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WE COULD BE IMMORTALS // o, joiner - Printable Version

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WE COULD BE IMMORTALS // o, joiner - tristitia - 10-07-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]TADASHI HIMURA BASKERVILLE[/shadow]

Hikari! That voice rang in his ears. The voice of dearest father. It cut through the flames, the smoke that clogged up his ability to breathe.  It was his fault the fire had started anyway. He had been trying to invent something, something to help heal wounds-- and then before he knew it, the fire raged. The poor child tries to call out, seeing the black body dart back and forth. How his gold eyes widened, taking in the flames that engulfed their home. However, it was no use. "Hikari" passed away, his light fading, and disappearing into the depths of the Abyss. As did all Baskervilles. Yet, it is there where he finds new life -- and a new name. Tadashi. Loyal, faithful, correct. At first, all three attributes of his name suited him.

As time went on, that changed. Now, he was all but those things. Still, he finds his way here. Why? For dearest father. It might be good to show him that he is alive -- and, to see if he was just some sort of barrier or shield.

The Kishu Inu makes his way to the border, covering his paws with his black cloak and the left half of his face with a mask, one that looked like a fox, almost. It was a traditional Japanese mask. He clears his throat, and calls out, "I am Tadashi, Tadashi Baskerville. I  would like to join. If you've met my father... well, he might've called me Hikari."

//mobile! + [member=2495]AKUMA HIMURA B.[/member]
you can respond before Yakan does!

Re: WE COULD BE IMMORTALS // o, joiner - AKUMA HIMURA B. - 10-07-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]AKUMA HIMURA BASKERVILLE[/shadow]
There wasn't a day that Akuma did not think of Hikari. He may not allude to his thoughts what with his easygoing mannerisms and charming smile and, overall, laid-back and unfettered veneer, but the weight of the loss he felt when he lost Hikari to that fire was always weighing on his mind. It was one tragedy after another, it seemed. Sometimes he would pass out in his room when he pushed himself too far and he would dream of that day, where fire seared and smoke choked his lungs, where fear ran rampant in his blood, eyes wide and hopelessly searching for the boy trapped behind a tall wall of flame Akuma just couldn't get past, still oh-so frail. And he would get up, stare vacant throughout the entire day, but he wouldn't dare cry. Loss was too frequent for Akuma, but wouldn't it be horrible of him if he just got used to it and just stopped caring about those whose lives were forcibly taken from them? He had to care somewhat, otherwise what humanity would he have left? None.

But then again, why pretend to be what he wasn't?

He was a tangle of emotions. What the Abyss had turned him into at the cost of living had been eternal and he was a mess. He supposed the most important thing was that he missed his son. He missed him so much. The servacal makes his way through the vaguely familiar territory now, having had yet another dream about that unpleasant experience, and then a voice reaches his ears. At first, he doesn't recognize it - his little Hikari had grown so much - but the surnames that followed had him stumbling towards the sound of the voice in seconds. He rounds a corner, and there he was. Hikari - no, Tadashi. What does it even matter? His son was alive.

"Ika . . ." He murmurs, staring dumbly at the Kishu Inu that stood there, enveloped in his cloak and wearing half of a Kitsune mask. Akuma doesn't know it, but tears are pulled to the corners of his eyes as he steps forth, peering up at Tadashi's face carefully, eyes wide. "I thought you . . . I thought . . ." A shuddering sigh leaves him as he simply tries to lay his head on his son's chest. Of course, despite being a Baskerville ( and Akuma knowing in the back of his mind that his son could come back ) he had still been wrecked by his loss. Some of those who were sent into the Abyss did not always come back. Was he just lucky then? But now, if Tadashi or him or Riku ever died again - they wouldn't be so lucky, even after 100 cycles. He takes a moment from his silent crying and leans back onto his haunches, tail coiling tightly around himself as he looks up with watery golden eyes. "You're . . . staying?"

Re: WE COULD BE IMMORTALS // o, joiner - Whisper - 10-08-2018

[Image: soul_of_deer_by_traumlaterne-daefcks.png]
innortis knew loss- knew what caused it- had been the cause for it for many of his old home's enemies. it was not... not intentinonal, but he had to eat, didn't he? food was food, unless it was just another sentient- someone who had a family- someone to love- someone to miss them and-

innortis trys not to think about it too much, because if he does he'll disolve into a pile of regret and that thing inside him will spite him even more. He is weak and his knees shake with the imications of just what he has to do to survive- he didn't never asked to live eating someone else- something sentient- the only saving grace was that he onl had to eat about once a month- if any more he might've- might've he doesn't honnestly know, starve?

Watching th family reunight- seemingly after something that made them seperate is... awkward. Because his own family was strained at best- a group of loners that hunger - the hunger for the same species- didn't help. He never had much of a strong family bond with anyone in his bloodline- and still blames his father mostly for whatever genes made him a ghoul.

He stopped, a little bit away, eyes wide and ears down in a frightened- over nervouse stance that wasn't uncommon for him- but maybe so since he himself was new. It took a moment for him to apprach closer, decideing he was already here- couldn't just leave really. and sat down by the father- or the snow-bounder anyway. Offering a kind smile towards the stranger.

"Is there anything i can do for you? Maybe a warm drink or.. something to eat?"
hidden scrolling

Re: WE COULD BE IMMORTALS // o, joiner - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-09-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Although Atbash hadn't lost her littermates, she did lose her parents. Ironically enough, her parents died in a fire, one that was caused by their own son. Atbash's brother, Caesar, was the cause of the fire that killed their parents and no matter how many times Atbash wanted to forgive him, the things he had done recently had proved that he wasn't going to change his ways whatsoever. Unfortunately, Caesar was apart of The Typhoon, a group neutral to Snowbound and quite honestly, Atbash wouldn't be surprised if Pincher - The Typhoon's leader - suddenly declared them as enemies and started attacking.

Atbash came to stand next to Inortis, blinking at Tadashi and tilting her head slightly upon hearing Akuma's words. "You're welcome to stay if you'd like." She stated, voice soft as she spoke. "I'm Atbash Cipher, the Hailcaller, or leader, here."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
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