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( ✧*: fairy tale bliss | storage ) - Printable Version

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( ✧*: fairy tale bliss | storage ) - drachen - 10-07-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]directory here

( ✧*: tags ) - drachen - 10-07-2018

[div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 10pt;"][align=center][size=12px]( I'VE BEEN READING BOOKS OF O L D )
★ Caelum;  Real name to revealed; "Cae" "Cal" or any other nicknames
★ Sexless; Agender (They/Them/It/Its)
★ Archangel; Spiritually and mentally ancient; Young adult in appearance
★ Wanderer; Visiting Sunhaven

★ Single; Still in love with a former partner
★ Biromantic bisexual; Not actively searching
★ Monogamous
★ No crushes; No maybe crushes; No future crushes
★ God; Brother to many; Father to few

— Due to being a creature of divinity and holiness, their aura is blinding, pure white light and could potentially blind those that look at it for too long. It's best to stay at a safe distance away for those that depend on auras to see things or in general.
— Doesn't see physically appearances, rather the soul itself at its rawest form and couldn't describe someone that well on looks unless it's the soul itself. Will ask if it seems relevant to a situation or may be useful down the road, but feels like it's easier to identify someone by their soul instead.
— It never discriminates someone based on their past actions. What's happening now is more important to them.
— Caelum can take forms of various creatures at any time and there's no warning. They like to keep it fresh.

★ Breathtaking at first glance, Caelum is a slender ivory wolf-dog that radiates a faint glow. Three pairs of fluffy white feathers don its back, the middle set being the largest, the back are medium, and the front are the smallest. Its eyes have sectoral heterochromia, which are gold dashed with blue to add to their unearthly beauty.

★ Oof, I'll add the rest of their tags later

Re: ( ✧*: fairy tale bliss | storage ) - drachen - 10-07-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 9pt;"]( Human AU )
★ Born intersex
★ Androgynous by nature, Caelum can be mistaken for a female from first glance. It's not uncommon and is fairly forgiving on that aspect. Always requests to be referred with neutral pronouns.
★ Looks to be in early twenties
★ Pretty ivory skin untouched from blemishes ( for now ) and soft to the touch from using lotion constantly.
★ Long, jet-black hair that stops at the waist and will have it up in a bun, ponytail, or beneath a hat. Depending on the season, it can be cut short up to chin height.
★ Lovely sectoral heterochromic eyes that are gold with blue dashed in them. May hide them under amber or blue contacts at times.
★ They happen to wear an assortment of clothing since they enjoy all types, especially ones that are cute and/or pretty. Can be seen wearing loose fitting white collar shirts, leather jackets, tank tops, various jeans and shoes.
★ Slender frame and has the beginnings of muscles appearing since they're aiming to have more muscle mass.
★ Caelum has practiced in swordsmanship from a young age and continues to improve. They have a black sword named Justice.

( BOB / Fantasy / Other AUs )
★ Sexless unless they inhabit a body that has genitalia
★ Androgynous by nature, Caelum can be mistaken for a female from first glance. It's not uncommon and is fairly forgiving on that aspect. Always requests to be referred with neutral pronouns.
★ Age varies on each au. Typically the oldest in High school AUs.
★ Pretty ivory skin untouched from blemishes ( for now ) and soft to the touch.
★ Lovely sectoral heterochromic eyes that are gold with blue dashed in them. They will become completely gold or white and glow when Caelum uses their powers.
★ Hair can range from chin height to the hips and long hair is usually when they're in their true form, or going fully archangel mode.
★ A large pair of pale wings are seen for the most part and spread out to 14 feet in length. When all of their wings out, two more sets of wings accompany the main. A smaller pair sprout a few inches above the main wings and medium sized ones at the base of the tailbone.
★ Wears all types of clothing and all of them have moderate size slits on the backs to allow their wings to come out and properly function.
★ They have toned arms and legs that are shown off pretty often from this more well-toned body.
★ Pro in swordsmanship of millennia after millennia of practicing and many battles, wars, and fights. They have a holy blade that's currently unnamed. It can be covered in white and gold flames, depending on the situation.