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(finally had time to make this! Sorry it took so long! [member=321]melantha[/member] [member=318]roman[/member] )

Assassin's were common when it came to the likes of a clan. Some groups had tried to implement an assassin rank into their clan once, at least from the rumors that Killua had managed to hear about them. However, they had gone about it entirely wrong. They didn't make sure that they knew the basics of what an assassin really was, and how to implement that not in a full-on fight. Assassin's usually fought their battles one on one and in the darkness as well. They skills that they had usually developed over time perfect for those situations, and being surrounded by too many eyes would give a disadvantage to the assassin. Hence why few assassins enjoyed working together on big jobs. Killua had once been hired to deal one of those big jobs about killing a leader that belonged to a well-known group. He and other assassin are from different families had appeared for the meeting and to gather more information on what was going on. They had hired a Zoldyck though, and Killua had believed that had been more than enough in his mind. The young male had no reason to try and impress those that had hired him, he was just there to get paid and get the job done. Nothing else and nothing else. The other animals that were there that were supposed to be doing the same job that he was, didn't exactly like his presence all that much. He hadn't really cared about stating his entire name when everyone were giving their introductions. Having already sized up the other's and figured out that they wouldn't be able to take the likes of him on. He had too much experience, and they were going to underestimate him if they tried to kill him. Killua hated the looks that they gave him, but he wanted to get the job done first so he could get paid and then deal with those that looked down at him. He wouldn't accept something like that, as he was more than ready to prove other's wrong with his actions. The young male managed to find his target fairly quickly, while the other's around him seemed to avoid the easiest clues that were left behind on the other's whereabouts. He had been the first one to accomplish what he was hired, and as soon as he had said that he was the first one to kill him, everyone practically began surrounding him. The reward was worth a lot, and that meant that they wanted in on the share. This wouldn't do obviously because he had places to be and he had to get back to the mansion to tell his family how the task ended up going. Killua only had to kill one of the other assassin's and stand on his body to be able to scare the others away from him. He probably would have killed the rest of them if they hadn't run for their lives, but they were lucky that he was in a rush and needed to go back home. He had too much experience. Far too much experience. Maybe it was already too late to try and change what he as he practically had his entire apprenticeship and his entire childhood smothered in the blood of the innocents, and not really the innocents. Most only hire assassins if they really hated someone, and that could mean the one that they were going after weren't innocent as one would think. That didn't make the actions that he did justified though. Killua so badly wanted to change what had happened. His family had always dictated the way he was and how he was supposed to act. And they still were, without them even being here. It was heavily frustrating to the point that he didn't believe in himself to control any of his actions anymore. The young male had alienated himself after killing the two innocent animals at the border. Obviously, he had made it seem like an accident and no one had come after him persecuting that it wasn't an accident and that he wasn't defending himself.

Killua believed that there would be no way someone could prove that it wasn't self-defense, with his obvious injuries. Unless they made him show them the injury on his left shoulder, which was far too nice and clean for the likes of a claw to have made it, and instead it looks as if a knife had been dragged through his skin. Either way, Killua was laying in the snow, for once not up in a tree while he interacted with others. He wasn't in the mood right now. His stitched up injuries that he had fixed himself were wrapped up in bandages that practically matched his body. The one around his torso maybe being the most prominent. Maybe he had overdone it with that injury. Killua cursed at himself in his mind. No. He deserved that. He deserved that injury for what he had done. Self-inflicted injuries weren't uncommon from the young apprentice and deputy. His eyes were slightly clouded in thought, but he wasn't alone where he was laying down in the snow. There seemed to be a blanket that was placed on the ground, the contrast between the dark blue blanket and the snow obvious. On that blanket was Killua's current companion, Koru. The albino black mamba having curled itself up on the blanket in an attempt to keep warm. Killua had conjured up the blanket so that it was already fairly warm for the reptile, and if the other got too cold, he would slither his way toward him. Killua had been spending a lot of time with Koru, as there was no one else that he could talk to about his problems, such as the voice in his head that always seemed to have the worse timing. He flicked one of his large white ears as he raised one of his paws and conjured up a mouse, dropping in front of the albino black mamba's face. The reptile didn't waste any sort of time as he grabbed the dead mouse in its jaws, injecting its venom, before it began to devour it. A sense of loneliness overcame the assassin as he seemed to curl up into himself, an action that no one would have really seen before. A heavy sigh escaping his jaws as he looked off into the distance. What was he supposed to do now?
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: MOTIVES BE MY MOTIVATION | {P, MELANTHA} - melantha - 04-17-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]"still a bit too cold for reptiles this time of year, don't you think?"

a slender figure emerges from a thin copse of trees, a blanket of white snow giving way to the sandy golden pelt of the young huntress. melantha favors the "speak first, appear later" method of approaching conversations. she chalks it up to everything sounding cooler when spoken in such a manner, but the habit is born from her natural instincts guiding her towards concealing her presence until the last possible moment. with the proper training, perhaps someone as unrefined as she could become an assassin. mel certainly possesses the skills, and sometimes even the desire, to kill; but she is tuned to her primal instincts. she hunts and kills out of necessity, not for sport. that is one of the major obstacles to her entering the covert profession. that, and the fact that she is not as evil as she claims. she has done some terrible things to survive alone in the wilderness, but her heart is still pure; untainted. which is why, in spite of her suspicions regarding killua's disposal of his two attackers, she arrives to check up on how he is healing.

granted, it is disguised by her "concern" for the albino serpent. "i'm not familiar with herpetology, but i don't think a blanket is going to cut it." unless he has some crazy heat manipulation powers that melantha is not aware of. in that case, perhaps killua makes his little friend impervious to the cold. she finds herself growing jealous of the idea that killua possesses some crazy powerful supernatural abilities. what did she ever do to spite the universe so much that she was born completely and utterly normal? he could kill her easily, if he wanted to, and melantha does not like that knowledge. even so, the lithe predator creeps every closer, firtively sweeping her olive gaze over her lounging figure to determine the state of his injuries. "how are you feeling?" queries the girl in an uncertain tone, as if asking after killua's health is so uncomfortable that it is physically painful. she is not accustomed to being...nice. mel does not sit. she cannot bring herself to do so. not when she is staring at the albino's wounds, mulling over her suspicions that the whole thing seems too perfect; like she could open up a textbook example of someone getting mugged and surviving via self-defense and it would be killua's whole..thing..

melantha tosses something at the male's paws: a lollipop. she personally dislikes the things, but she remembers her first encounter with killua and that he was munching on one of these. the girl really is more thoughtful and caring than she lets on, even as she makes a face and says, "i couldn't find flowers so i guess this thing i found in the trash should convey my 'get well' wishes." she actually spent a lot of time looking for a good one, but melantha will never admit to it. especially not to killua.


He and Koru had been around each other for a long time now. He hadn't really kept track the specifics of how long they had interacted with one another. The snake basically did whatever the snake wanted to and he wasn't about to force the animal to be with him if he didn't want to end up being. The only reason they had crossed paths was that the reptile had been starving when it came into the clan territory that he was basically in charge of. The young male wasn't sure why he had pitied the animal, or maybe it had been out of his own interest to try and acquire a companion that was more than capable of taking out anyone with a single bite. And he didn't have to worry if the other ended up biting him. Sure, it may end up making him feel like shit the next couple of days but he wouldn't kill him and be able to work with the effects that were put in place on his body. Koru didn't really seem to be all that interested in going on out his own, probably realizing that as long as he was with Killua, he would be protected and get free food off of him all the time. A freeloader, not that Killua minded because the other didn't exactly take up much space in the cave that he lived in. He had no reason to try and push the snake away from trying to be around him, and right now the reptile was the only one that he was capable of venting to. It was almost funny. He was talking to a reptile that was usually considered to be cold-hearted and didn't think before making an action, but something in the other's blue eyes that almost matched his own made it feel like the other was trying to understand him. There was no reason for Killua to kill the creature either, as it wasn't like what had happened to the first friend that he made when he basically adopted a husky puppy into the family. His parents were here to tell him to kill the thing that he was growing close to, but what would he do if Koru ended up dying? Killua didn't exactly take the other into battle with him, as it would be hard and hinder his speed if a massive snake that would be around his neck anyway. Would he be upset? He had never had someone close to him even remotely die before, and instead, he had been the one to nearly die several times thanks to his brother. He wouldn't be allowed to die though. Maybe his family did know where he was and just needed to make sure that he was safe. He was pretty sure that if anyone actually killed him the rest of the family would go on a killing spree, killing anything that was around them. His brother was probably nearby, and here he was, just sitting on his ass instead of working to make himself stronger. After killing those two creatures though, Killua isn't exactly sure if getting stronger was a very good idea. He knew that he needed to work on his powers, but he knew that once he did get stronger, would those around him be in danger?

He was afraid of hurting those that were basically innocent in his eyes. London. Jacob. Kayn. Everyone else, including Mel. He had interacted with very few creatures since he had started to live here and yet these animals had promoted him to deputy. At least Leigh had promoted him to deputy, which still made no sense. He should be demoted. He didn't want any ranks when it came to the clans, yet why was he holding onto the rank? He wasn't sure if he could answer that question. Nostalgia? He had been a deputy before, and he had even been younger than he was now. He had learned quite a lot thanks to Circusclown, but now that the other was gone there wasn't anyone that he was willing to talk to about his problems. There was no one around that he could even remotely relate to. Part of him didn't. He hoped that no one had gone through a similar situation like he had gone through with his childhood, because that would be cruel. Just like how he didn't want anyone getting involved with the Zoldyck family as they were just going to be trouble in the end. The assassin had too many thoughts about what to think of, and yet he just wanted to lay around and let himself feel numb. Not a difficult task for him to do as he had done it during his training. A state that he had put himself into where he basically turned his mind off and let his body do the work for him. Muscle memory. Killua was barely able to hear the mountain lion approach him. Cougars practically perfect when it came to walking through snow thanks to their large paws. He didn't immediately turn his head to look at the larger wildcat, and instead, his ears angled toward her instead. He glanced down at Koru that was in front of him, and the snake was busy finishing its food on the blanket that it was on. A low huff escaped jaws as he shrugged his shoulders as he looked back at the female. He didn't think ill of her. He didn't hate her. He didn't trust her though like the rest of the animals that were in this place. Trust was something that could be easily broken but not readily earned. Killua didn't want the words that his brother had drilled into his head to come true. "Basically. The blanket is heated at the moment. If he gets uncomfortable he'll just come over to take my body heat." Reptiles were attracted to any form of warmth. Hence why some of their species were drawn toward the roads that were created by humans that readily absorbed sunlight. If a snake got too cold, they would begin to go into a comatose state, but they wouldn't die all that quickly. Killua was great when it came to paying attention to anyone's vitals. If Killua had really wanted to, he could heat up the air around him to make it feel like they were in the humid area of a jungle. But he didn't want to reveal or use any of his powers while other's were around. He hadn't charged himself in months, meaning that using his electricity elementals would be impossible for him right now. Not like he really needed to use it in a situation like this. Killua wasn't an expert when it came to creating warm environment though. If anything his powers were more used for cold, and depending on his emotions he could make it start to snow if he was that angry, which would usually give the power away but it snowed so often in Snowbound that other's may not guess it as being some sort of power.

His eyes hadn't left the female when they had started talking, and ultimately he moved himself in a sitting position. A look of surprise spread across his facial features toward the female that asked about his injuries. Did she actually care? Why though? Why wasn't she terrified of him yet? London wasn't terrified of him though, but he felt like that could be for a number of different reasons. Killua seemed to hesitate, not something that he was accustom to doing, as he glanced down at his shoulder and side. The assassin rolled his shoulder to feel the stitches that were underneath the bandage, making sure that all of the sutures were intact, and the same went with his side. Killua hummed in thought before finally answering, as he didn't feel any pain from his injuries. The layers of scarred tissue with damaged nerve endings covering his body making it hard for him to really feeling anything. "More itchy than anything. I've had worse, I should be healed in a week or two." Killua stated in almost a thoughtful tone. Would he heal that fast? It would all be based on whether or not he actually took care of himself. In the state he was currently, it was rare for Killua to take good care of himself. He was self-destructive in that matter. He wouldn't eat, and he wouldn't sleep. But he would do it to the point where he knew his body could take it so he didn't die. That didn't make it healthy though obviously. Killua took note how the other didn't sit around him, and he didn't blame her. Even with how dark it was, it would be difficult to see the blood stain on his paws because he hadn't washed the liquid off quick enough. The assassin was a threat to her, and she wasn't going to relax around him for who knows how long. Killua's own body language seemed completely relaxed with himself as he was sitting around, his sapphire blue eyes looking toward Koru who was just about down eating the rodent he had given him. While he wasn't looking at Mel, something landing on the snow on his paws. His eyes immediately looked at the object that had fallen on the ground, and noticed the wrapper covered lollipop. Oh? The sight of it couldn't help but have a small grin spread across his facial features. Killua's metal claws unsheathed themselves on his left paw so that he could use the tips to carefully pick up stick of the lollipop, raising it into the air to be able to see if he could see the flavor or not. Didn't seem like it. Oh well. He turned to look toward Mel when the other started to talk, earning her a chuckle from his jaws. "Candy is always way better than flowers. Flowers are boring, they just end up wilting away." Plus they were delicate. With someone around him, he would probably end of bruising them if he wasn't careful. Especially in his current mental condition, which was worse than his physical condition. Killua used one of his claws to slice off the wrapper with ease, and noticed that the lollipop was red in color. There were a couple different options to the flavor, and he doubted the other would try to poison him if she tried so he just dropped the lollipop into his mouth. Strawberry. Not bad. Strawberry was a great flavor to have. He was just glad it hadn't turned out to be some weird flavor like cinnamon or some weird food. Killua seemed to look at Mel for a couple of seconds, clearing his throat as he eventually raised one of his paws and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhh Arrigato -Oh Uhh thanks." Killua quickly corrected himself. It felt odd. Saying the words for once. Was there really a need to thank her? He secretly appreciated her concern, but there was something else there. Lowering his paw from the back of his neck, he thought for a couple moments. "So what's up? You look like I'm about try and attack you." Killua half mocked and teased the other as he raised a sheathed paw and gestured toward her body language. He wasn't that great when it came to conversation topics, but he doubted that Mel was either.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


smol bump