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we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - Printable Version

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we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - darci - 10-06-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Hazel eyes stared straight ahead, unwavering. He had so many questions, but he was not sure how to go about asking them. Why would someone do such a thing? Only a few paces away had a small group of children gathered, some mutilating and some decorating a patch of pumpkins happily. Levi was not quite sure the point was. The doberman had never experienced any sort of holiday in his life, especially Halloween. He remember during the month of October of last year had he been leading an expedition to conquer a rival pack and no one had ever mentioned this to him. Seeing the doberman in awe of this was almost funny as it was heartbreaking. He had been a child who had never known any of this. In a sense, Levi still was a child. "What the hell? What're they doing?"

The odd tools they used: Spoons, butter knives, a rusty hand shovel. This was all too strange for him. Maybe this was the paranormal activity Valkyr had mention. Were they possessed? He was not sure, but he sure was overthinking this. Too weary to approach the children, he remained sitting there, watching intently.

Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - MORIBUND - 10-07-2018

a child not graced with the knowledge of how to indulge in frivolities, moribund rather thought that the other group of children were doing something downright maleficent.

the lamb watched on in quiet, cold discomfort of memory as the knives sliced into the soft flesh of the pumpkin. they could only imagine that the pumpkin's skin was their own... and the pulp? the gore. phantom pain lashed across their legs and spine, and the first head quickly cast their honeyed eyes from the sight.

"they must be practicin' how to gut people" the slave offered helpfully with a mumble, feeling cloven hooves shuffle across the sand.

to them, it made the most logical sense. the pittian was a bloodthirsted group. wouldn't their youths be learning how to wield such devastating capabilities at such a young age? what better way to start on than a pumpkin?
[glow=grey,2,300]・゚✦ —— tags[/glow]

Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - EROS - 10-07-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]"To the contrary...." The soft voice of the temporary leader spoke out with ease. The dark blight moved forward with a slow step, testing the ground he walked up on as the smoke billowed up around his body. Pink marble eyes shifted up as he watched the children have their fun, piercing the pumpkins to give them faces and emptying out the guts that would later either be eaten or tossed away. Something he was interested about but when he had been a slave he had never participated in it. No, it hadn't been his place but even now as he looked at the scene he found no interest in this beginning of celebrations. So the large canine came and he settled his form beside that of Mori's being careful not to touch the lamb for fear of spooking the other. Instead he wrapped his tail around his paws and began to speak of what they were actually doing right now. "It's just decorations. A holiday is coming up, something that humans celebrate that we've acquired. Halloween. Pumpkins are normally used for decoration with carved in scary faces. I think it's a tradition of sorts."

Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - Keona. - 10-08-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona did not know why she found herself behind Valkyr. He made her uneasy.  Nonetheless, her ears found themselves perked, curious.  Very quietly, the kitten aimed a soft paw to tap the much larger creature.  "What's so scary 'bout them?" Pumpkins smelled kinda funny, as far as she was concerned.  She wondered for a moment if they were editable, then decided she'd much rather eat something else.  Massive fruits held no interest to the little carnivore.

Keona wondered, if her eyes worked, that she'd find whatever they were doing 'scary' or fun.  It seemed sort of... Weird, to her.  Did the children back home do the same activity?  "... Halloween?"
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - COSMIIX - 10-08-2018

Pumpkin carving? He had never done it so once he heard about it did his ears perk up at the thought of it, he would brush up against Moribund only to say to the lamb with a slow nod of his cranium "Let's go gut us some spooky pumpkins, Mori," A large grin pulled onto his maw soon walking over to calm a pair of pumpkins for himself and Mori rolling them towards the black, two-headed lamb. He looked at everyone else before he would speak with a nod of his cranium "Ya gonna stand 'round and look pretty or ya gonna gut some pumpkins," His tone was playful.

Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - miss ririchiyo - 10-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]"Oh? You don't seem like the pumpkin carving type at first, Quill." Dabi snickered as he walked over to the scene, scarred features gazing over just what the hell was going on. Americans were big with halloween, kinda reminded him of All Might.

All of a sudden, Dabi pressed his paw against a small pumpkin, crushing it under his paw idly at the thought. Food, these plants were food, not fucking decorations. "Why don't we make some good pumpkin bread? I'm sure I could steal some flour and shit from Sunhaven." Dabi grunted, shaking his stitched paw in dissatisfaction.


Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - darci - 10-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Levi cast a glance at Moribund, a bit of sorrow edging away at him. Was this place really the type to teach children such cruel things? The doberman did not believe in involving children in such morbid schemes. During his monstrous reign, Levi never once laid a paw on a child will ill-intent. The had an innocence about them he enjoyed experiencing. He did not have a fond childhood, after all. He opened his mouth to oppose the practice, but Valkry had come and cleared that up before his mind ran rampant with the idea. 'Halloween... he echoed quietly. Levi had heard the word before, but did not expect it to be something such as this.

It was an interesting idea, one that peaked his curiosity even more. Despite that, he was not sure if it would be childish of him to engage in something like that. Levi drew his eyes to Keona, but did not address the girl. She would help ask questions for him. He watched intently as Quill brought forward the two pumpkins, yet he was still unsure. Levi acted like if he made a wrong or sudden movement the world would explode. New things were always interesting to him, but he had never learned how to behave properly when exposed to them. He was... Slightly on edge. Finally, he cast another glance, this time in Dabi's direction. Swallowing, he finally spoke: "Would anyone teach me how to... Do this?" To him, it was almost rocket science at this point.

Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - MORIBUND - 10-10-2018

moribund was just one of the many whose social incompetence and dark ideologies stemmed from unfortunate origins. the lambs had never been indoctrinated on anything by the pitt-- had never been taught to integrate the ruthless clan’s own unforgiving nature.
moribund was a creature of circumstance. fine tuned to assimilate the behaviorisms of others around them, because there was no tutor for the lamb. only them unto themselves.

the arrival of the other pittians did little to soothe their ailing nerves. the sudden presence of the immense sha karred the two somewhat. around the high rank, the left head could not displace the feeling of being monitored. like they had to be good around this figure of authority, lest punishment come.

but valkyr was kind, and mindful, and quill had made himself known as well. the direhound gave the two children a sense of ease and tingly warmth in their shared chests that they could not place.

it was no surprise, that with the deep rooted societal hindrances of their upbringing, moribund had more than enough their fair share of struggles in letting loose

the right head stared down at the pumpkin rolled towards them. it was plump, fat, and a stunning shade of orange. with control over the right side of their combined body, the child lifted a hoof and placed it upon the pumpkin, reminescent of a monarch crushing in the skull of a lowborn. it was a nigh conforting thought to the muted right child.

"how would you like me to crush it, mister quill?" the left head inquired, lips pursed in polite wonder. even with relative freedom at their disposal, the child only knew to do things to another's own pleasure and preference.
[glow=grey,2,300]・゚✦ —— tags[/glow]

Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - EROS - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Show him how? The sha creature turned to look at Mori for a moment as he asked Quill how he would like for him to smash the pumpkin. That seemed like a waste of a good pumpkin but then again this holiday was not one that he found himself celebrating or really understanding for that matter. Instead he merely looked over to the area and he allowed himself a light breath, debating on how he could help Levi do this. He'd never done it himself and the idea to try had never crossed his mind until now. What would be the point and what was fun in putting faces on pumpkins? His gaze narrowed as the thoughts consumed his mind before he moved forward and started to push a pumpkin over toward Levi. It was a large one, more yellow in shade than orange but he figured it was a nicely sized as it was going to be and the color was pretty to him. Maybe Levi would like a better and that thought brought a bit of worry to him before he attempted to lightly look at the doberman. "We can try it together. I've never done this before either and it seems pointless but we can make a face with this one."

Re: we desensitize by hysteria - pumpkin carving - guts - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Cosette heaves a sigh. She was just as clueless as they all were, and yet the whole scene was frustrating, how they acted like lost puppies. They were supposed to be a fearsome clan, weren't they? But then again, they were all so focused on making a reputation that they probably didn't know how to do anything else. It was kind of sad. Taking a seat, she decided to just sit and watch, even though a part of her was interested in participating. It seemed fun, even if it was 'a waste of time.'

"Can I, um, try it?" she asks quietly, hoping that there were more pumpkins around, though she didn't see any. "We can still make some bread with the left-overs." she quickly adds, not wanting to make either party unhappy. Making some food for their supply wouldn't hurt, either. Living in the desert wasn't a walk in the park, after all.