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( had a vision | open+ visitor ) - Printable Version

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( had a vision | open+ visitor ) - drachen - 10-07-2018

[div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 10pt;"]A tickle in the back of the mind; an itch that refused to go away; a shift in the world. Enough to rouse the attention of the being of ancient times and wise eyes to the mortal realm once more. Tilt of the head and squint of searching eyes while shocks of electricity runs through them; a tug and a pull to seek the source causing the reactions to overcome the old being. Without hesitance they leave the home they’ve come to reside in the recent years of leaving behind the ones lacking divinity. Thrill and excitement lace them as they plunged through the clouds, wind whipping against hair and skin as the body descended down
n . . .                     

Hums vibrate loud and proud in chest and throat willing words to explode out and sing in unknown joy. Multiple wings expand outwards as wind catches them and caress neat feathers only to ruffle them, ivory figure emerging from the clouds of early morning, pale lips stretching in pleasant smile at the Sun’s ascent to brighten the world with its rays of warmth. Divine eyes lock on the area below them while wings shift to bank right as mountains and forest sprout into view, beach and town in distance. A sensation told Caelum this wasn’t the location which calls to them to arrive, yet it feels good to start here and move about as time goes, for they can’t stay long if what they search for isn’t here.

Once– twice feathered appendages beat then begins the journey of circling down towards the vast meadow with paws eager to touch as the slender wolf-dog lands, graceful and smooth and allow wings to fold and move until resting comfortably on their back. Nostrils flare as feet bring the creature carved from ivory thrones moves forth and rests gaze on the rather tall wooden barricade not too far off. Head cocks to the inside in intrigue once they get close enough and releases a soft breath.

". . . My name is Caelum and I'm here to visit your home for some time. A visitor, in short." Firm and authoritative, yet cool and warm are the words spoken by deep, rich voice as it enters the air. Straightforward as usual to get things done. ( And to see if they'll find anything. A slim chance but high hopes are better than low hopes. )

Re: ( had a vision | open+ visitor ) - rhosmari - 10-07-2018

Not often did someone come down from the sky and certainly not a canine with a bunch of wings either. Though she could say that she did see some animals with wings just not one so pristine and white. A light tilt of the massive canine's cranium denoted how curious she was about all of this. Her vivid green hues shifting over them before she allowed her form to move forward, sweeping through tall grass that barely brushed against the bend of her legs. She held warmth and strength in her steps as she dipped her head in greeting, lifting up on of her tails to lightly wave in greeting. After all she was the leader and she set the example for the rest of her clan. She knew her duties and the responsibilities of them and thus she was going to make sure that she stood firm. "Oi there, ya this is Sunhaven and we wouldn't mind havin ya for sure. But what is the means of ya visitation?" The woman had to be cautious now because of recent events. She couldn't afford to not pry and push for answers when allowing strangers into her home and into the home of so many individuals. Though she seemed relaxed her keen gaze was ever watching and she flexed thick claws against the ground. "The name's Marina or Monroe. Ya can call me either one of them or both if ya would like tae.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: ( had a vision | open+ visitor ) - guts - 10-07-2018

This guy sure was lively, wasn't he? Just another to add to the list of people who had no idea how to have fun, it looked like. There weren't many of those types in Sunhaven so far, though she couldn't speak for everyone she supposed, considering how two-faced people could be. You never knew someone's true colors or their intentions.

She pads over next, giving the newcomer a once over before quirking a brow. "Welcome to Sunhaven. Not the best place to visit in my opinion, at least not unless you're looking for a good time." she drawls nonchalantly, giving a small shrug of her shoulders. Her eyes flicker over towards Marina, hoping she wouldn't take any offense. Well, she could, she wouldn't care. It wouldn't be the first time she got chewed out for something she said.

Re: ( had a vision | open+ visitor ) - drachen - 10-07-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 10pt;"]Paws are careful to brush over a delicate purple flower growing before them, tail swaying from side to side in a leisurely before attention slides in the direction of an incoming soul. Head swivels towards the approaching individual as ears twitch at the notice of it flickering and how it was at calm with slight tension. A calm smile spreads across pale lips and nods in greeting, the female speaking up to mention this place as Sunhaven and not minding the archangel staying– with a reasonable question in pursuit.

"I. . . Am in search for something. I have no clue where it is or what it is, but felt it best to start here first. I hope that doesn't trouble you too much?"

A simple guess of her being in charge from the air of authority and contained caution, and knows all too well of wanting to keep those cherished safe from any potential threat. The canine launches to introducing herself with two names: Marina and Monroe. Their mind takes a moment to pause and review the information then files it away. Marina or Monroe. Not odd but curious nonetheless. "I see. It's a pleasure, Marina or Monroe." Light and teasing words they breathe out.

Another soul carries over to the duo and cocks their head at the posture and demeanor. Not aggressive nor passive. Disinterest or indifference? Someone to interact with to learn more about personally. Lips twitch and curl up in a light, amused smile at her review of Sunhaven. "Well then. I hope to have a good time if it's not the best location for visitation." The slight shift of the other Sunhavener towards Marina gave them a hint this isn't the first time.

"And your name? If you're willing to share."

Best to learn now than flounder when the occasion arose to remember or know it.

Re: ( had a vision | open+ visitor ) - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-08-2018

Hearing voices nearby, Gordon changed her direction and waddled up to stand behind Marina, poking her head out from behind the helion. She blinked at Caelum, frowning at the male for a few seconds before she squeaked out, "My-my name's Gordon Cipher." God, she felt awkward just coming up like this and immediately introducing herself, as strange as that thought may be, but she kind of felt like she was intruding into the conversation. "Um... welcome to Sunhaven!" She went on, trying to sound cheerful. Honestly, the whole ghost situation had her on edge recently - a lot more than normal, at is. "M-maybe I can help you find wh-what you're looking for?" She offered, tilting her head. Maybe helping somebody out with their personal mission would ease things off her mind and distract her from the things that were happening.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: ( had a vision | open+ visitor ) - venus - 10-08-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

odd man, odd mysterious quest. something about caelum had venus smiling faintly at his grandiose announcement of what was nothing more than a glorified excuse. "ominous.. but interesting! are you here to find the meaning of life or something?" making friendly (enough) jesters at caelum's lost treasure, venus pondered on what such a thing could be to draw the ethereal looking creature to sunhaven's doorstep. because hey, if sunhaven was home to some priceless treasure capable of drawing complete stranger to the doorstep - venus kind of wanted it for themselves. then again, the silvery teen never believed in fate anyways. caelum must be delusional. "i'm venus before you ask." politely venus gave the boy a shallow dip of the head.

(welcome to sunhaven!!! Smile)