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EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - Printable Version

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EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-07-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
The Typhoon was her last stop. As much as Atbash didn't want to be here, the tradition of Mass Gatherings was, unfortunately, to invite all neutrals and allies. The Typhoon was a neutral, as much as Atbash distrusted them, but she had to stick true to the very tradition she created. It'd be hypocritical of her not to, right? Atbash sighed a bit as she stepped onto the railroad that marked the beginning of The Typhoon's territory and rang the bell.

Although she was not here on business matters, the savannah wondered if The Typhoon heard of The Pitt's takeover. It would explain why Atbash only had one eye now, but it would also be a chance for The Typhoon - Pincher, Caesar, and Goldenluxury especially - to make fun of her and point out that would have never happened should she have kept them as allies. Atbash shuffled her paws a bit as she thought of this, but forced herself to keep quiet and straightened up a bit, not wanting to appear slouched. She was a leader. She defeated Stryker and The Pitt and reclaimed her role as Snowbound's Hailcaller. She needed to act like it.

//LINK so I don't forget!
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - MARCELLUS - 10-07-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
The last thing he was expecting was a visit from the leader of Snowbound herself, Atbash. The last visit from the leader left a sour taste in his mouth, an annoyance with her that was due to the way she dropped the Typhoon like they were nothing. Hell, without the Typhoon Snowbound might as well be nothing. When he saw the Savannah at the gate, he nearly contemplated ignoring her and moving on with his day but it would be dangerous to allow an enemy to stand at the border without any supervision once so ever. Begrudgingly the Toyger trudged his paws towards the Hailcaller, expression fading from a pleased one to a blank one. He wasn't as scared since he knew he would probably be able to take on Atbash alone if it came to it, though he didn't account for any powers she may have which would instantly beat him. Bad enough that his limp didn't help him in this regard. It was good enough having someone his current height however and not someone he would have to look up to to speak with like half the Typhoon. Being small like this didn't exactly have any advantages really unless he had powers.

Marcellus stood quietly as he eyed the Hailcaller, the Privateer tapping his front paw against the ground. "Atbash." He greeted civilly though the tone he used was surely less than civil. He paused for a moment before finally speaking once more. "What do you want?" Instantly his tone was harsh, moving from one end of the spectrum to another. He knew better than to treat Atbash with any kindness after she had dropped them when they showed her and Snowbound nothing but hospitality. Though he didn't know the full extent of that situation, he knew that that much could be said about it. Quietly, Marcellus sat down, pushing his limp leg out from under his body as he waited tense for Atbash to answer.

Re: EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-07-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Unfortunately for Marcellus, Atbash didn't exactly remember him. Though his harsh tone made her flinch a bit, a concerned frown forming on her face. While she knew that some of the members here might have bad blood with her - whether it be because she dropped The Typhoon like they were nothing or because of Caesar's lying mouth - she wasn't quite expecting such hostility. They were technically enemies (at least, last she checked). After all, she sent Aizawa here to return supplies just like Pincher had asked her to and according to Aizawa, things went well. Then again, Atbash thought to herself. Pincher could just change his mind at a moment's notice. It honestly wouldn't surprise her if he did.

"I'm, uh," Atbash responded, trying to put a small smile on her face as she spoke. "I'm here to invite you guys to our Mass Gathering this month." She said. "I think I invited you guys to the last one, but just to remind you, this is a peaceful gathering -" Honestly, the savannah felt the need to add that. After all, The Typhoon were a bunch of pirates and would likely have fun causing havoc. "- and all neutral and allied groups were invited. So The Ascendants and Sunhaven will be there." Last she checked, The Ascendants were enemies with The Typhoon. And if they wouldn't come because of that, so be it. She would understand and hell, probably prefer it if it meant Caesar wouldn't show up.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - Luca - 10-08-2018

Luca couldn't call himself Snowbound's biggest fan, but he didn't hate them either. He was more neutral on the group, although Atbash's last visit had left him with the slightest tang of salt on his tongue. He was bitter and petty, these facts weren't hard to discover after knowing him for over a day, so the calmness with which approached was surprising. It was a combination of the ringing bell and the familiar comfort of Marcel's presence that drew Luca forwards. He drew close to the toyger and aimed to brush their pelts together, an affectionate display that he was sure Marcellus wouldn't quite reciprocate. Only then did he turn his gaze to Atbash, his single healthy eye staring her down. "Atbash," he greeted in a fashion very similar to his companion, although the end of his word tapered into a slight purr. He had no time to be angry at Snowbound for being shitty allies, there were much more pressing matters on his mind at the moment.

That gathering of hers sounded like a good opportunity for trouble making, but other than mischief Luca couldn't think of a good reason to go. The thought of sitting around and listening to a bunch of enemies and neutrals chatting about meaningless bullshit didn't appeal to him at all. Atbash declaring the peaceful nature of the matter was the final nail in the coffin for him. "Sounds lame," he said honestly, flicking a ragged ear. "I guess I'll wait to see what the others say, though." He turned to Marcellus then, blinking at the feline as if silently asking for his fellow Privateer's opinion. He was secretly hoping that they'd end up going to trash the party, but for now he'd keep his trap shut.


Re: EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-08-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Although Atbash had no idea of what Luca was plotting, if she knew he was thinking about causing havoc, she probably would have said something to him right here and now. If things got too bad here, she could even retract her offer. Quite honestly, she didn't want The Typhoon to show up whatsoever but the tradition requirement was all allies and neutrals and unfortunately, The Typhoon was a neutral. Of course it sounds lame to you. Atbash thought, her ears flicking at Luca's words. She tried to remain a happy composure though to make sure she didn't accidentally offend any of the Typhoonites that happened to come by. Knowing their reputation, if she expressed any sort of dislike towards their words or actions, Pincher would send his crew after her.

"Alright." Atbash replied to Luca out loud now, not trusting herself completely to make some sort of comment over The Typhoon's rocky relationship with her tribe. Luca didn't represent the entirety of The Typhoon and neither did Caesar, she knew that, but Pincher himself unnerved her. And with what happened whenever she decided to drop them, Atbash absolutely did not trust the Captain at all. "I have all the time in the world to wait." Even if she didn't exactly want to be here longer than needed, she just wanted to see whether or not the group would be going.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - Luciferr - 10-08-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
a rumble of discontent - so this was the snowbound leader? - he shared his compatriots distaste having once he'd returned learned of the sour nature of affairs, he didn't find it much appealing.

considering the ascendants would also be there - well that was just a powder keg - the vantablack dragon stayed silent just choosing to seat himself beside his little brother and Marcellus, simply watching and waiting with polite air for now.


Re: EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - bubblegum - 10-08-2018

Re: EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - PINCHER - 10-11-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher wasn't really one to be petty and hold a grudge but when it came in breaking off from his deals, that's when the bitter seed of revenge and hatred exploded. Call him the devil but he despised anyone that backed down from their sealed deals with him especially when he had tried his hardest to make sure he contributed. However, his anger over his pride was not the worst part. It was how Snowbound had claimed his crew weren't that great of 'ambassadors' as they thought even after everything that Pincher and his crewmates had tried to show and do. That was what had angered him the most and he had craved the resources he had squandered for the tribe that had never even once sent an ambassador their way to return the favor. Hell, now that he thought of it, he should have been the one to cut off the relationship with how irksome the other half had been in not keeping up. Right after the seperation, he had heard tales of the Pitt overtaking the pacifist group. No surprise there. The Typhoon was in a sense, their protection as most of his crew knew how to fight and were prepared to protect what they swore to protect.

His first reaction had been amusement and wicked laughter after he had heard the news. He had allowed a peace treaty to be offered to him after all the resources had been returned to him so he didn't bother fighting in overtaking Snowbound. Besides, their snowy valley wasn't his cup of tea so he simply from afar with a sly smug smirk lacing his muzzle at the chaos that had arisen from the takeover and minding his own business. He wasn't going to give a lending paw either, all he was going to do is watch and see. Eventually he had heard Snowbound had finally retaliated (about time, in his opinion) and chased out the Pitt bitch that had temporarily taken over. He sure as hell knew that the Typhoon wouldn't be takenover because they were warbound and knowing how fiery and stubborn his crewmates were, they would not allow that to happen no matter what. He knew mutiny could happen but they seemed pleased with how he was leading and Pincher would be fine stepping down if they desired a new captain but he guessed he was doing alright.

The towering ash gray colored wildcat arrived shortly after his daughter, his calculative frigid stare locking immediatly onto Atbash. He remained deathly silent as he halted beside his daughter, hearing her speak up and give the statement that they weren't going. Pincher's left ear only twitched in response as he didn't mind that one of his assistant deputies had decided to make the call as he trusted them enough to know what was best and he could always change it. "You heard her. We ain't going, have fun and all that shit." Pincher stated as he then heard Goldie question about the takeover and a soft chuckle rumbled in his chest. Oh, he really wanted to see how Atbash would react as the male remained silent, unblinking snake-like gaze still holding onto her, inspecting and analyzing her reactions.

Re: EVOLUTION // Snowbound Visit - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-11-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
The sight of Lucifer nearing did put Atbash on edge a bit and the feline shuffled a bit as she continued on waiting for a confirmation of whether or not they would go. Seriously, if they were going to be this slow about it, she might as well call it off. Besides, the more time she waited here, the more time it gave Caesar to show up and that wasn't something she wanted to deal with right now. Especially not with it being so soon after the takeover. Luckily though, Goldenluxury came by and confirmed that The Typhoon would not be going. If she was honest with herself, the fact that Goldenluxury was acting the same way as her clanmates hurt her. Atbash considered Goldenluxury a friend, somebody who she could confide in if something went wrong... but unfortunately breaking the alliance they had ruined whatever friendship she had with the Captain's daughter. Atbash couldn't help but feel hurt but she was the one to blame, wasn't she?

Atbash frowned at Goldenluxury's inquiry, her charred ear flicking at the question. "That's none of your business." The Hailcaller stated flatly, narrowing her eye as Pincher approached, reinforcing the fact that The Typhoon would not be attending. Good riddance. The she-cat thought to herself before giving the other leader a short dip of her head. "I will." She promised, turning tail and heading back to her snowy home. If Pincher hadn't shown up, perhaps Atbash would have told Goldenluxury what happened, or perhaps not... The Typhoon were only neutrals. They had no business in knowing how things went nor what it was like, only their allies did.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi