, doing what everyone else was doing: walking. He was walking to nowhere, disappearing and allowing himself to be overtaken by the hands of elsewhere. He's unsure what he'll find, banking on the idea that strange things always loved to unravel before him when he was out walking. Of course, during Bakugou's directionless walk, his eyes were always peering about and looking for anything of interest. His hues darted about like agitated pixies, restless as they zip into the tree-lines, dash into the bushes and skip carelessly along the soiled grounds. It does, however, leave him to notice pawprints and the lingering scent of Marcellus.

Seeing as there is nothing better for the Reaver to do, he fancies himself to a game of seek, curious to see where the male must have head off too only to be led towards the railroad tracks to see the piebald king cheetah accompanied by an albino doberman. At first, Bakugou hesitates to come closer, unsure what kind of exchange is going on between the two before seeing Marcellus turn around, begin to walk away, only to be followed by the doe-eyed canine. He steps back a little, reanimating in almost a defensive but rather confused stance when he sees the two begin to get closer. Their features are starting to align and sharpen, the Reaver able to notice the creases and sunken in belly of the doberman. He must be absolutely famished, on the brink of death maybe... but Bakugou still isn't sure, flicking an ear when he begins to walk himself towards the pair, catching the other's name as Latterday. "Seriously? Ya pickin' up dead corpses along the railroad now?" the Reaver asks, though this is more in a playful manner towards Marcellus (not that it'd stop others from interpreting otherwise from his usual nasty attitude). He's in no mood to be aggressively patted by Pincher, no mood to be lectured by lowlifes who didn't know their place. He had, after all, been in a coma for twelve days. He would rather not be so angry that his intestines exploded on him. "What d'ya eat, L- uh... Litterday, was it? Ack, whatever it was."

He was never good at registering names into his memory bank.

Re: SUNDAY NIGHT — o, joiner - PINCHER - 10-11-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher knew a little too well what it was like to wander almost aimlessly. He had grown up in that sort of environment, one without a true sense of direction of where they wanted to go. It wasn't particularly his fault in a sense, he followed his father around because it was the only thing a child like him could do. He grew without his capability of finding a compass within himself, a broken needle that ruthlessly spun around. The child had wondered if maybe that was what his father also felt as well. A wandering soul trying to find a home but never allowed themselves to get attached and settle down to grow. His father had told him that in his side of the family, they were nomads while his mother's side stuck to one place and that place only. He guessed that maybe that was partly why his father had left his mother, not wanting to be tied down to a singular location and only be known by few. Why his father craved and hungered for the sweet tang of infamy confused Pincher but he never questioned it especially when he began to grow in the outline of his father's and uncle's expectations. He wanted to be known, he wanted everyone to remember his name and connect him to a legendary time when he was around. Call it self-centered idealism but it was what he wanted.

The lean wildcat was stalking in the high tops of the lush trees within the jungle, his paws making no noise as he stalked around. He tended to patrol on his own because one, it gave him time to think, and two, because he was free to smoke without worrying of damaging the lungs of his crewmates. From the edge of his lips hung an ivory white cigarette as he inhaled the smoke, feeling it cloud his dead lungs and he exhaled, glacier blue eyes locked onto the ground until he reached the end of the the jungle area where the grass turned into sand. Jumping down, the hybrid tensed up at realizing he had dropped down on what appeared to be a joiner meeting with someone he did not recognize. Or...he didn't think he did. His memories were still not quite fully recollected even after months of recovery from his resurrection so the large male followed in after Bakugou, letting the cigarette disintegrate with a quick blue flame flowing out of his jaws as the immortal turned to lock his attention to Marcellus and Latterday. "I think his name is Latterday...correct? I'm Pincher. Pincher Roux." The jaguar-leopard mix stated with a light nod towards the pale doberman, wondering why he seemed so familiar yet couldn't exactly connect the name and appearance to any of his memories.